《管理溝通》屬於商務英語高級階段教材,也可供MBA教學使用。《管理溝通讀本》的定位的補充讀物,也可供有一定英語基礎和管養具有管理和商務溝通能力的複合型人才。《管理溝通》內容由交際、管理和領導三部分組成,以交際為主。《管理溝通》用英語編寫,作者是Lin Bothwell,哈佛行為學博士,大學教授,曾在美國出版領導藝術一書,該書常銷13年。該作者曾在清華大學管理學院授課,講授管理溝通課程。《管理溝通》共14章,前4章介紹了溝通的基本理論和技巧;第五至第11章介紹了組織內外的管理溝通的各個方面,包括管理過程、人力資源管理、行銷管理、跨組織管理等;最後三章介紹了高層管理溝通,包括戰略管理、決策和領導力等。每章有練習題,部分章節有案例。編輯推薦
Chapter 1 A Communication ModelWhat Is Communication; Barriers to Effective Communication; Communication in Practice
Chapter 2 Interpersonal Communication Skills for Managers
Interpersonal Communication; Types of Interpersonal Communication
Chapter 3 Oral Communication Skills
Listening and Speaking; Non-verbal Communication; Public Speaking
Chapter 4 Written Communication Skills
Communication Through Writing; The Process of Writing
Chapter 5 The Process of Management
Planning; Organizing; Directing ; Controlling
Chapter 6 Human Resource Management I
Recruitment and Selection; The Job Hunting Process; New Employee Orientation; Training and Team Building; Motivation of Employees
Chapter 7 Human Resource Management II
Organizational Constraints; Delegation; Job Enrichment;
Employee Appraisals, Discipline and Development;
Succession Planning
Chapter 8 General Management Challenges
Showing Respect for Every Employee; Group Climate and the Management of Frustration and Conflict; The Management of Time; Managing Effective Meetings
Chapter 9 Marketing Communication
Marketing; Advertising; Sales; Customer Service
Chapter 10 Inter-organizational Communication
What Is the Same? What Is Different?; Guidelines for Inter-organi-zational Communication
Chapter 11 International Management and Intercultural Communication
Language; Non-verbal Communication Elements; Culture
Chapter 12 Strategic Management Communication
Introduction; Aspects of Strategic Planning; Communication in Strategic Management
Chapter 13 Executive Decision Making
Decision Making and Top Management; Effective Decision Making; Problem Solving
Chapter 14 Leadership and Communication
What Is Leadership?; Approaches to Leadership;Leadership by Objectives and Results
Appendix A Exercises for Personal Assessment
Appendix B Guidelines for Teachers and Trainers
Communication is the single most important leadership skill and the most important organizational topic to be discussed in this book. Civilization is created through communication; culture is transmitted to future generations, problems are solved, relation-ships formed, all that makes us human is wrapped up in our ability to communicate effectively.Communication can be defined as a two-way transfer of meaning. Each part of this definition contains meaning that aids in understanding what communication is and does. Two-way implies that communication is an interactive process with information both being sent and returning. The term transfer in the definition implies that the meaning must get from one person to another. There is no current "Mork from Ork" technique for touching another person and instantaneously transferring information. Therefore, your message must go through a medium. There are problems in getting the message through that medium.
The third part of the definition is the concept of meaning. The definition could read "a two-way transfer of information, ideas, concepts, or feelings." Any of these definitions would have been adequate, but the word meanings was chosen because several concepts associated with the term meanings aid in the understanding of communication.
First, meanings come from two places: inside the communicator and from the context (environment) of the communication. When you are communicating with a different person, or the same person in a different environment, the meaning will change. Telling employees to get a job done immediately will sound different to them on a Friday afternoon than it will on a Tuesday morning.
Second, people develop meanings for communication symbols based on their experi-ence. Since no two people have the same experience, no two people will have the same meanings. A client may call you and say that his check was incorrect. What you think of, as a check may not be what he means by a check. In fact,
華南理工大學出版社是教育部主管的全國重點大學出版社,成立於1985年。二十多年來,我社始終堅持為高校教學、科研和學科建設服務的辦社宗旨,秉承“服務教育,傳承文明,致力原創,追求卓越”的出版理念,以品牌建設為龍頭,以學科建設為依託,發揮學校學科和廣東地域優勢,堅持以學術精品為立社之本,增強自主創新能力。 |
管理就是制定,執行,檢查和改進。即管理者在一定的環境條件下,對組織所擁有的資源進行計畫、組織、領導、控制和協調,以有效的實現組織目標的過程。 |