曾任首都醫科大學附屬北京口腔醫院副院長、口腔醫學院副院長,北京口腔醫學研究所副所長,現任首都醫科大學副校長 。 2011.8---掛任北京市衛生局副局長。

中華口腔醫學會口腔生物醫學專業委員會主任委員,中華口腔醫學會口腔醫學教育專業委員會主任委員、涎腺學組組長。《Oral Diseases》等5本國際期刊編委,《中華口腔醫學雜誌》副主編。發表論文150餘篇,其中SCI收錄66篇,主編專著6部。獲國際口腔威廉蓋茨(William J. Gies)獎、《JDR》最佳封面論文獎、獲兩次國家科技進步二等獎、為全國百篇優博指導教師、衛生部突貢專家,全國優秀科技工作者。承擔973、863課題、國家傑青基金、國自然重點項目等課題。主研方向為涎腺疾病、牙齒髮育和再生. 2001年榮獲國家傑出青年基金(總理基金),1999年入選國家人事部跨世紀學科學術帶頭人,1997年獲全國衛生系統十大傑出青年崗位能手稱號。2004年衛生部突出貢獻中青年專家,2005年獲北京市優秀歸國留學人員突出貢獻獎,享受國務院政府特殊津貼。
王松靈, Functional Tooth Restoration by Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cell-based Bio-root Regeneration in Swine, Stem Cells and Development, 2013/1/30.
SONG LING WANG, 唾液硝酸鹽在急性應激狀態下的主動分泌及對胃黏膜的保護作用, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 57(4), pp 61-67, 2012/12/28.
王松靈, Demethylation of Epiregulin Gene by Histone Demethylase FBXL11 and BCL6 Corepressor Inhibits Osteo/dentinogenic Differentiation, Stem Cells, 31(1), pp 126-136, 2012/12/19.
王松靈, MicroRNAome and expression profile of developing tooth germ in miniature pigs, PLos One, 7(12), p 52256, 2012/12/18.
王松靈, Mesenchymal stem cells derived from inflamed periodontal ligaments exhibit impaired immunomodulation, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 39(12), pp 1174-1182, 2012/12.
*SONG LING WANG, Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell treatment alleviates experimental and clinical Sjögren syndrome, Blood, 120(15), pp 3142-3151, 2012/10/18.
*SONG LING WANG, Sialin (SLC17A5) functions as a nitrate transporter in the plasma membrane, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(33), pp 13434-13439, 2012/8/14.
*SONG LING WANG, Dentin Regeneration Using Deciduous Pulp Stem/Progenitor Cells, Journal of Dental Research, 91(7), pp 676-682, 2012/6/1.
*SONG LING WANG, Early-stage pathogenic sequence of jaw osteoradionecrosis in vivo, Journal of Dental Research, 91(7), pp 702-708, 2012/6/1.
*SONG LING WANG, Mesenchymal stromal cell-based treatment of jaw osteoradionecrosis in swine, Cell Transplantation, 21卷, pp 1679-1686, 2012.
SONG LING WANG, Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Tissue Regeneration is Governed by Recipient T Lymphocyte via IFN-γ and TNF-α, Nature Medicine, 17(12), pp 1594-1601, 2011/6/21.
*SONG LING WANG, AAV2-mediated transfer of the human aquaporin-1 cDNA restores fluid secretion from irradiated miniature pig parotid glands, Gene Therapy, 18(1), pp 38-42, 2011.
*SONG LING WANG, Allogeneic Periodontal Ligament Stem Cell Therapy for Periodontitis in Swine, Stem Cells, 28卷, pp 1829-1838, 2010/8/31.
*SONG LING WANG, Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth can differentiate into dopaminergic neuron-like cells, Stem Cells and Development, 19(9), pp 1375-1383, 2010.
*SONG LING WANG, Effect of irradiation on microvascular endothelial cells of parotid glands in miniature pig, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 78卷, pp 897-903, 2010.
*SONG LING WANG, Effect of cryopreservation on biological and immunological properties of stem cells from apical papilla., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 223(2), pp 415-422, 2010.
*SONG LING WANG, Stem cells from deciduous tooth repair mandibular defect in swine, Journal of Dental Research, 88卷, pp 249-254, 2009.
*SONG LING WANG, Long-term transduction of miniature pig parotid glands using serotype 2 adeno-associated viral vectors, J Gene Med, 11卷, pp 506-514, 2009.
Songlin Wang; Lizheng Qin; Xibao Liu; Dengsheng Xia; Qifei Sun; Ruitang Shi; Gang Ding; Senrong Qi; Junqi He; Dajun Deng; Indu S. Ambudkar, Salivary nitrate and nitrite provide gastroprotection and host emergency defense, 2008 International conference on frontiers of dental and craniofacial research, 2008/11/1-2008/11/3, 北京, 2008/11/1, 特邀報告.
Sun Q-F; Sun Q-H; Du J; *Wang S, Differential gene expression profiles of normal human parotid and submandibular glands., Oral Diseases, 14(6), pp 500-509, 2008/9.
2011年8月,中國科學院公布了2011年中國科學院院士增選初步候選人名單。145位科技工作者入圍,其中數學物理學部21人,化學部23人,生命科學和醫學學部30人,地學部25人,信息技術科學部18人,技術科學部28人。 |