1988年—1992年 華中科技大學 機械系 學士
1992年—1995年 華中科技大學 機械系 碩士
1996年—2001年 新加坡國立大學 材料科學系 博士
2001年—2004年 美國 橡樹嶺國家實驗室 博士後
1999年—2001年 新加坡 美國庫力索法工業公司 研發工程師
2001年—2004年 美國 橡樹嶺國家實驗室 博士後
2004年—2006年 美國 橡樹嶺國家實驗室 研究員
2007年— 北京科技大學新金屬材料國家重點實驗室 建龍特聘教授
2007年— 北京科技大學新金屬材料國家重點實驗室 長江學者特聘教授
1. 塊體非晶態合金的物理冶金,力學行為及其工程套用
. 2010年,教育部自然科學獎二等獎
. 2009年,美國R&D 100 大獎
· 2009年,國務院特殊津貼
· 2008年, 國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者
· 2007年,美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室“Significant Event Award (SAE)”
· 2007年,中國教育部長江學者特聘教授
· 2007年,以第三作者發表在《Science》上有關耐熱鋼工作的論文被Materials Today做專題報導和評述
· 2006年,北京科技大學建龍講座教授
· 2005年,美國材料研究協會研究生大獎評審
· 2005年,美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室2005年年度傑出科技青年之一
· 2005年,ISI 機構確定發表在Acta Materialia的論文為材料科學界“Fast Moving Frontier”論文
· 2004年,發表在Physics Review Letters上的論文被美國物理學會評為世界上“Top Physics Stories”之一
· 2004年,塊體非晶鋼的工作被世界各地的媒介採訪和評述,包括著名的學術雜誌Nature,人民日報
· 2003年,發表在Applied Physics Letters上的論文被Science選做“Editor’s Choice” 並被MaterialsToday 採訪和評述
· 中國材料研究學會金屬間化合物與非晶合金分會第一屆理事會理事
· 多種國際學術雜誌的審稿人,其中包括Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Intermetallics, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, Materials Transactions and Metallurgy A, Journal of Materials Research, Journal of Materials Science, Acta Materialia 及 Scripta Materialia.
1) 塊體非晶合金的原子結構、本徵特性與套用潛力的基礎研究,長江學者教育部創新團隊,2011-2014年
2) 塊體非晶合金原子尺度下的變形機理及動態納米晶化過程,國際重大合作項目(51010001),2011-2014年
3) 先進金屬結構和功能材料,高等學校學科創新引智計畫項目, 2012-2015年
1)L. Wang, Z. P. Lu, and T. G. Nieh, “Onset of yielding and shear band nucleation in an Au-based bulk metallic glass”, Scripta Mater. 65, 2011, 759-762.
2)X. J. Liu, Y. Xu, Z. P. Lu, X. Hui, G. L. Chen, G. P. Zheng, and C. T. Liu, “Atomic packing symmetry in the metallic liquid and glass states”, Acta Materialia 59, 2011, 6480-6488.
3)J. E. Gao, H. X. Li, Z. B. Jiao, Y. Wu, Y. H. Chen, T. Yu, and Z. P. Lu, Effects of nanocrystal formation on the soft magnetic properties of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 99, 2011, 052504.
4)X. Q. Xu, X. F. Zhang, G. L. Chen, and Z. P. Lu, “Improvement of high-temperature oxidation resistance and strength in alumina-forming austenitic stainless steels”, Materials Letters 65, 2011, 3285-3288.
5)Z. B. Jiao, H. X. Li, J. E. Gao, Y. Wu, and Z. P. Lu, “Effects of alloying elements on glass formation, mechanical and soft-magnetic properties of Fe-based metallic glasses”, Intermetallics 19, 2011, 1502-1508.
6)Y. Wu, H. Wang, H. H. Wu, Z.Y. Zhang, X. D. Hui, G.L. Chen, D. Ma, X. L. Wang, and Z. P. Lu, “Formation of Cu–Zr–Al bulk metallic glass composites with improved tensile properties”, Acta Mater. 59, 2011, 2928–2936.
7)L. Wang, H. Bei, Y. F. Gao, Z. P. Lu, and T. G. Nieh, “Effect of residual stresses on the hardness of bulk metallic glasses”, Acta Mater. 59, 2011, 2858–2864.
8)X. J. Liu, G. L. Chen, F. Li, X. D. Hui, Z. P. Lu, F. Ye, and C. T. Liu, “Evolution of atomic ordering in metallic glasses”, Intermetallics 18, 2010, 2333-2337.
9)X. D. Hui, Z. Y. Xu, E. R. Wang, G. L. Chen, and Z. P. Lu, “Excellent Magnetocaloric Effect in Er60Al18Co22 Bulk Metallic Glass”, Chinese Physics Lett. 27, 2010, 117502.
10)X. H. Chen, B. Y. Zhang, G. L. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. D. Hui, Z. P. Lu, X. J. Liu, Y. Xu, and X. R. Xing, “Continuously manufacturing of bulk metallic glass-coated wire composite”, Intermetallics 18, 2010, 2034.
11)X. J. Liu, Y. Xu, X. Hui, Z. P. Lu*, F. Li, G. L. Chen, J. Lu, and C. T. Liu, “Metallic Liquids and Glasses: Atomic Order and Global Packing”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 2010,155501.
12)H. X. Li, Z. B. Jiao, J. E. Gao and Z. P. Lu, “Synthesis of bulk glassy Fe–C–Si–B–P–Ga alloys with high glass-forming ability and good soft-magnetic properties”, Intermetallics 18, 1821-1825, 2010.
13)G. J. Hao, J. P. Lin, Y. Zhang, G. L. Chen, Z. P. Lu,“Ti–Zr–Be ternary bulk metallic glasses correlated with binary eutectic clusters”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 527, 2010, 6248-6250.
14)Y. Wu ,Y. H. Xiao , G. L. Chen , C. T. Liu, Z. P. Lu, “Bulk Metallic Glass Composites with Transformation-Mediated Work-Hardening and Ductility”, Adv. Mater. 22, 2010, 2770-2773.
15)H. Bei, Z. P. Lu, S. Shim, G. Chen, E. P.George, “Specimen size effects on Zr-based bulk metallic glasses investigated by uniaxial compression and spherical nanoindentation”, Met. Met. Trans. A 80, 2010, 1735-1742.
16)Y. Wu, H. X. Li, Z. B. Jiao, J. E. Gao, Z. P. Lu, “Size effects on the compressive deformation behaviour of a brittle Fe-based bulk metallic glass”, Phil. Mag. Lett. 90, 2010, 403-412.
17)D. Ma, A. D. Stoica, X.-L. Wang, Z. P. Luand T. Proffen, “In-situ neutron scattering study of crystallization in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass”’ Appl. Phys. A: Mater. Sci. & Processing 99, 2010, 537-542.
18)J. Chang, X. Hui, Z. Y. Xu, Z. P. Lu and G. L. Chen, “Ni–Gd–Al metallic glasses with large magnetocaloric effect”, Intermetallics 18, 2010, 1132-1136.
19)Y. H. Xiao, Y. Wu, Z. Y. Liu, H. H. Wu, Z. P. Lu, “Effects of cooling rates on the mechanical properties of a Ti-based bulk metallic glass”, Sci. China: Phys., Mecha. & Astro. 53, 2010, 394-398.
20)Z B. Jiao, H. X. Li, Y. Wu, J. E. Gao, S. L. Wang, S. Yi, Z. P. Lu*, “Effects of Mo additions on the glass-forming ability and magnetic properties of bulk amorphous Fe-C-Si-B-P-Mo alloys”, Sci. China: Phys., Mecha. & Astro. 53, 2010, 430-434.
21)S. Guo, Z. P. Lu, C. T. Liu, “Identify the best glass forming ability criterion”, Intermetallics 18, 2010, 883-888.
22)Y. Wu, H. X. Li, Z. Y. Liu, G. L. Chen, Z. P. Lu*, “Interpreting size effects of bulk metallic glasses based on a size-independent critical energy density”, Intermetallics 18, 2010, 157.
23)Y. Wu, H. H. Wu, X. D. Hui, G. L. Chen and Z.P. Lu, “Effects of drawing on the tensile fracture strength and its reliability of metallic glasses”, Acta Mater. 58, 2010, 2564-2576.
1) Y. Wu, G. L. Chen, X. D. Hui, C. T. Liu, Y. Lin, X. C. Shang, Z. P. Lu*, “A quantitative link between micro plastic instability and macroscopic deformation behaviors in metallic glasses”, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 083512, 2009.
2) H. X. Li, J. E. Gao, Z. B. Jiao, Y. Wu, Z. P. Lu*, “Glass-forming ability enhanced by proper additions of oxygen in a Fe-based metallic glass”, Appl. Phys. Letter. 95, 191605, 2009.
3) D. Ma, A. D. Stoica, X. L. Wang, Z. P. Lu, M. Xu, M. Kramer, “Efficient local atomic packing in metallic glasses and its correlation with glass-forming ability”, Phy. Rev. B 80, 2009, 014202.
4) Y. Wu, H. X. Li, G. L. Chen, X. D. Hui, B. Y. Wang, Z. P. Lu*, “Nonlinear tensile deformation behavior of small sized metallic glasses”, Scripta Mater. 61, 2009, 564.
5) H. X. Li, S. L. Wang, S. Yi, Z. B. Jiao, Y. Wu, Z. P. Lu*,“ Glass formation and magnetic properties of Fe-C-Si-B-P-(Cr-Al-Co) bulk metallic glasses fabricated using industrial raw materials”, J. Magnet. Magnet. Mat. 321, 2009, 2833-37.
6) Z. Y. Liu, Y. Wu, H. X. Li, H. Bei, Z. P. Lu*, “Alloying effects of iridium on glass formation and glass-forming ability of the Zr–Cu–Al system”, J. Mater. Res. 24, 2009, 1619.
7) H. X. Li, Z. P. Lu, S. Yi, “Estimation of the glass formation ability of the Fe-based bulk metallic glass Fe68.8C7.0Si3.5B5.0P9.6Cr2.1Mo2.0Al2.0 that contains non-metallic inclusions”, Met. Mater. Int., 15, 2009, 7-14.
8) Y. Wu, X. D. Hui, Z. P. Lu*, Z. Y. Liu, L. Liang, G. L. Chen, “Effects of metalloid elements on the glass-forming ability of Fe-based alloys”, J. Alloy Comp., 467,2009 187-190. 9) Z. P. Lu, H. Bei, Y. Wu, G. L. Chen, E. P. George, C. T. Liu, “ Oxygen effects on plastic deformation of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass”, Appl. Phys. Letts92, 2008, 011915.
10) Y. Yamamoto, M. P. Brady,Z. P. Lu, C. T. Liu, M. Takeyama, P. J. Maziasz, B. A. Pint, “Alumina-forming austenitic stainless steels strengthened by laves phase and MC carbide precipitates”, Metal. Mater. Trans. 38 A, 2007, 2737-2746.
11) Z. P. Lu and C. T. Liu, “A Scheme to Design Multi-component Bulk Metallic Glasses in Ideal Glass-Forming Liquids”, Mater. Trans. 48, 2007,2476-2482.
12) D. Ma, A. D. Stoica, L. Yang, X. L. Wang, Z. P. Lu, J. Neuefeind, M. T. Kramer, J. W. Richardson, T. Proffen, “Nearest-neighbor coordination and chemical ordering in multicomponent bulk metallic glasses”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 90, 2007, 211908.
13) Y. Yamamoto, M. P. Brady, Z. P. Lu, P. J. Maziasz, C.T. Liu, B.A. Pint, K.L. More, H.M. Meyer, E.A. Payzant, “Creep-Resistant, Al2O3-Forming Austenitic Stainless Steels”, Science, 316, 2007, 433-436.
14) Z. P. Lu, D. Ma, C.T. Liu, and Y.A. Chang, “Competitive formation of glasses and glass–matrix composites”, Intermetallics15, 2007, 253-259.
15) Z. P. Lu, C. T. Liu, X. Z. Wang, “Minor additions of Sn in a bulk glass-forming Fe-based system”, J. Mat. Res. 21, 2006, 3180-6.
16) Z. P. Lu, J. Shen, D. W. Xing, and J. F. Sun and C. T. Liu, “Binary eutectic clusters and glass formation in ideal glass-forming liquids”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 2006, 071910.
17) H. Bei, Z. P. Lu and E. P. George, “Theoretical strength and the onset of plasticity in bulk metallic glasses investigated by nanoindentation with a spherical indenter”, Phys. Rev. Lett., V93, 2004, 125504.
18) Z. P. Lu, C. T. Liu, J. R. Thompson and W. D. Porter, “Structural amorphous steels”, Phys. Rev. Lett., V92, 2004, 245503.
19) Z. P. Lu and C. T. Liu, “A New approach to understanding and measuring glass formation in bulk amorphous materials”, Intermetallics12, 2004, 1035-1043.
20) Z. P. Lu and C. T. Liu, “Bulk glass formation in an Fe-based Fe-Y-Zr-M(M= Cr, Co, Al)-Mo-B system”, J. Mater. Research, V19, 2004, 921-929.
21) Z. P. Lu and C. T. Liu, “Role of minor alloying additions in formation of bulk metallic glasses: a review”, J. Mater. Sci. (Cahn Special Issue) 39, 2004, 3965-3974.
22) Z. P. Lu and C. T. Liu, “Glass formation criterion for various glass-forming systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett., V91, 2003, 115505.
23) Z. P. Lu, C. T. Liu et al., “Role of yttrium in glass formation of Fe based bulk metallic glasses”, Appl. Phys. Letts. 83, 2003, 2581.
24) Z. P. Lu, C. T. Liu, C. H. Kam and Y. Li, “Direct observation of a concealed glass transition in a Mg-Ni-Nd metallic glass”, Appl. Phys. Lett., V82, 2003, 862.
25) Z. P. Lu, Y. Li and C. T. Liu, “Glass forming tendency of bulk La-Al-Ni-Cu-(Co) metallic glass forming liquids”, J. Appl. Phys., V93, 2003, 286-290.
“長江學者獎勵計畫”是中華人民共和國教育部與香港愛國實業家李嘉誠先生為提高中國高等學校學術地位,振興中國高等教育,共同籌資設立的專項計畫。該計畫包括實行特聘教授崗位制度和長江學者成就獎兩項內容。 |