冰島蓼Koenigia islandica L. Mant. 1:35.1767; Stew. in Contr. Gray Herb.88: 15,t. 1.f. E.t. 2. f. 1-2;西藏植物志1: 602. 1983; Hara,Enum. Flow Pl. Nep. 3: 174.1982——Polygonum islandricum (L.) Hook.f. Brit.Ind.5:24.1886.
一年生草本。莖矮小,細弱,高3-7厘米,通常簇生,帶紅色,無毛,分枝開展。葉寬橢圓形或倒卵形,長3-6毫米,寬2-4毫米,無毛,頂端通常圓鈍,基部寬楔形;葉柄長1-3毫米;托葉鞘短,膜質,褐色;花簇腋生或頂生,花被3深裂,淡綠色,花被片寬橢圓形,長約1毫米;雄蕊3,比花被短;花柱2, 極短,柱頭頭狀。瘦果長卵形,雙凸鏡狀,黑褐色,具顆粒狀小點,無光澤,比宿存花被稍長。花期7-8月,果期8-9月。植物分類學報摘要
藍藥蓼Polygonum cyanandrum Diels和大銅錢葉蓼P. forrestii Diels是否應歸於冰島蓼屬Koenigia至今未得到很好的解決。本文利用葉綠體DNA的atpB-rbcL序列來評價這兩個物種的親緣關係和屬的歸屬。對這兩個物種以及相關代表種的atpB-rbcL序列分析發現,該片段的長度有較大的變異,從753 bP到902 bP;存在豐富的系統發育變異位點。系統發育分析表明:藍藥蓼和大銅錢葉蓼與冰島蓼K. islandica聚為支持率較高的分支。而蓼屬Polygonum代表種和其他屬的代表種組成另外的分支,表明這兩個種應置於冰島蓼屬。這一結果與花粉和染色體證據相吻合。根據這些證據以及形態學特徵,還對冰島蓼屬與蓼屬的範圍與界定進行了討論。It has been debated whether two Polygonum species, P. cyanandrum Diels and P. forrestii Diels, should be transferred to Koenigia. In the present paper, nucleotide variations of the chloroplast atpB-rbcL noncoding spacer were examined for these two species and related representatives from the Polygonaceae. The atpB-rbcL spacer region varies among sampled species with a range from 753 to 902 bp, and the great variation in this region provides enough information for evaluating the phylogenetic relationships of the two investigated species. In contrast to the view that these two species belong to Polygonum, our phylogenetic analyses based on these molecular data showed that P. cyanandrum and P. forrestii were nested within a well supported dade including Koenigia islandica; the other three Polygonum species grouped with species of different genera. These results suggest that the two species should be transferred to Koenigia from Polygonum, and that phylogenetic relationships among Polygonum and related genera need to be further investigated with increased taxon sampling and gene markers. The resulting phylogeny is consistent with the previous suggestions based on pollen and chromosome investigations. The generic circumscription between Koenigia and Polygonum is also discussed in light of these results in combination with gross morphology.
蓼目(Polygonales) 雙子葉植物綱(木蘭綱) 僅1科, 目的特徵與科同。 蓼科 (Polygonaceae) 草本,莖節常膨大,單葉互生,全緣;托葉膜質,鞘狀包莖,稱托葉鞘。 |
石竹目(Caryophyllales) 雙子葉植物綱(木蘭綱) 亦稱中央胎座目(Centrospermae)。 顯花植物的一目,屬雙子葉植物綱(特徵特徵為具兩片子葉)。 |