1. 期,期限
They were sentenced to long terms in prison.
2. 學期
Are there any examinations at the end of term?
3. 任期
The President's term of office is four years.
4. 【律】開庭期;地產租用期;償債期
5. (契約,談判等的)條件;條款[P]
We accepted the new terms.
6. 關係,友誼;地位[P][(+with)]
We are on good terms with our neighbors.
7. 要求額,費用,價格[P]
8. 專門名詞,術語;(一般的)詞,名稱
I am not familiar with chemical terms.
9. 措辭,說話的方式[P]
10. 限期;(租賃等的)終止期;結賬期
11. 【數】【物】項;條
1. 把...稱為,把...叫做[(+as)][O8][O9]
He termed the play a tragedy.
1. a word or expression used for some particular thing
2. a limited period of time
3. (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement同義詞:condition
4. any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial
5. one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition
6. the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent同義詞:full term
7. (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome同義詞:terminus, terminal figure
1. name formally or designate with a term
at term 到期終時; 到期
be born at full terms (小孩)足月生
be in terms 在談判[交涉]中
be on intimate terms with 與...關係密切
bring sb. to terms 使某人接受條件, 使某人屈服[就範]
come to terms 屈服; 妥協; 達成協定; 接受條件, 對...採取將就態度
come to terms with one's existence 安分守己
during one's term of office 在任職期間
eat one's terms [英]學法律, 準備當律師
for term of (one's) life 一輩子
holiday terms [speeches, words] 冠冕堂皇的言語; 好聽的話; 奉承話
in any term 無論如何, 在任何情況下
in black and white terms 白紙黑字; 毫不含糊
in flattering terms 用奉承的言詞, 用過獎的話語
in (good) set terms 用明確嚴密的話語; 用毫不含糊的言語
in general terms 概括地, 籠統地
in high terms 極力稱讚
in plain terms 簡單說來, 坦白地說
in practical terms 實際上
in terms 在談判[協商]中 明確地, 毫不含糊地
in terms of 依..., 據...; 從...方面; 從...角度來講; 換算, 折合; 以...為單位; 關於, 在...方面, 就...來說
in the long term 從長遠觀點來看
in the short term 就眼前來說
inclusive terms 包括各種費用在內的價目(通常指旅館的膳宿費等)
ink-horn term 賣弄學問的措詞; 咬文嚼字的詞語
keep a term 上一個學期的課, 在學校住宿一學期
keep on good (friendly) terms with sb. 與某人保持良好(友誼)關係, 交朋友
keep terms with sb. 和...繼續談判, 與某人保持友好關係
law term 法律用語 (法庭)開庭期 Lent term 大學春秋學期
make terms with 和...談判[妥協, 規定條件, 達成協定]
mutual terms [principles] 交換條件
not on any terms [on no terms] 決不,無論如何不
not on borrowing terms 無交情, 不很友好(通常指鄰居關係)
on bad terms 不和, 關係不好
on easy terms 【商】以分期付款的方式; 以優厚的條件
on equal terms with 和...條件相同, 與...平等相處
on even terms 和...不相上下
on good[friendly] terms 友善, 要好, 關係良好
on one's own terms 按照自己的條件[價錢]; 按照自己的主張
on sb.'s terms 按照某人的條件[意見, 定價]
on speaking terms 泛泛之交, 僅僅相識而已(與with連用)
on terms 友好, 關係良好 在談判中; 在商議中 在平等地位上
on visiting [familiar, first-name, intimate writing] terms with 和...有來往[很熟, 親屬, 通信]的朋友關係
serve one's term 服刑 服兵役 服務滿期或任滿
set a term to 對...加以限制
stand on [upon] terms 堅持條件[權利]; 拒絕讓步
technical terms 術語, 專門名詞
Trinity term [英]牛津大學學期之一; 高等法院6月9日至7月31日的開庭期
term by term 逐項地
term of [for]years 於一定期間掌有的地產權
