
《榮耀之地》是1994年美國世界盃主題曲 。演唱者:達利爾·豪 。這首《榮耀之地》雖然有個響亮的名字,但是英雄主義色彩在這首歌中蕩然無存。相比之下,1994年的世界盃合輯中收錄的其他大牌藝人的作品如皇后樂隊的《我們是冠軍》更是成為全球球迷公認的 “球迷之歌”。
然無存。“榮耀之地”在音樂風格上更接近於民謠與流行搖滾樂的結合,很有些美國西部荒原的蒼茫感。1994年作者兼主唱達利爾創作了此歌,並邀請福音曲演唱組合“黑暗之聲 ”(Sounds of blackness)協助錄製。由於作品缺乏對足球運動的共鳴,很快淹沒在人們的記憶之中。1994年的世界盃合輯中收錄的其他大牌藝人的作品倒是要比主題曲精彩得多。
It started with a feelingand a dream was born in you
You hope and pray that come the day
you'll see that dream come true.
With every passing moment
you begin to understand
that you're bound for gloryland.
With a hunger in your heart
and with fire in your soul,
with passion rising high,
you know that you can reach your goal (reach your goal)
Believe in what you do
and you'll go straight to see it through (to see it through)
on the road to gloryland (gloryland gloryland)
and I say (loving it)
Gloryland, in gloryland (gloryland)
it's in your heart, it's in your hand.
in gloryland (in gloryland) hey gloryland (gloryland)
you're here in gloryland
This is gloryland.
As the day gets ever closer
you are reaching for the sky.
the flames that burn inside
are the flames that never die.
When you start to believe
it's in your heart, it's in your hand
know this (this) is gloryland
and I say
gloryland, in gloryland
it's in your heart, it's in your hand.
in gloryland, hey gloryland
you're here in gloryland
and I say
gloryland, (in gloryland) gloryland
it's in your heart, it's in your hand.
in gloryland, hey gloryland
you're here in gloryland
This is gloryland.
簡介:世界盃開始有主題歌始於1986年墨西哥世界盃,每一次的世界盃,都會給我們帶來許多經典的歌曲,比如90年的《義大利之夏》、98年的《生命之杯》等等。2010年南非世界盃的主題曲已經公布,由Shakira演唱的《Waka waka》成為這屆的官方主題曲,另外K'naan的《Wavin' Flag》(中文譯名為《飄揚的旗幟》)是另一首主題曲,中文版的主題曲則由張靚穎和張學友合唱,歌名叫做《旗開得勝》。 2014年巴西世界盃官方主題曲為《we are one》。 |
《別樣的英雄》|《義大利之夏》|《榮耀之地》|《我踢球你介意嗎》|《生命之杯》|《風暴》|《ANTHEM》|《讓我們走到一起》|《我們生命中的時光》|《飄揚的旗幟》|《waka waka》|《旗開得勝》|《We Are One》 |