The Summer Palace was first built in 1750, the 15th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. It was burned down by the British and French invasion forces in 1860, and was rebuilt in 1886, during the reign of Emperor Guangxu. The Long Corridor has 273 sections decorated with more than 8,000 colored paintings, with a total length of 728 meters. It was named the largest painted corridor in the world by The Guinness Book of Records in 1990.
The beams of the Long Corridor are painted with colored human figures, landscapes, and flowers and birds, all very delicate, vivid, and true to life. The most fascinating of them are the over 200 paintings depicting historical figures, folk tales, myths, legends, and stories from classical novels and historical records. These works are rich in content, covering the 5,000-year history of China.
《三國演義》中的故事。中國東漢年間,公元190年,西涼刺史董卓領兵二十萬搶占京城洛陽,廢少帝劉辯,立劉協為獻帝,自封為相國,上壓天子,下欺群臣。朝中許多大臣都想除掉他,曹操就是其中一個。一天,他身藏一把寶刀前去行刺,不料被董卓發現,他急中生智,跪倒向董卓獻刀。This is a story from the classical novel The Romance of the Tree Kingdoms. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, in 190, Dong Zhou led 200,000 troops to capture Luoyang, the capital city. He dethroned Liu Bian and made Liu Xie the emperor, with the title Emperor Xian, and himself the prime minister. He had the emperor and all the ministers under his thumb. A conspiracy was hatched, led by Cao Cao, who one day was discovered to be carrying a concealed sword, as he intended to assassinate Dong Zhuo. The quick-witted Cao Cao however pretended to have brought the precious sword as a present for Dong Zhuo, and thus escaped execution.
《三國演義》中的故事。公元196年,諸葛亮隱居南陽,自稱“臥龍先生”,有經天緯地之才。劉備預興漢室,三顧茅廬請諸葛亮出山。第三次終於得見。諸葛亮建議劉備北讓曹操,南讓孫權,先取荊州,再取西川,然後圖中原。後來,諸葛亮輔助劉備,按隆中決策形成了三足鼎立的天下。This is another story from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In 196, Zhuge Liang was living in seclusion in Nanyang. General Liu Bei, who wanted to restore the rule of the Han Dynasty, paid three visits to Zhuge Liang's thatched cottage to ask for his help. Liu Bei was finally received by Zhuge Liang on his third visit. Zhuge Liang suggested that Liu Bei give way to Cao Cao in the north and Sun Quan in the south and first take Jingzhou, then Xichuan, and finally the Central Plains. Later Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Bei in carryng out their plan made in Longzhong and built the ShuKingdom, determining the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms.
周敦頤生於北宋年間,是中國道學創始人。他為官秉公辦案,不畏權貴;辦案不辭勞苦,積勞成疾;後辭官歸故里,在廬山蓮花峰下養病。他喜愛蓮花,寫下了至今還在中國廣泛流傳的名篇《愛蓮說》:蓮“出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖”。他讚美蓮花的同時,也表達了個人的心志和為人。Zhou Dunyi, of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), was the founder of a school of Taoism. As an official, he was renowned for his integrity. Resigning his post because of illness, he returned home to live in seclusion at the foot of Lotus flowers, and wrote a famous essay, entitled, "Love for Lotus Flowers," part of which goes: "Born in mud, lotus flowers are not sullied; washed by clear ripples, they are not coquettish." He expressed his firm will and attitude towards life by singing the praises of lotus flowers.
《三國演義》中的故事。潁川徐庶為劉備軍師,幾番計謀大敗曹軍。曹操用計將徐母接到曹營,模仿徐母字跡寫信給徐庶,讓他速去救母命。徐庶為人至孝,見信淚如雨下,告別劉備辭行。劉備送徐庶一程又一程,依依不捨,別時淚如泉湧,久久目送徐庶遠去身影。忽然,徐庶撥馬而回,向劉備推薦一奇士,此人居住襄陽城外二十里的隆中,就是三國時大名鼎鼎的諸葛亮。From The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Xu Shu was Liu Bei's military advisor. Cao Cao, Liu Bei's arch-enemy, wrote a letter to Xu Shu in which he pretended to be the latter's mother, and begged Xu Shu to rescue her from Cao Cao's camp. When he left, Xu Shu recommended the master strategist Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei as his replacement.