Summer Palace Hotel
Summer Palace Hotel位於仰光,是家2星級酒店。酒店,距離瑞光大金塔打車9分鐘,車程約4.8公里。
設施與服務 交通信息 房型及房價介紹 相關條款 -
Xuanwu District
such as the location of the palace..., the Forbidden City, the Palace of the Taiping...'s provisional presidential palace...
Physical Geography Historical Evolution -
Introduction Wuan city is an industrial, comprehensive developme...
Introduction History Urban Traffic -
Wudang Mountains Tourism Economic Zone
, flowers;summer, wind and thunder, clouds..., green mountains, flowers;summer... of the top ten summer resort, in 1994...
Introduction Historical Evolution -
Fuping County, Shaanxi
, Cao Village, the town palace, Mei Jia... of Xian, Cao Village, the town palace...
Overview Historical Evolution Geography -
Haidian District
Haidian District of Beijing, is situated in the northwest suburb...
Overview Physical Geography -
are difficult to handle Feng Qi Gong (Palace...
Historical Evolution Population -
發展歷史1704年,俄國沙皇彼得大帝下令興建夏宮。 彼得大帝夏宮 18世紀初,舉行大型舞會、宮廷慶典等活動。18世紀中,為紀念俄...
發展歷史 建築背景 建造結構 主要景點 旅遊信息 -
The Firmament Of The Pleiades
Introduction TV series" The Firmament of the Pleiades" is an ada...
Introduction Zhuchuang Introduced Cannatella -
發展歷史1704年,俄國沙皇彼得大帝下令興建夏宮。 彼得大帝夏宮 18世紀初,舉行大型舞會、宮廷慶典等活動。18世紀中,為紀念俄...
發展歷史 建築背景 建造結構 主要景點 旅遊信息