菜系及功效:腎調養食譜 健忘食譜 滋陰食譜 壯腰健腎食譜 健脾開胃食譜
口味:鹹鮮味 工藝:燉
1. 淮山、杞子、巴戟天、已發海參、生薑和紅棗分別用水洗淨。
2. 淮山切片。
3. 海參切件。
4. 生薑去皮,切片。
5. 紅棗去核。
6. 將材料全部放入燉盅內。
7. 加入適量的水,蓋上盅蓋,放入鍋內,隔水燉4小時。
8. 加入細鹽調味,即可食用。小帖士-健康提示:
1. 此湯健脾開胃、滋陰補腎。對於記憶力減退、思考能力差、飲食無胃口、精神不振、耳鳴及耳聾等症,都有食療作用。
2. 非病人日常飲用此湯,有滋陰養顏、補腎強精、增強體質的作用。
3. 患傷風感冒初起者,不宜食用。
Cuisine and the Effects: Kidney Yin and nursed back to health recipes recipe recipes forgetful Zhuangyaojianshenwan spleen recipe appetizer recipes
Taste: salty flavor technology: stew
Huai Qi officinalis stewed sea cucumber production materials: Ingredients: Cucumber (flood) 480 g
Accessories: yam (dry) 20 grams, 16 g wolfberry fruit, Morinda officinalis, 20 grams, jujube (dried) 30 g
Seasoning: salt, 4 grams, ginger 5 grams
1. Yam, Wolfberry, Morinda officinalis, has made cucumber, ginger and red dates water wash, respectively.
2. Yam slice.
3. Sea cucumber and cut into pieces.
4. Ginger peeled and sliced.
5. Jujube go nuclear.
6. To all the material into the slow cooker inside.
7. Adding an appropriate amount of water, cover cup with lid and pot, ranch 4 hours.
8. Join Xiyan seasoning and serve immediately. Small posts disabilities - Health Tip:
1. This soup appetizer spleen, kidney yin. For memory loss, thinking ability, eating without appetite, lassitude, tinnitus and deafness embolism, have therapeutic effects.
2. Non-patients daily drinking the soup, Yin beauty, strong kidney essence, and enhance the role of body.
3. The beginning of persons suffering from common cold, unfit for human consumption.
Small posts disabilities - Food with g:
Sea cucumber (flooding): participation in vinegar sea phase g; not the same service and licorice.
Yam (dry): yam evil euphorbia, Euphorbia, not with clothes and basic medicines.
Wolfberry: Wolfberry general should not be warm and too much tea supplements, such as longan, red ginseng, jujube and other common food.
Morinda officinalis: officinalis evil Lei Wan, SM, because herbs are the opposite.