彭穎紅,教授,博士生導師,上海交通大學科技處處長、機械與動力工程學院知識工程研究所所長。國家級有突出貢獻中青年專家,全國優秀青年教師獎獲得者,享受國務院頒發的政府特殊津貼。全國深沖學會副理事長、中國塑性工程學會常務理事,中國模具協會技術委員會委員;上海市投資諮詢專家。華中科技大學兼職教授,重慶大學客座教授,北京工業大學兼職教授,太原重型機械學院兼職教授。《上海交通大學學報》、《塑性工程學報》、《鍛壓技術》、《模具工業》編委。主要研究方向:機械設計中的 KBE理論與套用,材料加工工程中的CAD/CAE/CAM/PDM。先後主持了國家計畫863重點項目、上海市“十五”重點科技攻關、國家自然科學基金和國際合作等科研項目20餘項。兩次獲上海市科技進步三等獎。在國內外學術期刊和會議上發表論文100餘篇,出版專著2部。
Ductile damage and simulation of fine-blanking process by FEM
Investigation on ductile fracture in fine-blanking process by finite element method
Numerical study of influence of anisotropy on flanging earing based on Barlat six-component yield function
FEM and FVM compound numerical simulation of aluminum extrusion processes
Study on Factors Affecting Springback and Application of Data Mining in Springback Analysis
Analysis of FCC sheet metal forming with rate-independent polycrystalline plasticity FEM
Key technologies of zero die trial
Development of a Practical Blank Layout Optimisation System for Stamping Die Design
Simulation and fracture prediction for sintered materials in upsetting by FEM
A Novel Approach to Extract Knowledge from Simulation Results
QLCVUBW8C25Development of a Knowledge-Based Process Planning System for an Auto Panel QGR2W
Fine-blanking process simulation by rigid viscous-plastic FEM coupled with void damage
Applying case-based reasoning to cold forging process planning
Research on hybrid expert system application to blanking technology