堅韌豬籠草(學名:Nepenthes tenax)是澳大利亞昆士蘭州北部特有的熱帶食蟲植物。堅韌豬籠草與其他兩種存在於澳大利亞的豬籠草物種存在著密切的近緣關係:奇異豬籠草(N. mirabilis)和羅恩豬籠草(N. rowanae)。
Clarke, C.M & R. Kruger 2006. Nepenthes tenax C.Clarke and R.Kruger (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Austrobaileya7(2): 319–324.
McPherson, S.R. 2009. Pitcher Plants of the Old World. 2 volumes. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
Bateman, D. 2011. Scientists combing Cape York for new carnivorous plant. The Cairns Post, 29 April 2011.
Bourke, G. & R. Nunn 2012. Nepenthes. In: Australian Carnivorous Plants. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 148–167.
Michael, P. 2008. Rare carnivorous plant in danger. The Courier Mail, 22 January 2008.
Rat-eating plant discovered in Cape York. ABC News, 22 January 2008.
Wilson, G.W., F. Venter, R.F. Wilson & D. Crayn 2011. Chasing Nepenthes on Cape York, Queensland. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter40(4): 122–128.
食肉植物也稱食蟲植物,能捕取昆蟲或其他小動物,並靠消化酶、細菌或兩者的作用將其分解的植物。已知約有400種,親緣關係可能甚遠。這類植物雖多為綠色植物,但某些微小的真菌也能捕捉和消化動物。食肉植物能將捕獲的動物分解,這過程類似動物的消化過程。分解的最終產物,尤其是含氮的化合物及鹽類為植物所吸收。 |