Nepenthes ventricosa
葫蘆豬籠草原產於菲律賓,它是生長在海拔1000~2000m的山地森林中的高地豬籠草。葫蘆豬籠草常附生在灌木中。是一種中等大小的豬籠草。他可以結出很多的捕蟲籠,成熟時可達9英寸高,綠色或淡紅色,有些帶有深紅色的條紋。 葫蘆豬籠草與布凱豬籠草(N. burkei)和辛布亞豬籠草(N. sibuyanensis)間存在近緣關係。但可通過捕蟲籠中部的形狀、較小的籠口和一般較窄的唇來區分。
Nepenthes ventricosa f. luteoviridis Y.Fukatsu (1999)
N. alata × N. ventricosa [=N. × ventrata,也就是俗稱的紅瓶豬籠草。
^ McPherson, S.R. 2009. Pitcher Plants of the Old World. Redfern Natural History Productions Ltd., Poole.
^ Fleming, R. 1979. Hybrid Nepenthes.PDF (626 kib) carnivorous Plant Newsletter 8(1): 10�12.
● Alejandro, G.J.D., J.P.C. Baysa, B.O.C. Lemana, G.M. Madulara, R.S. Madulid & D.A. Madulid 2007. Conspecificity of Nepenthes alata Blco. population found in Mt. Guisguis, Zambales inferred from Internal Transcribed Spacer (nrDNA) sequence data. Acta Manilana 55: 15�21. doi:10.3860/acta.v55i0.1482
● Alejandro, G.J.D., R.S. Madulid & D.A. Madulid 2008. The utility of Internal Transcribed Spacer (nrDNA) sequence data for phylogenetic reconstruction in endemic Philippine Nepenthes L. (Nepenthaceae). The Philippine Scientist 45: 99�110. doi:10.3860/psci.v45i0.994
● Clarke et al. (2000). Nepenthes ventricosa. 2006. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on 11 May 2006.
● Jebb, M.H.P. & M.R. Cheek 1997. A skeletal revision of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae). Blumea 42(1): 1�106.
● Nerz, J., P. Mann, T. Alt & T. Smith 1998. Nepenthes sibuyanensis, a new Nepenthes from Sibuyan, a remote island of the Philippines. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 27(1): 18�23.
● Stephenson, P.& J. Hogan 2006. Cloning and Characterization of a Ribonuclease, a Cysteine Proteinase, and an Aspartic Proteinase from Pitchers of the Carnivorous Plant Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167(2): 239�248. doi:10.1086/499284
● Thornhill, A.H., I.S. Harper & n.d. Hallam 2008. The Development of the Digestive Glands and Enzymes in the Pitchers of Three Nepenthes Species: N. alata, N. tobaica, and N. ventricosa (Nepenthaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 169(5): 615�624. doi:10.1086/533599
食肉植物也稱食蟲植物,能捕取昆蟲或其他小動物,並靠消化酶、細菌或兩者的作用將其分解的植物。已知約有400種,親緣關係可能甚遠。這類植物雖多為綠色植物,但某些微小的真菌也能捕捉和消化動物。食肉植物能將捕獲的動物分解,這過程類似動物的消化過程。分解的最終產物,尤其是含氮的化合物及鹽類為植物所吸收。 |