1978年8月~1982年6月,在臨沂出版辦公室工作。1982年6月~1996年8月,在臨沂地委宣傳部任科長、副部長。1996年8月,任現職。出版過《 》、《解放戰歌》、《臨沂大全》、《壯哉,沂蒙》等20餘部書。1984年,被臨沂地委、行署評為臨沂地區知識分子先進工作者。1992年,被省委宣傳部評為山東省優秀宣傳幹部。
閆鳳鳴,教授 博士,博士生導師,河南省特聘教授
1980.09—1984.07 河南農業大學植保系,學士學位
1984.09—1987.07 西北農業大學植保系,碩士學位
1987.07—1990.09 北京農學院農學系,助教
1990.09—1993.07 北京大學生物系,博士學位
1993.07—2007.10 北京大學生命科學學院,講師, 副教授, 教授, 博導
主要從事昆蟲學、生態學、化學生態學、生物安全方面的教學和科研工作,專長於昆蟲與植物相互關係的的化學生態學和轉基因作物安全性評價研究,主要研究植物次生物質的生態學作用,刺吸式昆蟲的取食行為,煙粉虱生物型的形成機理等。曾參加“863”項目1項、主持兩項“973”項目子課題、 主持2項“國家自然科學基金”課題,主持“國家轉基因重大專項”課題和“公益性行業項目(農業)”子課題,在國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文近50餘篇(其中SCI論文25篇),出版專著2部,參編專著3部。中國昆蟲刺吸電位第一人。
Yin HD, Yan FM, Ji JG, Li YX, Wang RJ, Xu CR. 2012. Proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves infested by tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) B biotype. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter (accepted)
Zhou Y, Cao YD, Chen HQ, Long Y, Yan FM, Xu CR, Wang RJ. 2011 Habitat utilization of the Glanville fritillary butterfly in the Tianshan Mountains, China, and its implication for conservation. J Insect Conservation online DOI 10.1007/s
Yin HD, Wang XY, Xue K, Huang CH, Wang RJ, Yan FM*, Xu CR. 2010. Impacts of transgenic Bt cotton on the style penetration behaviors of Bemisia tabaci biotype B—an evidence from laboratory experiments. Insect Science 17(4):344-352
Huang CH, Yan FM*, Byers J, Wang RJ, Xu CR. 2009. Volatiles induced by the larvae of the Asian corn borer ( Ostrinia furnacalis) in maize plants affect behavior of conspecific larvae and female adults. Insect Science 16(4):311-320
Xue K, Wang XY, Huang CH, Wang RJ, Liu B, Yan FM * and Xu CR。 2009. Stylet penetration behaviors of cotton aphid Aphis gossypii on transgenic Bt cotton. Insect Science 16(2), 137-146, DOI 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2009.00265.x
Xue K, Deng S, Wang RJ, Yan FM* & Xu CR. 2008. Leaf surface factors of transgenic Bt cotton associated with the feeding behaviors of cotton aphids: a case study on non-target effects. Science in China C 51(2): 145-156.
Huang CH, Yan FM*, Wang XY, Xue K, Wang RJ, Xu CR*. 2006. Distribution and variation of cyclic hydroxamic acids in maize induced by the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis. Z. Naturforsch . 61c (3/4): 257-263
Joost PH, Backus EA, Morgan D, Yan FM. 2006. Correlation of stylet activities by the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata (Say), with electrical penetrationgraph (EPG) waveforms. Journal of Insect Physiology 52: 327–337.
Long Y, Wan H, Yan FM, Xu CR, Lei GC, Li SW and Wang RJ. 2006. Glacial effects on sequence divergence of mitochondrial COII of Polyura eudamippus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in China. Biochemical Genetics 44(7/8): 361-377
Li JC, Zhang QW, Yan FM*, Pan WL, Zhang XF, Liu XX. Zhang QW*. 2006. Field release of Mcroplitis mediator (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for biological control of cotton bollworm Heliocoverpa armigera in northwestern China’s Xinjiang. Environmental Entomology 35(3): 694-699.
Backus, E. A., Habibi J, Yan FM and Ellersieck M. 2005. Stylet Penetration by Adult Homalodisca coagulata on Grape: Electrical Penetration Graph Waveform Characterization, Tissue Correlation, and Possible Implications for Transmission of Xylella fastidiousa. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 98(6): 787-813
Liu B, Yan FM*, Xu CR*, Hu HG. 2005, Effects of transgenic plants on soil microorganisms. Plant and Soil 271(1-2): 1-13
Liu B, Xu CR, Yan FM,Gong RZ. 2004, The impacts of the pollen of insect-resistant transgenic cotton on honeybees. Biodiversity and Conservation 14 (14): 3487-3496
Yan FM, Bengtsson M, Anderson P, Ansebo L,Xu C,Witzgall P. 2004. Antennal response of cotton bollworm ( Heliocoverpa armigera)to volatiles of transgenic Bt cotton. Journal of Applied Entomology 128(5): 354-357.
Yan FM, Bengtsson M, Makranczy G, and Löfqvist J. 2003. The role of alpha-farnesene in the behaviors of codling moth females. Z. Naturforsch. 58c (1/2): 113-118.
Yan FM, Bengtsson M and Witzgall P. 1999. Behavioral response of female codling moth, Cydia pomonella, to apple volatiles. Journal of Chemical Ecolog y, 25(6): 1343-1351.
Yan FM and Liang XZ and Zhu XY. 1999. Role of DIMBOA on the feeding of Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Gueneé). Jouranl of Applied Entomology. 123: 49-53
Yang DM, Luo LE, Yan FM, Cheng HW and Zhou PA. 1997. Effects of DIMBOA on the impulse discharges of maxillary lateral sensillum styloconicum of armyworm larvae. Chinese Science Bulletin 42(1): 72-75.
Yan FM, Xu CR, Li SG, LIN Changshan and LI Juhuai. 1995. Effects of DIMBOA on several enzymatic systems in the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacali s (Gueneé). Journal of Chemical Ecology21(12): 2041-2056..
Wang RJ, Yan FM, Li SG and Li SW. 1995. Allozyme differentiation among nine populations of the corn borer ( Ostrinia) in China. Biochemical genetics 33(11/12): 413-420
閆鳳鳴(主編),2011,化學生態學(第二版),北京:科學出版社. 438頁.
閆鳳鳴,2008, 現代生態學(主編 戈峰):第六章 化學生態學,10萬字,北京:科學出版社. 150-172.
閆鳳鳴,2003,化學生態學,北京:科學出版社. 241頁.
2000.01-2002.12, 國家自然科學基金項目 “轉基因BT棉揮發性化學物質對害蟲和天敵的影響”(批准號39970153),主持人,16萬元,
2001.04-2005.03, “973”項目 “外來生物入侵對長江中下游生物多樣性的影響”(編號G2000046803),參加,本人負責經費30萬元,
2002.01-2004-12, 科技部中瑞合作項目: Role of volatiles in transgenic Bt cotton in behaviors of insect pests and their natural enemies. 中方主持人,
2006.01-2008.12,國家自然科學基金項目 “唾液成分在煙粉虱B生物型寄主適應中的作用” (批准號30571219),主持人,批准經費25萬元,
2007.01-2010.12, 河南省重大公益性項目“河南省主要農作物重大病蟲害成災機理及可持續控制技術研究套用” (編號081100911300),經費200萬元,第二主持人
2009.06-2011-12,國家轉基因生物新品種培育重大專項“抗刺吸式害蟲轉基因作物的檢測與效果評價技術” (編號2009ZX08012-007B),經費200萬元,主持人