2010年7月-至今,大連理工大學 管理科學與工程學院,院長。

“International Journal of Production Economics”Reviewer.
“IET Image Processing” “Neurocomputing”Reviewer.
MCS2007、ICNC'05-FSKD'05 與ICNC'06-FSKD'06等國際會議審稿人
ICNC'05-FSKD'05“Pattern Recognition and Trend Analysis” Session Chair.
大連理工大學“軟體+X” 交叉學科建設專項項目(重點項目)《可信軟體的組合測試即時算法及工具》,第二項目負責人.
國家973重點基礎研究發展項目《信息技術的套用理論與高性能軟體》(No. G1998030414)的子課題《全球資訊網上的數據集成、數據倉儲及知識發現的有效算法與軟體系統》,主要參加人員。
郭崇慧,田鳳占,靳曉明等譯.數據挖掘教程(世界著名計算機教材精選).清華大學出版社,2005.(M. H. Dunham. Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics. Pearson Education, Inc., 2003.)
參編:數學模型引論(第三版)(國家級十五規劃教材).高等教育出版社,2005.(參加編寫約4萬字內容) 參編:實用最最佳化方法(第三版).大連理工大學出版社,2004.(參加編寫約3萬字內容)
Hailin Li, Chonghui Guo, Piecewise cloud approximation for time series mining. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2011, 24(4): 492-500.
Chonghui Guo, Fang Li. An improved algorithm for support vector clustering based on maximum entropy principle and kernel matrix. Expert Systems with Applications, 2011(7), 38: 8138-8143.
Sumuya, Chonghui Guo, Yunhui Zang. Cluster Number Estimation Based on Normalized Cut Criterion in Spectral Clustering. ICIC Express Letters, 2011, 5(1): 155-161.
Hongjuan Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Chonghui Guo.Blind source extraction based on generalized autocorrelations and non-Gaussianity. Neurocomputing, 2009, 72 (10-12): 2556-2562.
Hongjuan Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Chonghui Guo, Enmin Feng. Semi-blind source extraction algorithm for fetal electrocardiogram based on generalized autocorrelations and reference signals, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, 223(1): 409-420
Yumin Yang, Chonghui Guo, Zunquan Xia. Independent component analysis for time-dependent processes using AR source model. Neural Processing Letters, 2008, 27(3): 227-236.
Yumin Yang, Chonghui Guo. Gaussian moments for noisy unifying model. Neurocomputing, 2008, 71(16-18): 3656-3659
Hongjuan Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Chonghui Guo and Enmin Feng. Blind Source Extraction for Noisy Mixtures by Combining Gaussian Moments and Generalized Autocorrelations. Neural Processing Letters, 2008, 28(3): 209-225.
Hongjuan Zhang, Chonghui Guo, Zhenwei Shi, Enmin Feng. A new constrained fixed-point algorithm for ordering independent components, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2008, 220(1-2): 548-558
Hongjuan Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Chonghui Guo, Enmin Feng. A two-stage source extraction algorithm for temporally correlated signals based on ICA-R, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics. 2008, 26(5-6):1149-1159.
Shaoyan Sun, Liwei Zhang, Chonghui Guo. MI-based image registration using a new histogram estimation scheme. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007, 37(1): 19-28.
Shaoyan Sun, Liwei Zhang, Chonghui Guo. Medical image registration by minimizing divergence measure based on Tsallis entropy. International Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 2007, 2(2), 75-80.
Yiyan Qin, Huanwen Tang, Chonghui Guo. Channel coordination and volume discounts with price-sensitive demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 2007, 105(1): 43-53
Bing Wang, Huanwen Tang, Zhilong Xiu,Chonghui Guo. Optimizing synchronizability of scal-free networks in geographical space, Chinese Physics Letters, 2006, 23(11): 3123-3126
Bing Wang, Huanwen Tang, Chonghui Guo, Zhilong Xiu and Tao Zhou. Optimization of network structure to random failure. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2006, 368(2): 607-614
Bing Wang, Huanwen Tang, Chonghui Guo and Zhilong Xiu. Entropy optimization of scale-free networks’ robustness to random failures. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2006, 363(2): 591-596
Zhongzhi Zhang, Lili Rong and Chonghui Guo. A deterministic small-world network created by edge iterations. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2006, 363(2): 567-572
Chonghui Guo, Yuchang Lu, Huanwen Tang. A Modified Evolutionary Algorithm for Global Optimization. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2004, 15(1), 1-6
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang.Asymptotic stability and balanced growth of the singular dynamic input-output system.Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2004, 2(1), 19-25.
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang.Optimization models and algorithms of inverse problem for input-output analysis.OR Transaction,2002,6(2),1-8
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang.Stability analysis of the dynamic input-output system.Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B,2002,17(4),473-478
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang. Global convergence properties of evolution strategy.Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl.,2001,23(2),78-84
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang, Liwei Zhang.Global convergence for a class of conjugate gradient methods.OR Transaction,1999,3(2),46-49
郭崇慧,張震.基於組合評價方法的關聯規則興趣度評價.情報學報,2011, 30(4), 353-360
郭崇慧,李芳.基於核矩陣的改進支持向量聚類算法.情報學報,2010, 29(3), 422-427
郭崇慧,張娜.基於共鄰矩陣的複雜網路社區結構分析方法.系統工程理論與與實踐,2010, 30 (6), 1077-1084
國涓,項吉寧,郭崇慧.空間影響與環境庫茲涅茨曲線:基於空間經濟計量方法的實證分析.數理統計與管理,2009, 28(4), 678-684
郭崇慧,賈宏峰,張娜.基於ICA的時間序列聚類方法及其在股票數據分析中的套用.運籌與管理,2008, 17(5), 120-124
郭崇慧,覃華勤.一種改進的禁忌搜尋算法及其在選址問題中的套用.運籌與管理,2008, 17(1), 18-23
郭崇慧,岳曉輝.一種改進的禁忌搜尋算法及其在連續全局最佳化中的套用.運籌與管理,2007, 16(4), 6-11
楊玉敏,郭崇慧.面向統一時間序列數據的複雜性尋蹤.東北大學學報,2007, 28(S1), 148-150(EI:073410776367)
張紅娟,郭崇慧. 核獨立成分分析在fMRI數據中的套用. 控制工程, 2007, 14(4), 398-400
覃毅延,郭崇慧. 在彈性需求和物品易變質條件下數量折扣定價模型. 管理學報, 2007, 4(2), 163-168
魯明羽, 沈抖, 郭崇慧, 陸玉昌. 面向網頁分類的網頁摘要方法. 電子學報, 2006, 34(8): 1475-1480 (EI:064310201013)
覃毅延,唐煥文,郭崇慧. 需求隨價格變化的具有折扣的易變質物品的庫存模型.運籌與管理,2006,15(4): 22-26.
李剛,郭崇慧, 林鴻飛, 楊志豪,唐煥文.基於詞典法和機器學習法相結合的蛋白質名識別,計算機與套用化學, 2006, 23(6): 395-398.
岳曉輝,唐煥文,郭崇慧.一種禁忌搜尋算法在二維HP非格模型中的套用,計算機與套用化學,2005,22(12): 1101-1105.
張紅娟,李斌,唐煥文,郭崇慧.進化策略的一種改進及其在蛋白質結構預測中的套用,計算機與套用化學,2005,22(12): 1097-1100.
孫建濤,郭崇慧,陸玉昌,石純一.多項式核支持向量機文本分類器泛化性能研究.計算機研究與發展,2004,41(8),1321-1326 (EI:04448436949)
郭崇慧,唐煥文.一種改進的進化規划算法及其收斂性.高校計算數學學報,2002,24(1),51-56 (MR:1913656)
郭崇慧,唐煥文.演化策略的全局收斂性.計算數學,2001,23(1),105-110 (MR:1824949)
唐煥文,郭崇慧,張立衛.一種混合的HS—FR共軛梯度算法.大連理工大學學報,1999,39(2),132-136 (MR:1711419)
Chonghui Guo, Hailin Li, Donghua Pan. An improved piecewise aggregate approximation based on statistical features for time series mining. KSEM2010, LNAI 6291, pp. 234-244, 2010.
Shanglei Chai, Chonghui Guo.The co-integrating relationship between stock index and futures prices. Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science, NISS 2009, pp. 1389-1392, 2009.
Sumuya, Chonghui Guo. A note on spectral clustering method based on normalized cut criterion. Proceedings of the 2009 Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, CCPR 2009, and the 1st CJK Joint Workshop on Pattern Recognition, CJKPR, pp. 799-803, 2009.
Hongjuan Zhang, Chonghui Guo, Zhenwei Shi, Enmin Feng. Nonlinear Innovation to Noisy Blind Source Separation Based on Gaussian Moments. ICIC2008, LNAI 5227, pp. 709-716, 2008. (EI: 084111630413)
Chonghui guo, Hong Li. Multilevel Thresholding Method for Image Segmentation Based on an Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, AI 2007, LNAI 4830, pp. 654–658, 2007.(EI:080411056279)
Yumin Yang, Chonghui Guo, Zunquan Xia. An EM Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis Using an AR-GGD Source Model, AI 2007, LNAI 4830, pp. 816–820, 2007.(EI:080411056307)
Chonghui Guo, Hong Li. An Adaptive Particle Swarm Algorithm for Global Optimization, In: Zhang Jinlong et al, Eds, Proceedings 0f ICM'2007, Globalization Challenge and Management Transformation, Pages 8-12, Science Press, 2007.
Juan Guo, Yujie Li, Chonghui Guo, Xiangpei Hu. The input-output analysis of strutural change, industrial linkage and electricity consumption of sectors, In: Zhang Jinlong et al, Eds, Proceedings 0f ICM'2007, Globalization Challenge and Management Transformation, Pages 1661-1667, Science Press, 2007.
Shaoyan Sun, Chonghui Guo. Medical image registration by maximizing a hybrid normalized mutual information. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Pages 964-967, IEEE Press, 2007(EI:074310885312)
Shaoyan Sun, Chonghui Guo. Image registration by minimizing Tsallis divergence measure. The 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'07), Pages 712-715, IEEE Press. (EI:082211282187)
Chonghui Guo, Ping Zhu, Huanwen Tang, Mingyu Lu. An Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm and its Application to Protein Structure Prediction. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Pages9381-9385,IEEE Press, 2006. (EI:071510544337)
Chonghui Guo, Mingyu Lu, Jiantao Sun, Yuchang Lu. A new algorithm for computing the minimal enclosing sphere in feature space. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3614(2): 196-204, Part 2, 2005. (SCI IDS Number: BDA17, EI:05439439730)
Mingyu Lu, Chonghui Guo, Jiantao Sun, Yuchang Lu. A SVM Method for Web Page Categorization Based on Weight Adjustment and Boosting Mechanism. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3614: 801-810, Part 2, 2005. (SCI IDS Number: BDA17, EI:05439439806)
Yiyan Qin, Huanwen Tang, Chonghui Guo. A quantity discount pricing model for deteriorating items to increase supplier’s profit under price-sensitive demand. Proceedings of 2005 international conference on innovation & management, P644-649, Wuhan University of Technology Press, Wuhan, China. 2005.
Huanwen Tang, Mingjun Ji, Bin Li, Chonghui Guo. Some results of stochastic global optimization methods. The China-Australia Workshop on Optimization: Theory, Methods and Applications. May 21-23, 2004, Shanghai, China.
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang, Yuchang Lu. Study on macroeconomic modeling for forecasting and development planning. In: Jifa Gu et al, editors, Knowledge and Systems Science: Towards Meta-synthetic Support for Decision Making. Pages95-99, Global-Link Publisher, 2003.
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang, Yuchang Lu. Study on Input-Output Techniques for Macroeconomic Systems Analysis. The 3rd International Workshop on Meta-Synthesis and Complex System. November 29-December 1, 2003, Guangzhou, China.
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang. A modified evolutionary algorithm with chaos search for n-dimensional global optimization. In: Ya-xiang Yuan, editor, Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization. Pages172-179, Science Press, 2003.
Fengzhan Tian, Chonghui Guo, Yuchang Lu. Macroeconomic Systems Modeling with DBNs. Pages 60-62 in M. Makowski, editor. The 17th JISR-IIASA Workshop on Methodologies and Tools for Complex Systems Modeling and Integrated Policy Assessment. 8-10, September, 2003, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang.Macroeconomic forecasting methods and meta-synthesis.In: Jifa Gu, editor, Systems Engineering, Systems Science and Complexity Research.Pages 165-171, Research Information Ltd., United Kingdom, 2000.
郭崇慧.獨立成分分析中的最佳化方法及套用. 2008全國數學規劃學術會議. 8月6-9日,遼寧大連。
郭崇慧.支持向量機最佳化問題的熵最佳化方法,2006 年全國數學規劃會議,4月22-4月25日,廣西南寧。
王冰,唐煥文,郭崇慧.熵最佳化無尺度網路的容錯能力.第二屆全國複雜動態網路學術論壇論文集, 455-459. 2005年10月16-19日,中國高等科學技術中心,北京.
劉子陽,郭崇慧. 套用支持向量回歸方法預測胎兒體重,大連理工大學生物醫學工程學術論文集,352-358,大連理工大學出版社,2005年.
唐煥文,郭崇慧,張艷.我國巨觀經濟預測的簡要綜述.中國運籌學會第六屆學術交流會論文集,Global-Link Publishing Company, Hong Kong,2000,100-106.