



蒯本科,1960年4月生。職稱:教授。1982、1985年分別獲得南京農業大學植物學學士、作物遺傳育種學碩士學位,1994年獲英國威爾斯大學 (University of Wales,UK) 分子生物學及生物工程學博士。1994-1997年先後在英國草地環境研究所(IGER)從事博士後和特聘研究員工作,2000-2001年美國杜克大學 (Duke University,USA)訪問教授。現為復旦大學生命科學學院植物代謝分子調控課題組組長,遺傳工程國家級重點實驗室客座教授,兼任上海植物基因研究中心副主任,復旦大學基因多樣性與設計農業研究中心主任。中國植物生理學會理事,中國草學會草坪專業委員會常務理事,上海市植物生理學會常務理事,上海市農學會理事,上海市農業遺傳育種重點實驗室學術委員會委員,《植物生理與分子生物學學報》常務編委。




主持完成的成果“滯綠、抗病、優質草坪型黑麥草新品種的選育”獲2004年上海市優秀髮明一等獎; “滯綠1號”黑麥草新品種於2005年通過上海市農作物品種審定委員會審定,已示範推廣50萬平方米。


1、 Liao Y., Zhou X., Yu J., Cao YJ., Li X and Kuai BK. 2006. The Key Role of Chlorocatechol 1,2-Dioxygenase in Phytoremoval and Degradation of Catechol by Transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology,142: 620-628
2、 Liao Y., An K., Zhou X., Chen WJ and Kuai BK. 2007. AtCLH2, a Typical but Possibly Distinctive Chlorophyllase Gene in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 49(4):1-5
3、 Wang W., Chen JJ., Li JN., Zhang YH., Shao ZY and Kuai BK. 2007. Extraordinary accumulations of antioxidants in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus(Maxim.) and Tetraena mongolica(Maxim.) Zygophyllaceae distributed in extremely stressful environments. Botanical Studies, 48:55-61
4、 Liu TL., Kuai BK., Liu ZX., Zhao DL and Shen DL. 2006. How to Map ses, a Mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana Affecting Pollen Development. Plant Genetics. 42(8):898-904
5、 Cao SQ., Xu QT., Cao YJ., Qian K., An, K., Zhu Y., Hu BZ., Zhao H F and Kuai BK. 2005. Loss-of-function mutations in det2 gene lead to an enhanced resistance to oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Physiologia Plantarum, 123(1): 57-66.
6、 Zhu Y., Zhao HF., Ren GD., Yu XF and Kuai BK. 2005. Characterization of a novel developmentally retarded mutant (drm1) associated with the autonomous flowering pathway in Arabidopsis. Cell Research, 15(2):133-140.
7、 Shao Z Y., Zhang YH., Li JN., Jiang KJ and Kuai BK. 2004.Tetraenol, a Novel Sesqyiterpenoid from the Relict Plant Tetraena Mongolica in China. Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 59c: 181-183.
8、 Jiang KJ., Zhang YH., Shao ZY., Chen JJ and Kuai BK. 2004. Crystal Structure of 1-Hydroxy-2,3,4,7-tetramethoxyxanthone, a Xanthone Isolated from Halenia Elliptica. Chinese J.Struct.Chem. 23(3):262-266.
9、 Kuai BK., Wan SM., Dalton SJ., Bettany AJE and Morris P. 2001. Production of fertile transgenic oats (Avena sativa L.) and inheritance of bar gene in their progenies. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 66(2):79-88.
10、 Kuai BK., Dalton SJ., Bettany AJE and Morris, P. 1999. Efficient regeneration of fertile transgenic tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) with a stable highly expressed foreign gene. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 58:149-154.
11、 Kuai BK and Morris P. 1996. Screening for stable transformants and stability of b-glucuronidase gene expression in suspension cultured cells of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Plant Cell Rep. 15:804-808.
12、Kuai B K and Morris P. 1995. The physiological state of suspension cultured cells affects the expression of the -glucuronidase gene following transformation of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) protoplasts. Plant Sci. 110:235-247.



