引用原英文定義釋:Chaps(pronounced 'shaps', and short for chaparajos) are sturdy leathercoverings for the legs. They hang from one's belt, but unlike trousers they are not joined at the crotch. The most sturdy kind are made from single pieces of leather that wrap around to protect the fronts and sides of each leg. Since they need not be joined at the back of the leg they are considerably cooler than one might imagine. Their purpose is to protect the legs of cowboys and other people who work with cattle and horses from contact with daily environmental hazards. They help to protect riders from the thorns of cacti and other thorny vegetation on the open range, the horns of cattle being herded or rounded up, and other such environmental hazards. They protect the legs of farriers from getting scratched or cut up in the process of shoeing or otherwise treating the hooves of horses.

生長在亞洲這篇廣闊的土地上的女人們,因種族的不同而展現出來的魅力也是不一樣的,一個國家一個風情,一個地方一個誘惑,亞洲各國的新娘向我們展現出婀娜的身姿。蒙古的女人和奔放,除了遼闊的草原的培養,更多的是通過蒙古族的服飾所體現出來,蒙古族的服飾大氣而且有著動靜之美的結合。當蒙古女人跨上馬背的時候,就是一種豪放的姿態,當她們靜靜的立坐的時候,又有一種恬靜之美。 |