1981.9-1985.7 重慶大學機械二系鑄造專業本科學習,獲學士學位1985.9-1988.6 大連理工大學材料工程系鑄造專業攻讀碩士學位,獲碩士學位
1988.7-1992.8 四川工業學院鑄造教研室工作(1991年7月起,講師)
1992.9-1995.8 大連理工大學鑄造工程研究中心攻讀博士學位,獲博士學位
1995.9-1997.8 上海大學上海市鋼鐵冶金新技術開發套用重點實驗室做博士後(1995年5月起,副研究員)
1997.9-至今 上海交通大學材料學院工作(1997年9月起,副教授,2002年8月起,教授)
2000.4-2001.3日本通產省(現經濟產業省)工業技術研究院名古屋國家工業技術研究所材料工藝部特別研究員(Guest Researcher)
2002.8-11 法國Grenoble國家理工學院GPM2實驗室(法國國家科學中心所屬實驗室)訪問科學家(visiting scientist)
1.Qudong Wang, Yongjun Chen, Manping Liu, Jinbao Lin, Hans J. Roven. Microstructure evolution of AZ series magnesium alloys during cyclic extrusion compression. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010, 527(9): 2265-22732.Yan Gao, Qudong Wang, Jinhai Gu, Yang Zhao, Yan Tong, Dongdi Yin. Comparison of microstructure in Mg-10Y-5Gd-0.5Zr and Mg-10Y-5Gd-2Zn-0.5Zr alloys by conventional casting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009,477(1-2): 374-378
3.T. Peng, Q. D. Wang, J. B. Lin. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-10Gd-2Y-0.5Zr alloy recycled by cyclic extrusion compression. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2009, 516:23-30
4.Qudong Wang, Daquan Li, J.J. Blandin, M. Suéry, P. Donnadieu, Wenjiang Ding. Microstructure and creep behavior of extruded Mg-4Y-4Sm-0.5Zr alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2009, 516:189-192
5.C. J. Chen, Q. D. Wang, D. D. Yin. Thermal Properties of Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn-0.5Zr (wt.%) Alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 487(1-2): 560-563
6.Wang Qudong,Chen Wenzhou, Ding Wenjiang,Zhu Yanping M. Mabuchi. Effect of Sb on the Structure and Properties of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy. Metall. & Mater. Trans., 2001,32A(3):787-794
7.Wang Qudong, Zeng Xiaoqin, Lu Yizhen, Ding Wenjiang, Zhu Yanping,Li Qinghua,Lan Jie.Study on the Fluidity of AZ91+xRE Magnesium Alloy.Mater. Sci. & Eng.A,1999, 271(1-2):109-115
8.Wang Qudong, Ding Wenjiang, Jin Junze.The step growth of primary silicon observed by decantation during centrifugal casting. Mater. Sci. & Techn. 1999,15(8): 921-925
9.Wang Qudong, Chen Wenzhou, Zeng Xiaoqin,Lu Yizhen,Ding Wenjiang, Zhu Yanping, Xu Xiaoping, M. Mabuchi. Effects of Ca addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 magnesium alloy. J. Mater. Sci., 2001,36(12): 3035-3040
10.Wang Qudong, Wei Yinhong, Chen Wenzhou, Zhu Yanping, Ma Chunjiang, Ding Wenjiang. In situ surface composites of (Mg2Si+Si)/ZA27 fabricated by centrifugal casting. Materials Letters,2003,57: 3851-385