













曾先後在美國休斯敦大學從事介電薄膜外延生長和界面控制研究,在Los Alamos國家實驗室從事氧化物薄膜及納米材料的微結構控制和新型製備方法的研究,在Intel封裝測試研發中心從事微電子Si工藝和封裝工藝集成方面的研究。回國以來,致力於系統地研究電子薄膜和納米材料的生長、微結構和性能的調控方法,及其在新型電子器件中的套用,目前已建立了團結協作、思想活躍的科研團隊,並承擔和參加若干國家級科研項目。相關研究成果已獲中國發明專利11項、美國專利4項,並在Nature Materials、Advanced Materials、Angewandte Chemie Inter. Ed.、Appl. Phys. Lett.等國際學術期刊上發表SCI收錄論文100餘篇,SCI他引超過1000次。2007年,入選教育部第九批長江學者特聘教授。2014年入選科技部“中青年科技創新 領軍人才”。





Zhenlong Huang, Min Gao, Zhuocheng Yan, Taisong Pan, Feiyi Liaoa and Yuan Lin*, Flexible infrared detectors based on p–n junctions of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Nanoscale, 2016,8:p.9592-9599.

Hulin Zhang, Shangjie Zhang, Guang Yao, Zhenlong Huang, Yuhang Xie, Yuanjie Su, Weiqing Yang, Chunhua Zheng and Yuan Lin*, Simultaneously Harvesting Thermal and Mechanical Energies based on Flexible Hybrid Nanogenerator for Self-Powered Cathodic Protection, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7:p. 28142−28147


Shangjie Zhang, Hulin Zhang, Guang Yao, Feiyi Liao, Min Gao, Zhenlong Huang, Kunyang Li, and Yuan Lin*, Highly stretchable, sensitive, and flexible strain sensors based on silver nanoparticles/carbon nanotubes composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015. 652: p. 48-54.

Hulin Zhang, Guang Yao, Liping Wang, Yuanjie Su, Weiqing Yang, and Yuan Lin*, 3D Pt/MoO3 nanocatalysts fabricated for effective electrocatalytic oxidation of alcohol. Applied Surface Science, 2015. 356: p. 294-300.

Hui Du, Weizheng Liang, Yang Li, Min Gao, Yin Zhang, Chonglin Chen, and Yuan Lin*, Leakage properties of BaTiO3 thin films on polycrystalline Ni substrates grown by polymer-assisted deposition with two-step annealing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015. 642: p. 166-171.

T. S. Pan, M. Gao, Z. L. Huang, Y. Zhang, Xue Feng, and Y. Lin*, The impact of the thermal conductivity of a dielectric layer on the self-heating effect of a graphene transistor. Nanoscale, 2015. 7(32): p. 13561-13567.

Weiqing Yang, Zhongli Liu, Jun Chen, Li Huang, Lei Zhang, Hong Pan, Bo Wu, and Yuan Lin*, A high-performance white-light-emitting-diodes based on nano-single crystal divanadates quantum dots. Scientific Reports, 2015. 5: p. 10460.

Hulin Zhang, Chenguo Hu, Yong Ding, and Yuan Lin*, Synthesis of 1D Sb2S3 nanostructures and its application in visible-light-driven photodegradation for MO. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015. 625: p. 90-94.

M. Gao, Z. L. Huang, B. Zeng, T. S. Pan, Y. Zhang, H. B. Peng, and Y. Lin*, Carbon nanotube-graphene junctions studied by impedance spectra. Applied Physics Letters, 2015. 106(5): p. 051601.

Zhenlong Huang, Min Gao, TaiSong Pan, Yin Zhang, Bo Zeng, Weizheng Liang, Feiyi Liao, and Yuan Lin*, Microstructure dependence of heat sink constructed by carbon nanotubes for chip cooling. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015. 117(2): p. 024901.

H. Du, W. Z. Liang, Y. Li, M. Gao, Y. Zhang, and Y. Lin*, Effect of a Second Annealing Process on the Properties of BaTiO3 Thin Films on Polycrystalline Nickel Substrates Grown by Polymer- Assisted Deposition. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2015. 159(1): p. 127-133.

M. Gao, D. Feng, G. Yao, Y. Zhang, C. L. Chen, and Y. Lin*, Chemical and mechanical strains tuned dielectric properties in Zr-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 highly epitaxial thin films. Rsc Advances, 2015. 5(113): p. 92958-92962.

Hui Du, Yang Li, Wei Zheng Liang, Yu Xuan Wang, Min Gao, Wen Huang, Yin Zhang, and Yuan Lin*, Impact of NiOx Buffer Layers on the Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3 Thin Films on Nickel Substrates Fabricated by Polymer Assisted Deposition. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015: p. 167569.

Hulin Zhang, Chenguo Hu, Cuiling Zhang, Kaiyou Zhang, Mingjun Wang, Yong Ding, and Yuan Lin*, Construction of 3D Pt Catalysts Supported on Co-Doped SnO2 Nanourchins for Methanol and Ethanol Electrooxidation. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2015. 162(1): p. F92-F97.


H. K. Liu, Y. Lin*, and S. N. Luo, Grain Boundary Energy and Grain Size Dependences of Thermal Conductivity of Polycrystalline Graphene. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014. 118(42): p. 24797-24802.

Y. Ji, Y. Zhang, M. Gao, Z. Yuan, Y. Xia, C. Jin, B. Tao, C. Chen, Q. Jia, Y. Lin*, “Role of microstructures on the M1-M2 phase transition in epitaxial VO2 thin films”, Sci. Rep. 4, 4854 (2014).

W. Liang, Z. Li, Z. Bi, T. Nan, H. Du, C. Nan, C. Chen, Q. Jia, and Y. Lin *, “The role of interface on the magnetoelectric properties of BaTiO3 thin films deposited on polycrystalline Ni foils”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2 (4), 708 -714 (2014).

Y. Lin,* B. Zeng, Y. Ji, W. Liang, D. Feng, M. Gao, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, B. Chen, C. Chen,* “Nucleation dynamics of nanostructural TiO2 films with controllable phases on (001) LaAlO3”, Nanotechnology, 25, 014014 (2014).

H. Chen, B. W. Lu, Y. Lin, X. Feng, “Interfacial Failure in Flexible Electronic Devices”, IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett. 35, 132-134 (2014).

S. H. Liu, Y. Y. Zhang, Y. Lin, Z. G. Zhao, Q. W. Li, “Tailoring the structure and nitrogen content of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes by water-assisted growth”, Carbon, 69, 247-254 (2014).

T. S. Pan, Y. Zhang, J. Huang, M. Gao, Y. Lin,* “Particle size effect on thermal conductivity of AlN films with embedded diamond particles”, Appl. Phys. A, 114, 973-978 (2014).

J. Huang, M. Gao, T. S. Pan, Y. Zhang, Y. Lin,* “Effective thermal conductivity of epoxy matrix filled with poly(ethyleneimine) functionalized carbon nanotubes”, Comp. Sci. & Tech. 95, 16-20 (2014).

B. Wu,W. Yang, H. Liu, L. Huang, B. Zhao, C. Wang, G. Xu, Y. Lin*, “Fluorescence spectra and crystal field analysis of BaMoO(4): Eu(3+) phosphors for white light-emitting diodes”, Spectr. acta. A: Molecular and biomolecular spectro., 123, 12-19 (2014).

馮雪,陸炳衛,吳堅,林媛*,宋吉舟,宋國鋒,黃永剛,“可延展柔性無機微納電子器件原理與研究進展”,物理學報, 63(1),014201,(2014) (邀稿綜述文章)


W. Q. Yang,* H. G. Liu, M. Gao, Y. Bai, J. T. Zhao, X. D. Xu, B. Wu, W. C. Zheng, G. K. Liu, Y. Lin,* “Dual-luminescence centers single-component white-light Sr2V2O7: Eu3+ phosphors for white-LEDs”, Acta. Mater. 61, 5096-5104 (2013)

W. Q. Yang, Z. R. Wei, M. Gao, Y. Chen, J. Xu, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin,* “Fabrication and field emission properties of needle-shaped MoO3 nanobelts”, J. of Alloys and Comp., 576, 332-335 (2013).

M. Liu, C. R. Ma, G. Collins, J. Liu, C. L. Chen, A. D. Alemayehu, G. Subramanyam, Y. Ding, J. H. Chen, C. Dai, Y. Lin, M. W. Cole, “Ferroelectric BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayered thin films for room-temperature tunable microwave elements”, Nanoscale Research Lett., 8, (2013).

T. S. Pan, D. De, J. Manongdo, A. M. Guloy, V. G. Hadjiev, Y. Lin,* H. B. Peng,* “Field effect transistors with layered two-dimensional SnS2-xSex conduction channels: Effects of selenium substitution”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 093108 (2013).

W. Q. Yang, J. Chen, G. Zhu, X. N. Wen, P. Bai, Y. J. Su, Y. Lin, Z. L. Wang, “Harvesting vibration energy by a triple-cantilever based triboelectric nanogenerator”, Nano Research, 6, 880-886 (2013).

C. R. Ma, M. Liu, G. Collins, H. B. Wang, S. Y. Bao, X. Xu, E. Enriquez, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin, M. H. Whangbo, “Magnetic and Electrical Transport Properties of LaBaCo2O5.5+delta Thin Films on Vicinal (001) SrTiO3 Surfaces”, ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 5, 451-455 (2013).

M. Liu, C.R. Ma, J. Liu, G. Collins, C. L. Chen, A.D. Alemayehu, G. Subramanyam, C. Dai, Y. Lin, A. Bhalla, “Microwave Dielectric Properties of Epitaxial Mn-doped Ba(Zr,Ti)O-3 Thin Films on LaAlO3 Substrates”, Ferroelectric Letters section, 40 (1-3), 65-69 (2013).

W. Q. Yang,* Y. Zhang, W. C. Zheng, Y. Lin,* “Spin-Hamiltonian parameters and defect structures for two tetragonal Gd3+ centers in Gd3+ -dpoed Tl2ZnF4 crystal”, J. Fluorine Chem., 153, 7 (2013).

W.Q. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. Lin,* W. C. Zheng, “Spin-Hamiltonian parameters for the tetragonal Gd3+M-F-i centers in CaF2 and SrF2 crystals”, J. Mag. Res. 227, 62 (2013).

M. Gao, H. Du, C. R. Ma, M. Liu, G. Collins, Y. M. Zhang, C. Dai, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin,* “Strain relaxation in epitaxial SrRuO3 thin films on LaAlO3 substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 141901 (2013).

C. R. Ma, M. Liu, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin, Y. R. Li, J. S. Horwitz, J. C. Jiang, E. I. Meletis, Q. Y. Zhang, “The origin of local strain in highly epitaxial oxide thin films”, Sci. Report, 3, 3092 (2013).

W. Q. Yang, Y. Zhang, M. Gao, Y. Lin, X. Y. Zhao, “Theoretical investigation on the spin-Hamiltonian parameters for Gd3+-doped molybdates AMoO(4) (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb)”, Acta Physica Sinica, 62(4). 047102 (2013).

B. Zeng, M. Gao, S. Liu, T. Pan, Z. Huang, Y. Lin*, “Thermal chemical vapor deposition of layered aligned carbon nanotube films separated by graphite layers”, Phys. Status Solidi A 210, 1128-1132 (2013).


Q. Y. Wen, H. W. Zhang, Q. H. Yang, Z. Chen, Y. Long, Y. L. Jing, Y. Lin, and P. X. Zhang, “A tunable hybrid metamaterial absorber based on vanadium oxide films”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 45, 235106 (2012).

W. Q. Yang, Y. Lin,* W.C. Zheng, X. Y. Zhao, “An investigation of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters for Gd3+-doped YBa2Cu3O6+y (y=0.06) superconductor”, Supercond. Sci. & Tech., 25, 065011 (2012).

J. Huang, Y. Zhang, T. S. Pan, B. Zeng, G. H. Hu, Y. Lin,* “Enhancing the thermal conductivity of polymer-assisted deposited Al2O3 film by nitrogen doping”, Chi. Phys. B. 21,126501 (2012).

M. Liu, C. R. Ma, G. Collins, J. Liu, C. L. chen, C. Dai, Y. Lin, L. Shui, F. Xiang, H. Wang, J. He, J. C. Jiang, E. I. Meletis, M. W. Cole, “Interface Engineered BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures with Optimized High-Frequency Dielectric Properties”, ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 4, 5761-5765 (2012).

W.-Q. Yang, H.-G. Liu, G.-K. Liu, Y. Lin,* M. Gao, X.-Y. Zhao, W.-C. Zheng, Y. Chen, J. Xu, L.-Z. Li,“Trivalent europium-doped strontium molybdate red phosphors in white light-emitting diodes: Synthesis, photophysical properties and theoretical calculations”, Acta. Mater. 60, 5399-5407 (2012).

Y. D. Ji, T. S. Pan, Z. Bi, W. Z. Liang, Y. Zhang, H. Z. Zeng, Q. Y. Wen, H. W. Zhang, C. L. Chen, Q. X. Jia, and Y. Lin,* “Epitaxial growth and metal-insulator transition of vanadium oxide thin films with controllable phases”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 071902 (2012).

H. Liu, H. Zeng, T. Pan, W. Huang, and Y. Lin,* “Pressure dependency of thermal boundary conductance of carbon nanotube/silicon interface: A molecular dynamics study”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 053501 (2012).

T. S. Pan, Y. Zhang, J. Huang, B. Zeng, D. H. Hong, S. L. Wang, H. Z. Zeng, M. Gao, W. Huang, and Y. Lin,*“Enhanced thermal conductivity of polycrystalline aluminum nitride thin films by optimizing the interface structure”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 044905 (2012).

W. Q. Yang, Y. Lin, W. Huang, H. Z. Zeng, “Investigations of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters and defect structures for Gd3+ ions in YMO4 (M=V, P, As) crystals”, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 407, 1268 (2012).

W. Liang, Y. Ji, T. Nan, J. Huang, H. Zeng, H. Du, C. Chen, and Y. Lin,* “Optimized growth and dielectric properties of barium titanate thin films on polycrystalline Ni foils”, Chi. Phys. B. 21, 067701 (2012).

W. Liang, Y. Ji, T. Nan, J. Huang, Z. Bi, H. Zeng, H. Du, C. Chen, Q. Jia, and Y. Lin,* “Growth dynamics of barium titanate thin films on polycrystalline Ni foils using polymer-assisted deposition technique”, ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 4, 2199 (2012).

S. H. Liu, X. W. Zhao, T. S. Pan, S. Wu, B. Zeng, H. Z. Zeng, M. Gao, Y. Zhang, W. Huang, and Y. Lin,* “Template effect of hydrolysis of the catalyst precursor on growth of carbon nanotube arrays”, J. Coll. Inter. Sci. 374, 34 (2012).

T. Nan, H. Zeng, W. Liang, S. Liu, Z. Wang, W. Huang, W. Yang, C. Chen, and Y. Lin,* “Growth behavior and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanowires on gold nano-particle coated Si surfaces”, J. Crys. Growth, 340, 83 (2012).


H. M. Luo, G. F. Zou, H. Y. Wang, J. H. Lee, Y. Lin, H. S. Peng, Q. L. Lin, S. G. Deng, E. Bauer, T. M. McCleskey, A. K. Burrell, Q. X. Jia, “Controlling Crystal Structure and Oxidation State in Molybdenum Nitrides through Epitaxial Stabilization”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 36 (2011).

L. H. Yan, W. Z. Liang, S. H. Liu, W. Huang, Y. Lin,* “Multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 Nano Composite Thin Films Grown by Polymer-Assisted Deposition”, Inter. Ferro., 131, 82 (2011).

H. Z. Zeng, Y. Lin,* C. L. Chen, “Strain Relaxation and Dislocation Evolution in Epitaxial Perovskite Oxide Thin Films”, Inter. Ferro., 125, 73 (2011).

M. Liu, C. Ma, G. Collins, J. Liu, C. L. Chen, L. Shui, H. Wang, C. Dai, Y. Lin, J. He, J. Jiang, E. I. Meletis, Q. Zhang, “Microwave dielectric properties with optimized Mn-doped Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 highly epitaxial thin films”, Crystal Growth and Design, 10, 4221 (2010).

H. Zeng, L. Hao, W. Luo, X. Liao, W. Huang, Y. Lin, Y. Li, “Trapping properties of LiNbO3/AlGaN/GaN metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor heterostructure characterized by temperature dependent conductance measurements”, J. Appl. Phys., 107, 084508 (2010).

Y. Lin, C. Dai, Y. R. Li, X. Chen, C. L. Chen, A. Bhalla, Q. X. Jia, “Strain relaxation in epitaxial (Pb,Sr)TiO3 thin films on NdGaO3 substrates” , Appl. Phys. Lett., 96,102901 (2010).

Y. Lin, C. L. Chen, “Interface effects on highly epitaxial ferroelectric thin films”, J. Mater. Sci. 44, 5274 (2009). (邀稿綜述文章)

J. C. Jiang, J. He, E. I. Meletis, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin, J. S. Horwitz, A. J. Jacobson, “Two-dimensional interface structures of epitaxial (Ba,Sr)TiO3 film on miscut (001) MgO”, Thin Solid Films, 518, 147 (2009).

H. Luo, Y. Lin, H. Wang, J. H. Lee, N. A. Suvorova, A. H. Mueller, A. K. Burrell, T. M. McCleskey, E. Bauer, I. O. Usov, M. E. Hawley, T. G. Holesinger, and Q. X. Jia, “A chemical solution approach to epitaxial metal nitride thin films”, Adv. Mater., 21, 193 (2009).

H. Luo, Y. Lin, H. Wang, C. Chou, N. A. Suvorova, M. E. Hawley, A. H. Mueller, F. Ronning, E. Bauer, A. K. Burrell, T. M. McCleskey, and Q. X. Jia, “Epitaxial GaN thin films prepared by polymer-assisted deposition”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 20535 ( 2008).

Y. Lin, X. Chen, J. Liu, Z. Yuan, G. Collins, C. L. Chen, J. C. Jiang, E. I. Meletis, C. L. P. Chen, A. Bhalla, M. W. Cole, “Highly epitaxial ferroelectric lead strontium titanate ((Pb,Sr)TiO3) thin films with extra large dielectric tenability: a good candidate for room temperature tunable microwave elements.”, Integr. Ferroelectr., 100, 1, (2008).

M. Jain, E. Bauer, Y. Lin, H. Wang, A. K. Burrell, T. M. Mcclesky, Q. X. Jia,” BaTiO3-related ferroelectric thin films by polymer-assisted deposition”, Integr. Ferroelectr., 100, 132, (2008).

H. Luo, Y. Lin, H. Wang, S. A. Baily, J. H. Lee, M. E. Hawley, T. M. McClesky, A. K. Burrell, E. Bauer, L. Civale, and Q. X. Jia, “Amorphous silica nanoparticles embedded in epitaxial SrTiO3 and CoFe2O4 matrices”, Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 47, 5768 (2008).

L. Shao, Z. Di, Y. Lin, Q. X. Jia, Y. Q. Wang, M. Nastasi, P. E. Thompson, T. N. David, and P. K, Chu, “The role of strain in hydrogenation induced cracking in Si/Si1-xGex/Si structures”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, 041909, (2008).

Q.X. Jia, H. Wang, Y. Lin, Y. Li, C. Wetteland, G. W. Brown, M. Hawley, B. Maiorov, S. R. Foltyn, L. Civale, P.N. Arendt, and J. L. MacManus-Driscoll. "Microstructural Evolution with the Change in Thickness of Superconducting Films", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 17, 3243 (2007).


1. Y. Ji, Y. Zhang, M. Gao, Z. Yuan, Y. Xia, C. Jin, B. Tao, C. Chen, Q. Jia, Y. Lin*, “Role of microstructures on the M1-M2 phase transition in epitaxial VO2 thin films”, Sci. Rep. 4, 4854 (2014).

2. W. Liang, Z. Li, Z. Bi, T. Nan, H. Du, C. Nan, C. Chen, Q. Jia, and Y. Lin *, “The role of interface on the magnetoelectric properties of BaTiO3 thin films deposited on polycrystalline Ni foils”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2 (4), 708 -714 (2014).

3. Y. Lin,* B. Zeng, Y. Ji, W. Liang, D. Feng, M. Gao, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, B. Chen, C. Chen,* “Nucleation dynamics of nanostructural TiO2 films with controllable phases on (001) LaAlO3”, Nanotechnology, 25, 014014 (2014).

4. H. Chen, B. W. Lu, Y. Lin, X. Feng, “Interfacial Failure in Flexible Electronic Devices”, IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett. 35, 132-134 (2014).

5. S. H. Liu, Y. Y. Zhang, Y. Lin, Z. G. Zhao, Q. W. Li, “Tailoring the structure and nitrogen content of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes by water-assisted growth”, Carbon, 69, 247-254 (2014).

6. T. S. Pan, Y. Zhang, J. Huang, M. Gao, Y. Lin,* “Particle size effect on thermal conductivity of AlN films with embedded diamond particles”, Appl. Phys. A, 114, 973-978 (2014).

7. J. Huang, M. Gao, T. S. Pan, Y. Zhang, Y. Lin,* “Effective thermal conductivity of epoxy matrix filled with poly(ethyleneimine) functionalized carbon nanotubes”, Comp. Sci. & Tech. 95, 16-20 (2014).

8. B. Wu,W. Yang, H. Liu, L. Huang, B. Zhao, C. Wang, G. Xu, Y. Lin*, “Fluorescence spectra and crystal field analysis of BaMoO(4): Eu(3+) phosphors for white light-emitting diodes”, Spectr. acta. A: Molecular and biomolecular spectro., 123, 12-19 (2014).

9. 馮雪,陸炳衛,吳堅,林媛*,宋吉舟,宋國鋒,黃永剛,“可延展柔性無機微納電子器件原理與研究進展”,物理學報, 63(1),014201,(2014) (邀稿綜述文章)

10. W. Q. Yang,* H. G. Liu, M. Gao, Y. Bai, J. T. Zhao, X. D. Xu, B. Wu, W. C. Zheng, G. K. Liu, Y. Lin,* “Dual-luminescence centers single-component white-light Sr2V2O7: Eu3+ phosphors for white-LEDs”, Acta. Mater. 61, 5096-5104 (2013)

11. W. Q. Yang, Z. R. Wei, M. Gao, Y. Chen, J. Xu, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin,* “Fabrication and field emission properties of needle-shaped MoO3 nanobelts”, J. of Alloys and Comp., 576, 332-335 (2013).

12. M. Liu, C. R. Ma, G. Collins, J. Liu, C. L. Chen, A. D. Alemayehu, G. Subramanyam, Y. Ding, J. H. Chen, C. Dai, Y. Lin, M. W. Cole, “Ferroelectric BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayered thin films for room-temperature tunable microwave elements”, Nanoscale Research Lett., 8, (2013).

13. T. S. Pan, D. De, J. Manongdo, A. M. Guloy, V. G. Hadjiev, Y. Lin,* H. B. Peng,* “Field effect transistors with layered two-dimensional SnS2-xSex conduction channels: Effects of selenium substitution”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 093108 (2013).

14. W. Q. Yang, J. Chen, G. Zhu, X. N. Wen, P. Bai, Y. J. Su, Y. Lin, Z. L. Wang, “Harvesting vibration energy by a triple-cantilever based triboelectric nanogenerator”, Nano Research, 6, 880-886 (2013).

15. C. R. Ma, M. Liu, G. Collins, H. B. Wang, S. Y. Bao, X. Xu, E. Enriquez, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin, M. H. Whangbo, “Magnetic and Electrical Transport Properties of LaBaCo2O5.5+delta Thin Films on Vicinal (001) SrTiO3 Surfaces”, ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 5, 451-455 (2013).

16. M. Liu, C.R. Ma, J. Liu, G. Collins, C. L. Chen, A.D. Alemayehu, G. Subramanyam, C. Dai, Y. Lin, A. Bhalla, “Microwave Dielectric Properties of Epitaxial Mn-doped Ba(Zr,Ti)O-3 Thin Films on LaAlO3 Substrates”, Ferroelectric Letters section, 40 (1-3), 65-69 (2013).

17. W. Q. Yang,* Y. Zhang, W. C. Zheng, Y. Lin,* “Spin-Hamiltonian parameters and defect structures for two tetragonal Gd3+ centers in Gd3+ -dpoed Tl2ZnF4 crystal”, J. Fluorine Chem., 153, 7 (2013).

18. W.Q. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. Lin,* W. C. Zheng, “Spin-Hamiltonian parameters for the tetragonal Gd3+M-F-i centers in CaF2 and SrF2 crystals”, J. Mag. Res. 227, 62 (2013).

19. M. Gao, H. Du, C. R. Ma, M. Liu, G. Collins, Y. M. Zhang, C. Dai, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin,* “Strain relaxation in epitaxial SrRuO3 thin films on LaAlO3 substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 141901 (2013).

20. C. R. Ma, M. Liu, C. L. Chen, Y. Lin, Y. R. Li, J. S. Horwitz, J. C. Jiang, E. I. Meletis, Q. Y. Zhang, “The origin of local strain in highly epitaxial oxide thin films”, Sci. Report, 3, 3092 (2013).

21. W. Q. Yang, Y. Zhang, M. Gao, Y. Lin, X. Y. Zhao, “Theoretical investigation on the spin-Hamiltonian parameters for Gd3+-doped molybdates AMoO(4) (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb)”, Acta Physica Sinica, 62(4). 047102 (2013).

22. B. Zeng, M. Gao, S. Liu, T. Pan, Z. Huang, Y. Lin*, “Thermal chemical vapor deposition of layered aligned carbon nanotube films separated by graphite layers”, Phys. Status Solidi A 210, 1128-1132 (2013).

23. Q. Y. Wen, H. W. Zhang, Q. H. Yang, Z. Chen, Y. Long, Y. L. Jing, Y. Lin, and P. X. Zhang, “A tunable hybrid metamaterial absorber based on vanadium oxide films”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 45, 235106 (2012).

24. W. Q. Yang, Y. Lin,* W.C. Zheng, X. Y. Zhao, “An investigation of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters for Gd3+-doped YBa2Cu3O6+y (y=0.06) superconductor”, Supercond. Sci. & Tech., 25, 065011 (2012).

25. J. Huang, Y. Zhang, T. S. Pan, B. Zeng, G. H. Hu, Y. Lin,* “Enhancing the thermal conductivity of polymer-assisted deposited Al2O3 film by nitrogen doping”, Chi. Phys. B. 21,126501 (2012).

26. M. Liu, C. R. Ma, G. Collins, J. Liu, C. L. chen, C. Dai, Y. Lin, L. Shui, F. Xiang, H. Wang, J. He, J. C. Jiang, E. I. Meletis, M. W. Cole, “Interface Engineered BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures with Optimized High-Frequency Dielectric Properties”, ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 4, 5761-5765 (2012).

27. W.-Q. Yang, H.-G. Liu, G.-K. Liu, Y. Lin,* M. Gao, X.-Y. Zhao, W.-C. Zheng, Y. Chen, J. Xu, L.-Z. Li,“Trivalent europium-doped strontium molybdate red phosphors in white light-emitting diodes: Synthesis, photophysical properties and theoretical calculations”, Acta. Mater. 60, 5399-5407 (2012).

28. Y. D. Ji, T. S. Pan, Z. Bi, W. Z. Liang, Y. Zhang, H. Z. Zeng, Q. Y. Wen, H. W. Zhang, C. L. Chen, Q. X. Jia, and Y. Lin,* “Epitaxial growth and metal-insulator transition of vanadium oxide thin films with controllable phases”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 071902 (2012).

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