1978年03月-1985年04月 在西南農業大學植物保護系讀學士和碩士學位。 1985年05月-1988年08月 在中國農業科學院柑桔研究所作科學研究。 1988年09月-1991年10月 在西南農業大學攻讀昆蟲生態學博士學位。 1992年01月-1995年03月 在University of Florida (USA)作博士後研究。 1995年05月-1998年04月 在四川大學生命科學學院任動物學教授。 1998年05月-1999年04月 在Texas A&M University (USA) 訪問研修。 1999年05月-2001年04月 在Kansas State University(USA)訪問研修。 2001年04月- 在四川大學生命科學學院工作。 2006年8月-2007年1月 在Louisiana State University高級研究學者。 2007年8月-2007年9月 Monash University, Australia.管理培訓。
7、IUCN/WPA 物種保護專家。
野生動物保護(Wildlife Conservation)、保護遺傳學(Conservation Genetics)、基因組學(Genomics)、昆蟲學(Entomology)
1. 四川省科技支撐計畫,2014NZ0107,高產優質麝香生產技術研究與示範,2014-2016。
2. 國家林業局大熊貓國際合作項目,SG1412, 圈養大熊貓遺傳管理標準化方法的建立及套用,2014-2015。
3. 博士點基金,20120181110055,基於微衛星和線粒體標記的梅花鹿種群遺傳結構分析,2013-2015。
4. 國家科技支撐計畫,2012BAC01B06,生物多樣性保護與瀕危物種保育技術研究及示範-瀕危物種保育與擴繁技術及套用;2013-2015。
5. 國家自然科學基金,項目批准號:31172118,項目名稱: 破碎化生境中四川山鷓鴣種群遺傳結構分析;2011-2015。
6. 四川老君山國家級自然保護區本底資源調查及數位化管理,2014-2015。
1. 四川省科技進步二等獎,2015,登記號:9512015Y1603,瀕危動物線粒體基因組及物種分子鑑定技術研究與套用,四川大學, 岳碧松、李 靜、張修月、鄒方東、彭 銳、范振鑫、楊 軍。
2. 四川省科技進步三等獎 2008 圈養華南虎遺傳結構研究 成都大熊貓繁育研究基地、四川大學張志和、沈富軍、岳碧松、侯蓉、張亮
3.成都市科技進步二等獎 2007圈養華南虎遺傳結構研究 成都大熊貓繁育研究基地 張志和、沈富軍、岳碧松、侯蓉、張亮、王成東、費立松 市林業和園林管理局
4.成都市科技進步三等獎 2007 四川短尾猴(藏酋猴)實驗動物標準化研究人工馴養繁殖技術 四川省醫學科學院·四川省人民醫院實驗動物研究所 王紅星、尹海林、姚方、周亮、岳碧松
5.成都市科技進步三等獎 2007岷山大熊貓保護與可持續發展 四川大學、四川省野生動物資源調查保護管理站、四川王朗國家級自然保護區管理局 冉江洪、凌林、范隆慶、古曉東、劉世昌 岳碧松
1. Zhenxin Fan, Pedro Silva, Ilan Gronau, Shuoguo Wang, Aitor Serres Armero, Rena M Schweizer, Oscar Ramirez, John Pollinger, Marco Galaverni, Diego Ortega Del-Vecchyo, Lianming Du, Wenping Zhang, Zhihe Zhang, Jinchuan Xing, Carles Vilá, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Raquel Godinho, Bisong Yue, and Robert K Wayne.2015. Worldwide patterns of genomic variation and admixture in gray wolves. Genome Research, Published in Advance December 17, 2015, doi:10.1101/gr.197517.115.(IF=14.63)
2. Zhenxin Fan, Guang Zhao, Peng Li, Naoki Osada, Jinchuan Xing, Yong Yi, Lianming Du, Pedro Silva, Hongxing Wang, RyuichiSakate, Xiuyue Zhang, Huailiang Xu, Bisong Yue, Jing Li. 2014. Whole genome sequencing of Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana) provides new insight into the macaque evolutionary history. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31(6):1475–1489. (IF=14.3)
3. Wenping Zhang,Zhenxin Fan, Eunjung Han, Rong Hou, Liang Zhang, Marco Galaverni, Jie Huang, Hong Liu, Pedro Silva, Peng Li, John P. Pollinger, Lianming Du, Xiuyue Zhang, Bisong Yue, Robert K. Wayne, Zhihe Zhang. 2014. Hypoxia adaptations in the grey wolf (Canis lupus chanco) from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Plos Genetics, 10(7): e1004466. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004466. (IF=8.17)
4. Fujun Shen,Zhehe Zhang, Wei He, Bisong Yue; Anju Zhang, Liang Zhang, Rong Hou, Chengdong Wang, Toshi Watanabe, Toshi. 2009. Microsatellite variability reveals the necessity for genetic input from wild giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) into the captive population. Molecular Ecology,18, 1061–1070. (IF=6.5)
5. Christopher B. Kaelin, Xiao Xu, Lewis Z. Hong, Victor A. David, Kelly A. McGowan,Anne Schmidt-Küntzel, Melody E. Roelke, Javier Pino, Joan Pontius, Gregory M. Cooper, Hermogenes Manue, William F. Swanson, Laurie Marker, Cindy K. Harper,Ann van Dyk, Bisong Yue, James C. Mullikin, Wesley C. Warren, Eduardo Eizirik, Lidia Kos,Stephen J. O’Brien, Gregory S. Barsh, Marilyn Menotti-Raymond. 2012. Specifying and Sustaining Pigmentation Patterns in Domestic and Wild Cats. Science, 337, 1536-1541, DOI: 10.1126/science.1220893.(研究生為共同第一作者)
6. Jing Li, Xin Zheng, Yansen Cai, Shaoying Liu, Xiuyue Zhang, Min Yang, Bisong Yue, Jing Li. 2014. DNA barcoding of Murinae (Rodentia: Muridae) and Arvicolinae (Rodentia: Cricetidae) distributed in China. Molecular Ecology Resources. 15(1):163-167.doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12279. (IF=5.63)
7. Lianming Du, Wujiao Li, Zhenxin Fan, Fujun Shen, Mingyu Yang, Zili Wang, Zuoyi Jian, Rong Hou, Bisong Yue, and Xiuyue Zhang. 2015. First insights into the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) blood transcriptome: a resource for novel gene loci and immunogenetics. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15(4): 1001-1013.
8. Yuzhi Li,Xiao Xu,Liang Zhang, Zhihe Zhang, Fujun shen, Wenping Zhang and Bisong Yue. 2010. An ARMS based technique for sex determination of red panda (Ailurus fulgens). Molecular Ecology Resources. 11(2):400-403.doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02934.x.
9. Kelei Zhao, Wujiao Li, Chunlan Kang, Lianming Du, Ting Huang, Xiuyue Zhang, MinWu, and Bisong Yue, 2014. Phylogenomics and Evolutionary Dynamics of the Family Actinomycetaceae. Genome Biol. Evol. 6(10):2625–2633.(IF=4.23)
10. Shunde Chen; Zhiyu Sun; Kai He; Xuelong Jiang; Yang Liu; Koju Narayan Prasad; Xiuyue Zhang; Feiyun Tu; Zhenxing Fan; Shaoying Liu, Bisong Yue. 2015. Molecular phylogenetics and phylogeographic structure of Sorex bedfordiae based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 84 245-253. (IF=3.91)
11. Zhenxin Fan, Shaoying Liu, Yang Liu, Bo Zeng, Xiuyue Zhang, Cong Guo and Bisong Yue. 2009. Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic reconsideration of the subfamily Zapodinae (Rodentia, Dipodidae), with an emphasis on Chinese species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 51:447–453.doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.03.005.
12. Jie Huang, Yu-Zhi Li, Lian-Ming Du, Bo Yang, Fu-Jun Shen, He-Min Zhang, Zhi-He Zhang, Xiu-Yue Zhang and Bi-Song Yue. 2015. Genome-wide survey and analysis of microsatellites in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), with a focus on the applications of a novel microsatellite marker system. BMC Genomics, 16:61.(IF=3.99)
13. Kelei Zhao, Yi Li, Bisong Yue, Min Wu. 2014. Genes as Early Responders Regulate Quorum-sensing and Contro1 Bacterial Cooperation in Pesudomonas aerugionosa. PLoS ONE DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0101887.(IF=3.53)
(Other Publications)
14. Tu FY, Fan ZX, Murphy RW, Chen SD, Zhang XY, Yan CC, Liu Y, Sun ZY, Fu JR, Liu SY, Yue BS. 2015. Molecular phylogenetic relationships among Asiatic shrewlike moles inferred from the complete mitogenomes. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 53(2): 155-160.
15. He SL, Zou Y, Zhang LF, Ma WQ, Zhang XY, Yue BS.2015. The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Beet Webworm, Spoladea recurvalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Its Phylogenetic Implications. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129355.
16. Chengzhong Yang, Zhen Xiao, Yuan Zou, Xiuyue Zhang, Bo Yang, Yinghong Hao, Timothy Moermond & Bisong Yue.2015. DNA barcoding revises a misidentification on musk deer. Mitochondrial DNA, 26(4):605-612.
17. Jie Huang, Yu-Zhi Li, Lian-Ming Du, Bo Yang, Fu-Jun Shen, He-Min Zhang, Zhi-He Zhang, Xiu-Yue Zhang and Bi-Song Yue.2015. Genome-wide survey and analysis of microsatellites in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), with a focus on the applications of a novel microsatellite marker system.BMC Genomics 2015, 16:61 doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1268-z
18. Jing J, Song XH, Yan CC, Lu T, Zhang XY, Yue BS.2015. Phylogenetic analyses of the harvest mouse, Micromys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae) based on the complete mitogenome sequences. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 62:121-127.
19. Huang J, Zhu D, Song XH, Chen BP, Zeng CJ, Moermond TM, Zhang XY, Yue BS. 2015. High-throughput microsatellite markers discovery forthe Sichuan Hill Partridge (Arborophilarufipectus) and assessment of genetic diversity in Laojunshan population. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 60: 266-272.
20. Du L, Li W, Fan Z, Shen F, Yang M, Wang Z, Jian Z, Hou R, Yue B, Zhang X. 2015. First insights into the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) blood transcriptome: a resource for novel gene loci and immunogenetics. Molecular Ecology Resources, MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES, 15(4): 1001-1013.DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12367.
21. Xuhao Song Jie Huang Chaochao Yan, Gaowei Xu, Xiuyue Zhang,Bisong Yue. 2015. The complete mitochondrial genome of Accipiter virgatus and evolutionary history of the pseudo-control regions in Falconiformes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 58(2015):75-84.
22. Chunlan Kang, Hao Yue, Mengyao Liu, Ting Huang, Yang Liu, Xiuyue Zang, Bisong Yue, Tao Zeng, Shaoying Liu, 2015. The complete mitochondrial genome of Cricetulus kamensis (Rodentia: Cricetidae). Mitochondrial DNA, Early Online: 1–2. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.926513.
23. Mengyao Liu, Chunlan Kang, Chaochao Yan, Ting Huang, Xuhao Song, XiuYue Zhang, Bisong Yue, Tao Zeng, 2015. Phylogenetic analysis of the Black Stork Ciconia nigra (Ciconiiformes: Ciconiidae) based on complete mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial DNA, Early Online: 1–2. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.883616
24. Ziqi Zhang, Tong Sun, Chunlan Kang, Yang Liu, Shaoying Liu, Bisong Yue, Tao Zeng, 2015. The complete mitochondrial genome of long-tailed Hamster Cricetulus longicaudatus (Milne-Edwards, 1867) and phylogenetic implications. Mitochondrial DNA, Early Online: 1–2. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.945567.
25. Dan Zhu, Jie Huang, Chunlan Kang, Xuhao Song, Bisong Yue, and Xiuyue Zhang, 2015. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Leopoldamys edwardsi (Rodentia: Muridae). Mitochondrial DNA, Early Online: 1–3. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.971270.
26. Chengzhong Yang, Zhen Xiao, Yuan Zou, Xiuyue Zhang, Bo Yang, Yinghong Hao, Timothy Moermond3,and Bisong Yue,2015. DNA barcoding revises a misidentification on musk deer. MITOCHONDRIAL DNA, 26(4): 605-612.DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.880887.
27. He SL, Zou Y, Zhang LF, Ma WQ, Zhang XY, Yue BS.2015. The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Beet Webworm, Spoladea recurvalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Its Phylogenetic Implications. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129355.
28. Wu, YY,Fu, JZ,Yue, BS,Qi, Y. 2015. An atypical reproductive cycle in a common viviparous Asia Agamid Phrynocephalus vlangalii. Ecology and Evolution,5(21): 5138-5147.DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1783.
29. Qi, WH, Jiang, XM,Du, LM,Xiao, GS,Hu, TZ,Yue, BS, Quan, QM. 2015. Genome-Wide Survey and Analysis of Microsatellite Sequences in Bovid Species. PLOS ONE,10(7): e0133667.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133667.
33. Guo, HW, Jiang, J, Cui, YY, Yi, Y, Jia, XD, Wang, HX, Yue, BS, Li, J. 2015. Identification and characterization of polymorphic Alu insertions in the Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH, 61(1): 143-149.DOI: 10.1007/s10344-014-0887-z.
34. Chaochao Yan, Yu Zhou,Lu Lu, Feiyun Tu, Ting Huang, Xiuyue Zhangand Bisong Yue,2014. Complete mitochondrial genome of Hainan partridge, Arborophila ardens (Galliformes: Phasianidae). 25( 4): 259-260.
35. Yonghua Yin, Fujuan Qu, Zhongwu Yang, Xiuyue Zhang, Bisong Yue. 2014. Structural characteristics and phylogenetic analysis f the mitochondrial genome of the rice leafroller, Cnaphalocrocis edinalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Mol Biol Rep, 46(2):1109-1116.
36. Kelei Zhao, Wujiao Li, Chunlan Kang, Lianming Du, Ting Huang, Xiuyue Zhang, MinWu, and Bisong Yue, 2014. Phylogenomics and Evolutionary Dynamics of the Family Actinomycetaceae. Genome Biol. Evol. 6(10):2625–2633.
37. Jie Huang, Bo Yang, Chaochao Yan, Chengzhong Yang, Feiyun Tu, Xiuyue Zhang, and Bisong Yue,2014. Phylogenetic analysis of the Mustela altaica (Carnivora: Mustelidae) based on complete mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial DNA, 2014; 25(4): 255–256.
38. Ting Huang, Chaochao Yan, Zheng Tan, Feiyun Tu, Bisong Yue, and Xiuyue Zhang, 2014. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Nectogale elegans. Mitochondrial DNA, 25(4): 253–254.
39. Feiyun Tu, Shaoying Liu, Yang Liu, Zhiyu Sun, Yonghua Yin,Chaochao Yan, Lu Lu, Bisong Yuec and Xiuyue Zhang, 2014.Complete mitogenome of Chinese shrew mole Uropsilus soricipes (Milne-Edwards, 1871) (Mammalia: Talpidae) and genetic structure of the species in the Jiajin Mountains (China). Journal of Natural History, 48:1467–1483.
40. Peng Li, Chengzhong Yang, Xiuyue Zhang, Jing Li, Yong Yi, Bisong Yue, 2014. Development of eighteen tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in Tibetan Macaque (Macaca thibetana) and genetic diversity analysis of captive population. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 57: 293-296.
41. Kelei Zhao, Yi Li, Bisong Yue, Min Wu. 2014. Genes as Early Responders Regulate Quorum-sensing and Contro1 Bacterial Cooperation in Pesudomonas aerugionosa. PLOS ONE,9(7): e101887.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101887.
42. Zhao, C, Hu, J, Li, YH, Ran, JH, Guan, JK, Yang, CZ, Xiong, YQ, Yue, BS. 2014. Habitat Use of Sichuan Sika Deer in Forest, Bush and Meadows in the Tiebu Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China. PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 46(4): 941-951.
43. Song, J, Hou, FX, Zhang, XY, Yue, BS, Song, ZB. 2014. Mitochondrial genetic diversity and population structure of a vulnerable freshwater fish, rock carp (Procypris rabaudi) in upper Yangtze River drainage. BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY,55: 1-9.DOI: 10.1016/j.bse.2014.02.008.
44. Li, HQ, Liu, XL, Wang, RH, Wang, YB, Bridge, ES, Yue, BS, Chen, JZ , Xiao, XM. 2014. Dynamic Change in Spring Habitat Use by the Brown Eared Pheasant (Crossptilon mantchuricum) in the Huanglong Mountains, Yanan City, Shaanxi Province, China. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 31(8): 529-534.DOI: 10.2108/zs130163.
45. Qiao, MF,Xiao, J, Yin, HJ, Pu, XZ, Yue, BS, Liu, Q. 2014. Analysis of the phenolic compounds in root exudates produced by a subalpine coniferous species as responses to experimental warming and nitrogen fertilization. CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY,30(6): 555-565.DOI: 10.1080/02757540.2013.868891.
46. Liu, FW, Ma, LL, Yang, CZ, Tu, FY, Xu, Y , Ran, JH, Yue, BS, Zhang, XY. 2014. Taxonomic Status of Tetraophasis obscurus and Tetraophasis szechenyii (Aves: Galliformes: Phasianidae) Based on the Complete Mitochondrial Genome. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 31(3): 160-167. DOI: 10.2108/zsj.31.160.
47. Lianming Du, Yuzhi Li, Xiuyue Zhang, and Bisong Yue,2013. MSDB: A User-Friendly Program for Reporting Distribution and Building Databases of Microsatellites from Genome Sequences. Journal of Heredity 2013:104(1):154–157.
48. Shi, Z, Wang, ZJ, Xu, HL, Tian, Y, Li, X, Bao, JK, Sun, SR, Yue, BS. 2013. Modeling, docking and dynamics simulations of a non-specific lipid transfer protein from Peganum harmala L. COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY, 47:56-65.DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2013.07.001.
49. Chengzhong Yang, Changkui Xiang, Wenhua Qi, Shan Xia, Feiyun Tu, Xiuyue Zhang, Timothy Moermond, Bisong Yue, 2013. Phylogenetic analyses and improved resolution of the family Bovidae based on complete mitochondrial genomes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 48: 136–143.
50. Xu Y., Yang N., Ran J.H., Yue B.S., Moermond T.C. (2013). Social ordering of roosting by cooperative breeding buff-throated partridges Tetraophasis szechenyii Ethology. Ecology and Evolution, 25 (3), 289-297.
51. Xin Cai, shumin Yu, Tserangdonko Mipam, Xiuyue Zhang, Bisong Yue. 2013. Phylogenetic lineages of Monopterus albus (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) in China inferred from mitochondrial control region. J Zoolog Syst Evol Res (2013) 51(1), 38—44. doi: 10.1111/jzs.12004.
52. Jie Huang, Yuzhi Li, Peng Li, Hao Yue, Xiuyue Zhang, Xuxin Li, Fangdong Zou, Hua Ming, Timothy Moermond, Bisong Yue, 2013. Genetic quality of the Miyaluo captive forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) population as assessed by microsatellite loci. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,47:25–30.DOI:10.1016/j.bse.2012.10.012.
53. Yang CZ, Xiang CK, Qi WH, Xia S, Tu FY, Zhang XY, Yue BS.2013. Phylogenetic analyses and improved resolution of Bovidae based on complete mitochondrial genomes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 48 (2013) 136–143. (DOI: 10.1016/j.bse.2012.12.005).
54. Chengzhong Yang, Changkui Xiang, Xiuyue Zhang and Bisong Yue. 2013. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Aloine must deer (Moschus chrysogaster). Mitochondrial DNA, 24(5):501-503.
55. Kelei Zhao,Yongqiang Tian, Bisong Yue, Hongning Wang, Xiuyue Zhang. 2013. Virulence determinants and biofilm production among Trueperella pyogenes recovered from abscesses of captive forest musk deer. Arch. Microbiol. 195:203–209.
56. Kelei Zhao, Mengyao Liu, Xiuyue Zhang, Hongning Wang, Bisong Yue.2013. In vitro and in vivo expression of virulence genes in Trueperella pyogenes based on a mouse model. Veterinary Microbiology,163: 344-350.
57. Shan-Jin Wu, Jing Luo, Qing-Qing Li, Yan-Qin Wang, Robert W. Murphy, Christopher Blair,Shi-Fang Wu, Bisong Yue, Ya-Ping Zhang. 2013. Ecological Genetics of Chinese Rhesus Macaque in Response to Mountain Building: All Things Are Not Equal. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55315. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055315.
58. Wenping Zhang, Shangmian Yie, Bisong Yue, Jielong Zhou, Renxiong An, Jiangdong Yang,Wangli Chen, Chengdong Wang, Liang Zhang, Fujun Shen, Guangyou Yang, Rong Hou,Zhihe Zhang.2012. Determination of Baylisascaris schroederi Infection in Wild Giant Pandas by an Accurate and Sensitive PCR/CESSCP Method. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41995. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041995
59. Hongqun Li , Bisong Yue, Zhenmin Lian, Hongfeng Zhao, Delong Zhao and Xiangming Xiao. 2012. Modeling Spring Habitat Requirements of the Endangered Brown-eared Pheasant Crossoptilon mantchuricum in the Huanglong Mountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Zoological Science, 2012, 29(9) : 593-598.
60. Li Peng, Yang Chengzhong, Tu Feiyun, Liu Guangxun.2012.The complete mitochondrial genome of the Elongate loach Leptobotia elongata (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 23(5):352-354.
61. Weicai Chen,Haibang Hao, Zhiyu Sun, Yang Liu, Shaoying Liu, Bisong Yue. 2012. Phylogenetic position of the genus Proedromys (Arvicolinae, Rodentia):Evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 42 (2012) 59–68.
62. Shunde Chen, Shaoying Liu,Yang Liu, Kai He, Weicai Chen,Xiuyue Zhang,Zhenxin Fan, Feiyun Tu, Xiaodong Jia & Bisong Yue. 2012. Molecular phylogeny of Asiatic Short-Tailed Shrews, genus Blarinella Thomas, 1911 (Mammalia: Soricomorpha: Soricidae) and its taxonomic implications. Zootaxa 3250: 43–53.
63. Tu Feiyun, Tang Minkun, Liu Yang, Sun Zhiyu, Zhang Xiuyue, Yue Bisong, Liu Shaoying. 2012. Fauna and species diversity of small mammals in Jiajin Mountains, Sichuan Province, China. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 32(4):287-296.
64. Feiyun Tu,Zhenxin Fan, Shunde Chen, Yonghua Yi, Peng Li, Xiuyue Zhang,Shaoying Liu & Bisong Yue.2012. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Gracile shrew mole, Uropsilus gracilis (Soricomorpha: Talpidae).Mitochondrial DNA, DNA, 23(5):382-384.
65. Yonghua Yin, Lianming Du, and Bisong Yue. 2012. Genscalpel: An Application for Sequence Retrieval and Extraction from the GenBank flatfile. Journal of Heredity. 2012:103(6):908–911. 10.1093/jhered/ess052.
66.Xin Cai, shumin Yu, Tserangdonko Mipam, Xiuyue Zhang, Bisong Yue. 2012. Phylogenetic lineages of Monopterus albus (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) in China inferred from mitochondrial control region. J Zoolog Syst Evol Res doi: 10.1111/jzs.12004.
67.Weicai Chen,Haibang Hao, Zhiyu Sun, Yang Liu, Shaoying Liu, Bisong Yue. 2012. Phylogenetic position of the genus Proedromys (Arvicolinae, Rodentia):Evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 42 (2012) 59–68.
68.Shunde Chen, Shaoying Liu,Yang Liu, Kai He, Weicai Chen,Xiuyue Zhang,Zhenxin Fan, Feiyun Tu, Xiaodong Jia & Bisong Yue. 2012. Molecular phylogeny of Asiatic Short-Tailed Shrews, genus Blarinella Thomas, 1911 (Mammalia: Soricomorpha: Soricidae) and its taxonomic implications. Zootaxa 3250: 43–53.
69.Feiyun Tu,Zhenxin Fan, Shunde Chen, Yonghua Yi, Peng Li, Xiuyue Zhang,Shaoying Liu & Bisong Yue.2012. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Gracile shrew mole, Uropsilus gracilis (Soricomorpha: Talpidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 2012; Early Online: 1–3。
70.Yonghua Yin, Lianming Du, and Bisong Yue. 2012. Genscalpel: An Application for Sequence Retrieval and Extraction from the GenBankflatfile. Journal of Heredity. 10.1093/jhered/ess052.
71.Chengzhong Yang, Zhen Xiao, Yanshu Guo, Yuanqing Xiong,Xiuyue Zhang, and Bisong Yue.2012. Alarm Signals of the Sichuan Sika Deer Cervus Nippon sichuanicus. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 29: 423–427.
72.Chengzhong Yang , Peng Li , Xiuyue Zhang, Yanshu Guo, Yimin Gao, Yuanqing Xiong, Linbo Wang, Wenhua Qi & Bisong Yue (2012): The complete mitochondrial genome of the Chinese Sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck, 1838), and phylogenetic analysis among Cervidae,Moschidae and Bovidae, Journal of Natural History, 46:27-28, 1747-1759.
73.Zhaofeng Liu a, Liwei He a,b, Honggang Yuan a, Bisong Yue a,c, Jing Li.2012. CR1 retroposons provide a new insight into the phylogeny of Phasianidae species (Aves: Galliformes). Gene 502:125-132. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2012.04.068
74.Wenqing Li, Fei Xue, Li Li, Xiao Li, Bisong Yue, Jing Li. 2012. A triple-primer PCR approach for the sex identification of endangered Phasianidae birds. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH 58(1): 289-294. DOI: 10.1007/s10344-011-0576-0.
75.Chengzhong Yang, Haibang Hao, Shaoying Liu, Yang Liu, Bisong Yue, Xiuyue Zhang. 2012. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Chinese oriental vole Eothenomys chinensis (Rodentia: Arvicolinae). MITOCHONDRIAL DNA 23(2): 131-133. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2012.660926.
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101. Yuzhi Li,Xiao Xu,Fujun Shen, Wenping Zhang, Zhihe Zhang, Rong. Hou & Bisong Yue. 2010. Development of new tetranucleotide microsatellite loci and assessment of genetic variation of giant panda in two largest giant panda captive breeding populations. Journal of Zoology, 282: 39–46.
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