
passing passingpassingpassingpassingpassingpassingpassingpassingpassingn.

passing經過, 通過, 消逝(死)


passing經過的, 短暫的, 偶然的, 及格的

1. (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate
同義詞:pass, passing play, passing game
2. euphemistic expressions for death
同義詞:loss, departure, exit, expiration, going, release
3. the motion of one object relative to another
4. the end of something
5. a bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another
6. going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it
7. success in satisfying a test or requirement
同義詞:pass, qualifying
1. go across or through
同義詞:pass, go through, go across
2. pass by
同義詞:travel by, pass by, surpass, go past, go by, pass
3. make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation
同義詞:legislate, pass
4. pass by
同義詞:elapse, lapse, pass, slip by, glide by, slip away, go by, slide by, go along
5. place into the hands or custody of
同義詞:pass, hand, reach, pass on, turn over, give
6. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point
同義詞:run, go, pass, lead, extend
7. travel past
同義詞:pass, overtake, overhaul
8. come to pass
同義詞:happen, hap, go on, pass off, occur, pass, fall out, come about, take place
9. go unchallenged; be approved
同義詞:pass, clear
10. pass (time) in a specific way
同義詞:spend, pass
11. guide or pass over something
同義詞:guide, run, draw, pass
12. transmit information
同義詞:communicate, pass on, pass, pass along, put across
13. disappear gradually
同義詞:evanesce, fade, blow over, pass off, fleet, pass
14. go successfully through a test or a selection process
同義詞:pass, make it
15. go beyond
同義詞:exceed, transcend, overstep, pass, go past, top
16. accept or judge as acceptable
17. allow to go without comment or censure
18. transfer to another; of rights or property
19. pass into a specified state or condition
同義詞:sink, pass, lapse
20. be Identified, regarded, accepted, or mistaken for someone or something else; as by denying one's own ancestry or background
21. throw (a ball) to another player
22. be inherited by
同義詞:fall, return, pass, devolve
23. cause to pass
同義詞:pass, make pass
24. grant authorization or clearance for
同義詞:authorize, authorise, pass, clear
25. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
同義詞:die, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop off, choke, croak, snuff it
26. eliminate from the body
同義詞:excrete, egest, eliminate, pass
1. lasting a very short time
同義詞:ephemeral, short-lived, transient, transitory, fugacious
2. of advancing the ball by throwing it
3. allowing you to pass (e.g., an examination or inspection) satisfactorily
4. hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
同義詞:casual, cursory, perfunctory
1. to an extreme degree or extent
同義詞:exceedingly, extremely
in passing 順便, 附帶地
passing一詞"冒充"的意思產生於美國,最初指"黑人冒充白人"這種社會現象 passing的這種意思很可能是來源於奴隸制時期黑人奴隸身上所攜帶的通行證(pass)有了這種證件,黑人奴隸外出時就不會被視為逃跑的奴隸,但由於黑白混血兒來說,其白膚色就是通行證,從而逃離奴隸制,冒充者被稱為the passing figure或passer



