A Hard Day's Night[1964年Richard Lester導演英國電影]

《A Hard Day's Night》1964年由Richard Lester導演、The Beatles(成員包括John Lennon、Paul McCartney、George Harrison和Ringo Starr)主演的一部黑白電影,當時正處於Beatlemania時期。影片編劇為Alun Owen。影片以偽紀錄片風格描繪了樂隊生活中的日子。 影片在商業和評論上都獲得了成功,並被時代雜誌選為了史上最偉大的100部電影之一。電影被認為影響了60年代的間諜電影、The Monkees' television show和流行MV。


A Hard Day's Night[1964年Richard Lester導演英國電影] A Hard Day's Night[1964年Richard Lester導演英國電影]

1963年秋天,為了從紅透半邊天的甲殼蟲身上賺筆錢,美國的United Artists和甲殼蟲簽約拍攝一部電影,目的是得以在美國推出電影的原聲唱片。他們找到Walter Shenson做製片,Richard Lester導演,在1964年拍攝了電影A Hard Day's Night。

Shenson在1963年秋甲殼蟲前往美國前與他們接觸,要求他們為電影創作6首歌——題材不限,但要有兩首抒情歌曲,兩首快節奏的舞曲等等。在加勒比海度假期間,他們創作了八九首歌,Dick Lester從中選出了六首用於電影中,這些歌曲是:You Can't Do That、And I Love Her、I Should Have Known Better、Tell Me Why、If I Fell、I'm Happy Just to Dance with You。3月2日拍攝開始前,甲殼蟲在倫敦EMI錄音室里錄製了這些歌曲。其中演奏You Can't Do That的部分在電影推出時被剪輯掉了,但之前就做為Can't Buy Me Love單曲的B面發行,也仍然出現在美國版的原聲唱片上。

電影拍攝從3月2日開始,至4月24日結束。影片用誇張的手法描述甲殼蟲一天的生活,其主題來自John Lennon說過的一句話。當Lester問John他們的瑞典之行如何時,John答道:“It was a room and a car and a car and a room and a room and a car.”這句話稍加變動後被用在電影裡,變成了“Paul的爺爺”的台詞。

Shenson原先以為他可以隨便找一首新歌的歌名作為電影題目,但這六首新歌都不太合適。拍攝期間,大家絞盡腦汁為電影找一個合適的名字。最後有一天,John和他聊天時提起Ringo有趣的語言,並舉出“A hard day's night”為例。John自己在剛出版的《In His Own Write》也曾經使用過這個短語。大家一致同意它可以作為電影題目。於是John按Shenson的囑咐,以此為題創作了電影的主題歌,並在4月16日拍攝電影期間把它錄製下來。

美國出版的電影原聲唱片只包括這七首新歌,但為了Parlophone的英國唱片,他們在6月回到錄音室,又錄製了5首新歌: I'll Cry Instead、I'll be Back、Any Time At all、Things We Said Today和 When I Get Home。加上電影裡使用的他們之前發行過的單曲Can't Buy Me Love,英國的專輯唱片裡一共有13首歌,全部是甲殼蟲的原創歌曲。這是他們第一次能夠推出一張全部原創的專輯。

這一成就主要應歸功於John Lennon當時旺盛的創作力。在這13首歌里,9首都是他主筆創作的。Paul主筆創作了3首歌,並和John合作為George創作了I'm Happy Just to Dance With You。當然,按照主創者主唱的原則,John在這張專輯中的主唱也遠遠超過其他三人,甚至沒有給Ringo一個表現的機會。

A Hard Day's Night的電影成為搖滾電影的經典,教給整整一代年輕人反叛的原則,而這張專輯標誌著甲殼蟲的創作進入了一個新的階段,我們可以把它叫做“早期階段的中期”吧?


四個從利物浦來的小子,縱然擁有億萬名利,卻只有一個晚上可以盡興冒險。因為他們是─披頭四。就在今夜,且看他們如何用過人智慧,擺脫龜毛製作人、煩人老爺爺、與外面無數尖叫歌迷的糾纏,執行這「不可能的任務」! 本片是融合了喜劇、紀錄片與搖滾樂的劇情片,由著名的樂團「披頭士」。1964年上映時備獲好評,這次則是經過數位化處理後重新上映。



Richard Lester


菲爾·科林斯  Seated fan with necktie (uncredited)

Paul McCartney Paul

約翰·列儂 Himself

Bridget Armstrong Lead makeup woman (uncredited)

Roger Avon (uncredited)

Isla Blair Shakespearean actress (scenes deleted)

Lionel Blair TV choreographer

John Bluthal Man stealing car (uncredited)

Pattie Boyd Jean (schoolgirl on train #1 (uncredited)

Wilfrid Brambell Johnny McCartney (Paul's grandfather)

Rosemarie Frankland Brunette showgirl (uncredited)

Deryck Guyler Police Inspector

Kenneth Haigh Simon Marshall (uncredited)

George Harrison George

Julian Holloway Adrian,Simon's Assistant (uncredited)

Terry Hooper (uncredited)

David Janson Young boy

John Junkin Shake

Clare Kelly Barmaid (uncredited)

David Langton Actor (uncredited)

Jeremy Lloyd Tall dancer at the disco (uncredited)

Edward Malin Hotel waiter

Derek Nimmo Leslie Jackson (magician) (uncredited)

Margaret Nolan Grandfather's girl at casino (uncredited)

Anna Quayle Millie

Robin Ray TV floor manager

Norman Rossington Norm

Alison Seebohm Secretary

Victor Spinetti TV director

Ringo Starr Ringo

Marianne Stone Society reporter (uncredited)

Michael Trubshawe Casino manager (uncredited)

Richard Vernon Man on train


Alun Owen


Denis O'Dell associate producer

David V. Picker executive producer (uncredited)

Walter Shenson producer


Paul McCartney


George Harrison (song "Don't Bother Me")

George Martin



Gilbert Taylor


John Jympson




Ray Simm



Julie Harris

Dougie Millings


Betty Glasow hair stylist

John O'Gorman makeup artist



Barrie Melrose second assistant director (uncredited)

John D. Merriman assistant director



H.L. Bird sound recordist (uncredited)

Stephen Dalby sound recordist (uncredited)

Gordon Daniel sound editor

Jim Roddan sound editor (uncredited)



Ronnie Wass optical effects: titles (uncredited)



Roy Benson assistant editor (uncredited)

Derek V. Browne camera operator

Rita Davison continuity

Robert Freeman title designer

Esther Harris trailer

George Martin music supervisor

Pamela Tomling assistant editor (uncredited)

Paul Wilson camera operator (uncredited)


1. George : That's not your grandfather.

2. Paul : It is,you know.

3. George : But I've seen your grandfather. He lives in your house.

4. Paul : Oh,that's my other grandfather,but he's my grandfather,too.

5. John : How do you reckon that one out?

6. Paul : Well,everyone's entitled to two,aren't they?

7. Grandfather : Hullo.

8. John : He can talk then,can he?

9. Paul : 'Course he can talk. He's a human being,isn't he?

10. Ringo : Well if he's your grandfather,who knows! Ha ha ha!

11. [The boys are listening to the radio]

12. Man on Train : And we'll have that thing off as well,thank you.

13. Ringo : But ...

14. Man on Train : An elementary knowledge of the Railway Acts would tell you that I'm perfectly within my rights.

15. Paul : Yeah,but we want to hear it,and there's more of us than you. We're a community,like,a majority vote. Up the workers and all that stuff!

16. Man on Train : Then I suggest you take that damned thing to the corridor or some other part of the train where you obviously belong.

17. John : [Leaning over to the man] Give us a kiss.

18. Man on train : Don't take that tone with me young man. I fought the war for your sort.

19. Ringo : I bet you're sorry you won.

20. Man On Train : I shall call the guard.

21. Paul : Ah,but what? They don't take kindly to insults you know.

22. George : What's the matter with you,then?

23. Ringo : It's his grandfather. I can tell he doesn't like me. It's cause I'm little.

24. George : Ah,you've got an inferiority complex,you have.

25. Ringo : Yeah,I know,that's why I play the drums - it's me active compensatory factor.

26. Norm : The place is surging with girls.

27. John : Please sir,sir,can I have one to surge me sir,please sir?

28. Norm : No,you can't!

29. [Huge stacks of fan mail is delivered]

30. Ringo : None for me,then?

31. Norm : Sorry.

32. John : [handing Ringo one letter] Here,this'll keep you busy.

33. Grandfather : It's your nose you know. Fans are funny that way,they take a dislike to things. They'll pick on a nose.

34. Ringo : Aw... you pick on your own.

35. [After Ringo gets a pile of fan mail]

36. John : Must have cost you a fortune in stamps Ringo.

37. George : He comes from a large family.

38. Ringo : Any of you lot put a man in the cupboard?

39. George : Nah!

40. Paul : Don't be soft!

41. [George has a look in the cupboard and sits back down]

42. George : He's right you know

43. John : There you go.

44. George : Honestly! Me mind boggles at the very idea,a grown man and you haven't shaved with a safety razor.

45. Shake : It's not my fault. I come from a long line of electricians.

46. Reporter : How did you find America?

47. John : Turned left at Greenland.

48. Reporter : Has success changed your life?

49. George : Yes.

50. Reporter : Are you a mod,or a rocker?

51. Ringo : Um,no. I'm a mocker.

52. Reporter : Do you think these haircuts have come to stay?

53. Ringo : Well,this one has. You know,it's stuck on good and proper now.

54. Reporter : What would you call that hairstyle you're wearing?

55. George : Arthur.

56. Reporter : What do you call that collar?

57. Ringo : A collar.

58. Reporter : Do you often see you father?

59. Paul : No,actually were just close friend.

60. Ringo : There you go,hiding behind a smokescreen of bourgeois cliches.

61. George : He's very fussy about his drums,you know. They loom large in his legend.

62. T.V. Director : Get me a bottle of milk and some tranquilizers. I see it all now... It's a plot... a plot.

63. George : Sorry we hurt your field mister.

64. Millie : Hello.

65. John : Hello.

66. Millie : Oh wait a minute,don't tell me who you are.

67. John : No I'm not.

68. Millie : Oh you are.

69. John : I'm not.

70. Millie : Oh you are,I know you are.

71. John : I'm not,no.

72. Millie : You look just like him.

73. John : Do I? You're the first one that's said that ever.

74. Millie : Yes you do,look.

75. John : No my eyes are lighter. The nose.

76. Millie : Oh yes your nose is very.

77. John : Is it?

78. Millie : I would have said so.

79. John : You know him better though.

80. Millie : I do not. He's only a casual acquaintance.

81. John : That's what you say.

82. Millie : What have you heard?

83. John : It's all over the place.

84. Millie : Is it? Is it really?

85. John : But I wouldn't have it. I stuck up for you.

86. Millie : I knew I could rely on you.

87. John : Thanks.

88. Millie : [puts on her glasses] You don't look like him at all.

89. [John walks away pouting]

90. John : She looks more like him than I do.

91. Norm : What?

92. Shake : I'm not taller than you. You're shorter than I am.

93. John : I bet he hasn't even got a wife. Look at his sweater.

94. Paul : You never know,she might have knitted it.

95. John : She knitted him.

96. John : Standin' about,eh? Some people have it dead easy.

97. Norm : Shake,take that wig off! It suits you.

98. Norm : Ringo,what are you up to?

99. [Ringo is getting his hair done and reading a magazine]

100. Ringo : Page five!

101. Paul : Oh,that this too,too solid flesh would melt... Zap!

102. [Having makeup applied]

103. George : Hey,you won't interfere with the basic rugged concept of me personality,will you madam?

104. Grandfather : I thought I was supposed to be getting a change of scenery. But so far I've been in a train and a room,a car and a room,and a room and a room.

105. John : We know how to behave! We've had lessons.

106. [George runs into Ringo in hallway]

107. George : Hey,do you know what happened to me?

108. Ringo : No I don't.

109. [Ringo walks on]

110. Norm : God knows what you've unleashed on the unsuspecting South. It'll be wine,women,and song all the way with Ringo when he gets the taste for it.

111. John : Control yourself. You'll spurt.

112. Police Inspector : What's his name?

113. Ringo : Well,if you're gonna get technical about it.

114. T.V. Director : You don't know what this means to me. If you hadn't come back it would have meant... the epilogue or the news... in Welsh... for life!

115. [Paul asks if he should flirt with two pretty schoolgirls]

116. George : Aye,but don't rush. None of your five bar gate jumps and over sort of stuff.

117. Paul : What's that supposed to mean?

118. George : I don't know,I just thought that it sounded distinguished-like.

119. Ringo : I'm going out parading before it's too late!

120. Shake : Well,he just asked if he could have those photos,and Norm said no and I said,"Well why don't you be big about it?"

121. Paul : Yeah,and?

122. Norm : And your grandfather pointed out that shake was always being taller than me just to spite me.

123. T.V. Director : We are on in twenty minutes.

124. George : Can I say something?

125. T.V. Director : What?

126. George : I don't think it's very likely that we will go on. The law of averages is against it.

127. Norm : Stop being taller than me!

128. Shake : I can't help it.

129. Norm : This is a battle of nerves between John and me.

130. Shake : John hasn't got any.

131. Norm : Any what?

132. Shake : Nerves.

133. Norm : That's the trouble. I've toyed with the idea of a ball and chain,but he'd probably just rattle them at me,and in public,too.

134. John : Hey he's reading the Queen... that's an in joke,you know.

135. John : You're a swine.

136. Norm : I just have one thing to say to you,John Lennon.

137. John : What's that?

138. Norm : You're a swine.

139. John : You're just a lonely old man from Liverpool.

140. Grandfather : But I'm clean.

141. John : Are you?

142. Ringo : Come in number seven,your time's up!

143. Grandfather : Well,you got me here so do your worst,but by God,I'll take one of you with me! I know your game. Get me into that tiled room and then out come the rubber hoses!

144. Police Inspector : Oh,there's a fire,is there?

145. Grandfather : You ugly,great brute. You have sadism stamped all over your bloated British kisser!

146. Police Inspector : Eh?

147. Grandfather : I'll go on hunger strike! I know your caper. The kidney punch and the rabbit clout. The third degree and the size twelve boot ankle tap.

148. Grandfather : I'm a soldier for the Republic! You'll need the mahogany truncheons on this boyo.

149. [Grandfather and Ringo are held in a police station]

150. Grandfather : Have they roughed you up yet?

151. Ringo : What?

152. Grandfather : Oh,they're a desperate crew of drippings,and they've fists like mature hams for pounding poor defenseless lads like you. One of us has got to escape. I'll get the boys. Hold on,son,I'll be back here.

153. Ringo : For me?

154. Grandfather : And if they get you on the floor,watch out for your brisket.

155. Ringo : They seem all right to me.

156. Grandfather : Ah,sure,that's what they want you to think. All coppers are villains.

157. Police Inspector : Would you two like a cup of tea?

158. Grandfather : See,*sly* villains.


1. Norm and Shake are loosely based on the Beatles' real-life road managers Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans,respectively.

2. The constant mention of Paul's grandfather being "very clean" are references to actor Wilfrid Brambell playing a rag and bone man in "Steptoe and Son" (1962),featuring the catch-phrase,"You dirty old man."

3. The people chasing the Beatles into the train at the beginning of the film are real fans.



