圖書作者:蘇汝鏗、王斌 編著
出版時間: 2004-6第1版
開 本: 16
價 格(元):30
前 言
感謝王迅教授的支持和鼓勵,感謝汪禮康教授校訂本書及錢衛良博士為本書準備的 LaTeX檔案。我們希望將本書獻給母校——復旦大學一百周年校慶。
蘇汝鏗 王 斌
2004年 4月於復旦大學
蘇汝鏗,1938年5月生於廣東。1960年畢業於北京大學物理系。從196o年開始,一直在復旦大學物理系任教至今。著有《量子力學》、《統計物理學》、《物理學的挑戰—物理學前沿和基礎課題選》等書。主要從事溫度場論、中高能核物理、量子場論、廣義相對論、宇宙學及天體物理學等方面的研究工作,已發表學術論文200餘篇,曾多次獲國家教委、上海市及中國科學院科技進步獎及自然科學獎。現為教授、博士生導師。王斌,1967年10月生於上海。1998年於復旦大學物理系獲理學博士學位。2001年 7月開始在復旦大學物理系任教授,2002年 12月被聘為博士生導師。目前的研究領域為引力論和宇宙論,至今和合作者共發表論文50餘篇。在復旦大學擔任過《高等量子力學》、《廣義相對論》、《電動力學》等研究生和本科生的教學工作。
This book is intended for use as a textbook for a graduate coursein Advanced Quantum Mechanics, and as a reference book for
workers in the field.
Before the subject is presented, a brief but seIf-contained review
on the foundation of Quantum Mechanics is given. A large part of
this book is devoted to select applications of quantum mechanics,
such as scattering theory, second quantization, superconductive
theory, superfluidity, phase of wave function, path integral and
relativistic quantum mechanics. The selection is guided by the
interest of topic to physicists, its value as an illustration of
calculating techniques, and our personal taste.
To read the book, the reader need basic knowledge of quantum
mechanics, some intuitive feeling for electrodynamics and special
relativity, and a good mathematical knowledge.
PREFACEChapter 1 Foundation of Quantum Mechanics
1. 1 State Vector, Wave Function and Superposition of States
1. 2 Schr0dinger Equation and Its Solutions
1. 3 Operators
1. 4 Approximation Methods
1. 5 WKB Approximation
1. 6 Density Matrix
Chapter 2 Scattering Theory
2. 1 General Description of the Scattering Theory
2. 2 The Partial Wave Method
2. 3 Examples of the Partial Wave Method
2. 4 Green Function Method and Bom Approximation
2. 5 Center-of mass Coordinate and the Laboratorv Coordinf
2. 6 T Matrix
2. 7 Lippman-Schwinger Equation
2. 8 Dyson Equation
2. 9 Scattering Matrix(S Matrix)
2. 10 Scattering in the Complex Potential
2. 11 General Theory of the Inelastic Scattering
2. 12 Approximation of the Distortion Wave
Chapter 3 Many Body ProbIem
3. 1 Second Quantization
3. 2 Hartree-Fock Mean Field Approximation
3. 3 Thomas-Fermi Method
3. 4 Superconductive Theory
3. 5 Superfluidity Theory
Chapter 4 Path lntegraI
4. 1 Classical Action and the Amplitude in Quantum Mechanics
4. 2 Path Integral
4. 3 Gauss Integration
4. 4 Path Integral and the Schrodinger Equation
4. 5 The Canonical Form of the Path Integral
Chapter 5 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
5. 1 Klein-Gordon Equation
5. 2 Dirac Equation
5. 3 Solutions of the Free Field Dirac Equation
5. 4 Dirac Equation in the Electromagnetic Field
5. 5 Covariant Form of the Dirac Equation
5. 6 Dirac Equation in the Central Force Field
5. 7 Solution of the Dirac Equation in the Coulomb Field
5. 8 Klein Paradox
5. 9 MIT Bag Model
5. 10 Chiral symmetry
Chapter 6 Phase of Wave Function
6. 1 Aharanov-Bohm Effect
6. 2 Aharanov-Casher Effect
6. 3 Magnetic Flux of Superconductive Ring
6. 4 Monopole
6. 5 Berry Phase
6. 6 Non-integrable Phase Factor
6. 7 Vacuum Energy and Casimir Effect