簡 介

學校擁有一支師德高尚學識淵博,勇於開拓進取的教師隊伍。有43%的教師完成了研究生課程學習;有20名教師是市、區級青年骨幹教師、知名教師;5名教師是“高級職稱評審專家庫”成員;有23名教師擔任豐臺區學科教研中心組工作。化學、數學、體育等教研組享有“北京市青年文明號”等榮譽稱號。在兩屆豐臺區“師慧杯”教學技能大賽中初、高中組分獲團體一、二等獎。有6位教師獲得北京市優秀班主任的最高榮譽稱號— “紫禁杯”優秀班主任。學校承擔著十餘個國家、市、區級教育科研課題,教師的幾百篇學科論文在國家級、市級學術刊物上發表或在各級評比中獲獎。


Lize High School attached to Capital Normal University
Lize High School attached to Capital Normal University is the largest public high school in Fengtai District. It has visionary leaders, outstanding teachers, modern teaching equipment, a beautiful environment and a great reputation. In 2003, Beijing Education Committee approved our school to take steps towards becoming a model school.
Lize has 280 staff and nearly 3000 students. With a total layout of 234,000 square meters, Li Ze High School is situated on 50 acres of land. The school consists of the most updated equipment to support its various subject matters, a cafeteria, a fully equipped playground and excellent dormitories. The school has a state of the modern teaching equipment. In addition, offices and classrooms all have Internet access and the computers have the latest software to support the learning process. We have a group expert to help teachers produce effective teaching material. In comparison to similar type of schools, students receive good results in their high school exam and the college entrance exam and once a student in our school took the first place of Fengtai District in the college entrance exam, which often result in our school receiving a great deal of praise from the Fengtai Education Committee.
Lize consists of teachers with good knowledge and virtue. 43% of the teachers have completed research courses. Twenty teachers have been recognized by the city and the district as outstanding teachers. Five Teachers are part of High Level Expert panel which assigns various levels for the teachers. Twenty-four teachers have been invited to serve as members of the education research academy. The research groups of chemistry, maths, sports, etc. have received glory of “Beijing undeniable Youth” For the last two Fengtai “Teachers’ Cup”, the middle school group attained the 1st place; the high school group received the 2nd place. Also, there were 6 teachers who have been awarded as “Zijinbei” guide teacher, which is the Beijing’s highest award in education. Many teachers in our school keep doing teaching research and their essays have received national, city and local recognition.
The goal of Lize is to enable everyone in our school to be developed and to satisfy the public. For harmony between the teachers and the students, a good situation has been created. To build the character of the school, special courses have been designed along with regular international activities. As a result of the support of the school, students have received high results in art and sporting events. The school has expanded in terms of sports in Beijing for Taekwondo training. Lize has also been honored as traditional running school, traditional basketball school and an ethnic sports school.
While establishing the name ––Lize, the school is developing rapidly. A high quality school is coming into being.