1998-2000,美國Michigan大學博士後,導師:Robert B. Payne教授;

主持科技部攻關項目、科學院重大項目課題、重點項目,科學院院長基金,國家自然科學基金重點和面上項目,國家教委留學回國人員擇優基金等數十項,發表論文及著作120餘篇(部),其中在Science, Journal of Virology, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Journal of Biogeography, Biodiversity and Conservation, Journal of Zoology等18種國際SCI 源刊發表論文30餘篇。已發表研究論文、論著120篇(部)。
(over 240 papers and chapters were published in the peer-reviewed journals or monographs; # To whom correspondence)
Alström P, Zhao M, He P and Lei FM. 2015. New locality for the endangered Blackthroat Calliope obscura
Alström P, Rasmussen PC, Zhao C, Xu JZ, Dalvi S, Cai TL, Guan YY, Zhang YY, Kalyakin MV, Lei FM and Olsson U. 2016. Integrative taxonomy of the Plain-backed Thrush (Zoothera mollissima) complex (Aves, Turdidae) reveals cryptic species, including a new species
Liu SX, Jiang N, Xue DY, Cheng R, Lei FM# and Han HX#. 2016. Evolutionary history of Apocheimacinerarius (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), a female flightless moth in Northern China
Song G*, Zhang RY*, DuBay SG, Qu YH, Dong L, Wang WJ, Zhang YY, Lambert DM and Lei FM#. 2016. Allopatric east and sympatric west, same population dynamics in the past: A multi-locus phylogeography of Long-tailed Tit across Eurasia continent
Song G*, Zhang RY*, Qu YH, Wang ZH, Dong L, Kristin A, Alström P, Ericson PGP, Lambert D, Fjeldså J and Lei FM#. 2015. A zoogeographic break between the Palearctic and Sino-Japanese realms documented by consistent North / South genetic divergences in three woodland birds in eastern China
Zhang CL, Quan Q, Wu YJ, Chen YH, He P, Qu YH# and Lei FM#. 2015. The topographic heterogeneity explains the species richness pattern of birds in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Zhang Z, Huang Y, Wang XY, Olsson U, Martínez J, Alström P# and Lei FM#. 2016. Phylogeny of Cyornis flycatchers (Aves: Muscicapidae): unexpected divergence and lack of divergence revealed
朱筱佳, 管玉艷, 雷富民#。2016。血紅蛋白與脊椎動物高海拔適應進化。中國科學
Alstrom P#, Xia CW, Rasmussen PC, Olsson U, Dai B, Zhao J, Learder PJ, Carey GJ, Dong L, Cai TL, Holt PI, Manh HL, Song G, Liu Y, Zhang YY and Lei FM#. 2015. Integrative taxonomy of the Russet Bush Warbler Locustella mandelli complex reveals a new species from central China
Bi YH#, Zhang ZJ, Liu WJ, Yin YB, Hong JM, Li XD, Wang HM, Wong G, Chen JJ, , Li YF, Ru WD, Gao RY, Liu D, Liu YX, Zhou BP, Gao GF, Shi WF# and Lei FM#Influenza
Lei FM#, Qu YH, Song G, Alström P. and Fjeldså J. 2015. On mechanism determining high species richness and endemism in east Himalaya-Mountains of Southwest China
Li J, Rao YH, Sun QL, Wu XX, Jin J, Bi YH, Chen J, Lei FM, Liu QY, Duan ZY, Ma JC, Gao GF, Liu D and Liu WJ#. 2015. Identification of climate factors related to human infection with avian influenza A H7N9 and H5N1 viruses in China
Li XL, Dong F, Lei FM, Alström P, Zhang RY, Ödeen A, Zou FS and Yang XY. 2015. Shaped by uneven Pleistocene climate: mitochondrial phylogeographic pattern and population history of White Wagtail Motacilla alba (Aves: Passeriformes)
Li XJ, Huang Y# and Lei FM#. 2015. Comparative mitochondrial genomics and phylogenetic relationship of Crossoptilon species (Phasianidae, Galliformes)
Mays HL#, McKay BD, Tietze DT, Yao CT, Miller L, Moreland K and FM Lei. 2015. A multilocus molecular phylogeny for the avian genus Liocichla (Passeriformes: Leiothrichidae: Liocichla)
Peterson AT, Moyle RG, Lei FM, Campillo LC, Hosner PA, Klicka LB, Lim HC,. Nyári ÁS, Qu YH, Reddy S, Sheldon FH and Zou FS. 2015. Avian evolution and speciation in the Southeast Asian tropics
Qu YH*, Fu J*, Han NJ, Zhao HW, Gao B, Tian SL, Cheng YL, Song G, Ericson PGP, Zhang Y, Wang DW, Quan Q, Jiang Z, Li RQ and Lei FM#. 2015. Genetic responses to seasonal variation in altitudinal stress: whole-genome resequencing of great tits in East Himalayas
Qu YH, Song G, Gao B, Quan Q, Ericson PGP and Lei FM#. 2015. The influence of geological events on the endemism of East Asian birds studied through comparative phylogeography
Quan Q, Qu YH and Lei FM#. 2015. Genetic diversification in the East Himalayas as revealed by comparative phylogeography of the black-throated bushtit and Elliot’s laughing thrush
Shaner PJ, Tsao TH, Lin RC, Liang W, Ye CF, Yang XJ, Lei FM, Zhou F, Yang CC and Li SH. 2015. Climate niche differentiation between two passerines despite ongoing gene flow
Wang XY, Huang Y# and Lei FM#. 2015. Seven complete mitochondrial genome sequences of bushtits (Passeriformes, Aegithalidae, Aegithalos): the evolution pattern in duplicated control regions
Wang XY, Liu N, Zhang HL, Yang XJ, Huang Y# and Lei FM#. 2015. Extreme variation in patterns of tandem repeats in mitochondrial control region of yellow-browed tits (Sylviparus modestus, Paridae)
Zhang GJ#, Rahbek C#, Graves GR#, Lei FM#, Jarvis ED# and Gilbert MTP#. 2015. Bird sequencing project takes off
Ma YG, Huang XY, Huang Y# and Lei FM#. 2015. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Onychostruthus taczanowskii (Aves, Passeridae) and its phylogenetic analysis
Alström P, Hooper DM, Liu Y, Olsson U, Mohan D, Gelang M, Hung LM, Zhao J, Lei FM, Price TR. 2014. Discovery of a relict lineage of passerine birdin a monotypic family
Cui LB, Liu D, Shi WF, Pan JC, Qi X, Li XB, Guo XL, Zhou MH, Li W, Li J, Xiao HX, Yu XF, Pu XY, Wu Y, Yu HY, Zhao KC, Zhu YF, Wu B, Jin T, Shi ZY, Tang FY, Zhu FC, Sun QL, Wu LH, Yang RF, Shi Y, Yan JH, Lei FM, Zhu BL, Liu WJ, Ma JC, Wang H, GF Gao. 2013. Dynamic reassortments and host-adapting genetic drift drive the diversity of the human-infecting influenza A (H7N9) virus
Cui P#, Zhou DQ, Wu Y, Wu J, Lei JC, Shao MQ, Liu GH, Wu XD, Wu JD, Ji WT and Lei FM#. 2014. The ecological risks of avian influenza virus spread via migratory birds: A case study at Poyang Lake, China
Dong F, Li SH, Zou FS, Lei FM, Liang W, Yang JX#, Yang XJ#. 2014. Molecular systematics and plumage coloration evolution of an enigmatic babbler (Pomatorhinus ruficollis) in East Asia
Dong F, Zou FS, Lei FM, Liang W, Li SH and Yang XJ. 2014. Testing hypotheses of mitochondrial gene-tree paraphyly: unraveling mitochondrial capture of the Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler (Pomatorhinus ruficollis) by the Taiwan Scimitar Babbler (P. musicus)
Hung CM, Hung HY, Yeh CF, Fu YQ, Chen D, Lei FM, Yao CT, Yao CJ, Yang XJ Lai YT and Li SH. 2014. Species delimitation in the Chinese bamboo partridge Bambusicola thoracica (Phasianidae; Aves)
Lei FM#, Qu YH and Song G. 2014. Species diversification and phylogeographical patterns of birds in response to the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Quaternary glaciations.
Li XB, Zhang Z, Yu AL, Ho SYW, Carr MJ, Zheng WM, Zhang YZ, Zhu CD#, Lei FM#, Shi WF#. 2014. Global and Local Persistence Featuring the Migration Dynamics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5N1 Viruses
Li XJ, Huang Y# and Lei FM#. 2014. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Bonasa sewerzowi (Galliformes: Phasianidae) and phylogenetic analysis
Ma YG, Huang Y and Lei FM. 2014. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the Pyrgilauda ruficollis (Aves, Passeridae) complete mitochondrial genome
Qi WB, Zhou XF, Shi WF, Huang LH, Xiao XC, Xia W, Liu D, Li HN, Chen SG, Lei FM, Cao L, Wu JW, He FL, Song WT, Li Q, Li H, Liao M, Liu MB. 2014. Genesis of the novel human-infecting influenza A(H10N8) virus and potential genetic diversity of the virus in poultry, China
Qu YH, Ericson PGP, Quan Q, Song G, Gao B, Zhang RY and Lei FM#. 2014. Long-term isolation and stability explain high genetic diversity in the Eastern Himalaya
Qu YH, Song G, Gao B, Quan Q, Ericson PGP and Lei FM#. 2014. The influence of geological events on the endemism of East Asian birds studied through comparative phylogeography
Song G, Alström P#, Gao XB, Zhang YW, Gong HS, Holt PI, Quan Q, Yin ZH and Lei FM#. 2014. Rediscovery of an enigmatic Chinese passerine, the Blackthroat Calliope obscura: plumage, vocalizations, distribution, habitat choice, nesting and conservation
Wang WJ, Dai CY, Alström P, Zhang CL, Qu YH, Li SH, Yang XJ, Zhao N, Song G and Lei FM#. 2014. Past hybridization between two East Asian long-tailed tits (Aegithalos bonvaloti and A
Wu YJ, Colwell RK, Quan Q, Zhang CL and Lei FM#. 2014. Understanding the species richness pattern of babblers along an elevational gradient from historical and ecological viewpoints
Chu JH, Wegmann D, Yeh CF, Lin RC, Yang XJ, Lei FM, Yao CT, Zou FS and Li SH. 2013. Inferring the geographic mode of speciation by contrasting autosomal and sex-linked genetic diversity
Dai CY, Wang WJ and Lei FM#. 2013. Multilocus phylogeography (mitochondrial, autosomal and Z-chromosomal loci) and genetic consequences of long-distance male dispersal in Black-throated tits (Aegithalos concinnus)
Liu D, Shi WF, Shi Y, Wang DY, Xiao HX, Li W, Bi YH, Wu Y, Li XB, Yan JH, Liu WJ, Zhao GP, Yang WZ, Wang Y, Ma JC, Shu YL#, Lei FM# and Gao GF#. 2013. Origin and diversity of novel avian influenza A H7N9 viruses causing human infection: phylogenetic, structural, and coalescent analyses
Qu YH, Zhao HW, Han NJ, Zhou GY, Song G, Gao B, Tian SL, Zhang JB, Zhang RY, Meng XH, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhu XJ, Wang WJ, Lambert D, Ericson PGP, Yeung C, Zhu HM, Jiang Z, Li RQ# and Lei FM#. 2013. Ground tit genome reveals avian adaptation to living at high altitudes in the Tibetan plateau. Nature Communication
Song G, Alström P#, Gao XB, Zhang YW, Gong HS, Holt PI, Quan Q, Yin ZH and Lei FM#. 2013. Rediscovery of an enigmatic Chinese passerine, the Blackthroat Calliope obscura: plumage, vocalizations, distribution, habitat choice, nesting and conservation
Song G, Yu LJ, Gao B, Zhang RY, Qu YH, Lambert DM, Li SH, Zhou TL and Lei FM#. 2013. Gene flow maintains genetic diversity and colonization potential in recently range-expanded populations of an Oriental bird, the Light-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis, Aves: Pycnonotidae)
Wang WJ, McKay BD, Dai CY, Zhao N, Zhang RY, Qu YH, Song G, Li SH, Liang W, Yang XJ, Pasquet E and Lei FM#. 2013. Glacial expansion and diversification of an East Asian montane bird, the green-backed tit (Parus monticolus)
Wu YJ, Robert C, Rahbek C, Zhang CL, Quan Q, Wang CK and Lei FM#. 2013. Explaining the species richness of birds along an elevational gradient in the subtropical Hengduan Mountains, China
Xing XY, Alström P#, Yang XJ and Lei FM#. 2013. Recent northward range expansion promotes song evolution in a passerine bird, the Light-vented Bulbul
Huang XL, Hawkins BA, Lei FM, Miller GL, Favret C, Zhang RL and Qiao GX. 2012. Willing or unwilling to share primary biodiversity data: results and implications of an international survey
Lei FM#. 2012. Global endemism needs spatial integration
Li DM, Wang G, Wingfield JC# and Lei FM#. 2012. A comparison of the adrenocortical responses to acute stress in cardueline finches from the Tibetan Plateau, Arctic Alaska and lowland Western North America
Liu HT, Wang WJ, Song G, Qu YH, Li SH Jon Fjeldsa J and Lei FM#. 2012. Interpreting the process behind endemism in
Qu YH, Zhang RY, Quan Q, Song G, Li SH and Lei FM#. 2012. Incomplete lineage sorting or secondary admixture: disentangling historical divergence from recent gene flow in the Vinous-throated parrotbill (Paradoxornis webbianus)
Zhang RY. Song G, Qu YH, Alström P, Ramos R, Xing XY, Ericson PG, Fjeldså J, Wang HT, Yang XJ, Kristin A, Shestopalov AM, Choe JC and Lei FM#. 2012. Comparative phylogeography of two widespread magpies: Importance of habitat preference and breeding behavior on genetic structure in China
Zhao N, Dai CY, Wang WJ, Zhang RY, Qu YH, Song G, Chen K, Yang XJ, Zou FS and Lei FM#. 2012. Pleistocene climate changes shaped the divergence and demography of Asian populations of the great tit Parus major: evidence from phylogeographic analysis and ecological niche models
Cui P, Hou YS, Tang MJ, Zhang HT, Zhou YC, Yin ZH, Li TX, Guo S, Xing Z, He YB, Prosser DJ, Newman SH, Takekawa JY, Yan BP and Lei FM#. 2011. Movements of the Bar-headed Geese Anser indicus in relation to H5N1 spread during breeding and post breeding periods in Qinghai Lake, China
Cui P, Hou YS, Xing Z, He YB, Li TX, Guo S, Luo Z, Yan BP, Yin ZH and Lei FM#. 2010. Bird Migration and Risk for H5N1 Transmission into Qinghai Lake, China
Dai CY, Zhao N, Wang WJ, Lin CT, Gao B, Yang XJ, Zhang ZW and Lei FM#. 2011. Application of Phylogeographic and Ecological Niche Models to an East Asian subspecies group of Black-throated tit (Aegithalos concinnus talifuensis–concinnus): novel patterns, complex dynamics, multiple refugia and conservation insights
Lei FM and Shi WF. 2011. Prospective of genomics in revealing transmission, reassortment and evolution of wildlife-borne avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses
Qu YH, Luo X, Zhang RY, Song G, Zou FS and Lei FM#. 2011. Lineage diversification and historical demography of a montane bird Garrulax elliotii - implications for the Pleistocene evolutionary history of the eastern Himalayas
Qu YH, Zhang RY, Cui P, Song G, Duan ZY# and Lei FM#. 2011. Evolutionary genomics of the pandemic 2009 H1N1 (pH1N1v) influenza viruses
Wu HC, Lin RC, Hung HY, Yeh CF, Yang XJ, Yao CJ, Zou FS, Yao CT, Li SH# and Lei FM#. 2011. Molecular and morphological evidences revealed the cryptic species in the vinaceous rosefinch Carpodacus vinaceus (Fringillidae; Aves)
Qu YH, Lei FM#, Zhang RY and Lu X. 2010. Comparative phylogeography of five avian species: implications for Pleistocene evolutionary history in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau
Shi WF, Lei FM, Zhu CD and Higgins DG. 2010. A complete analysis of HA genes of influenza A viruses
Qu YH, Lei FM#. 2009. Comparative phylogeography of two endemic birds of the Tibetan plateau, white-rumped snow finch (Onychostruthus taczanowskii) and Hume’s ground tit (Pseudopodoces humilis)
Song G, Qu YH, Yin ZH, Li SH, Liu NF and Lei FM#. 2009. Phylogeography of the Alcippe morrisonia (Aves: Timaliidae): long population history beyond late Pleistocene glaciations
Li DM, Wang G, Wingfield JC, Zhang Z, Ding CQ and Lei FM#. 2008. Seasonal changes in adrenocortical responses to acute stress in Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) from Tibetan Plateau: comparison with House Sparrow (P. domesticus) in North America and with the migratory P. domesticus bactrianus in Qinghai Province
Luo X, Qu YH, Li SH, Han LX and Lei FM#. 2008. A phylogenetic analysis of laughingthrushes (Timaliidae: Garrulax) and their allies using mitochondrial and nucleotide sequences
Lei FM, Wei GA, Zhao HF, Yin ZH and Lu JL. 2007. China subregional avian endemism and biodiversity conservation
Qu YH, Ericson PGP, Lei FM#, Gebauer A, Kaiser M and Helbig A. 2006. Molecular phylogenetic relationship of snow finch complex (genera Montifringilla, Pyrgilauda and Onychostruthus) from the Tibetan plateau
Qu YH, Ericson PG, Lei FM and Li SH. 2005. Postglacial colonization of the Tibet plateau inferred from the matrilineal genetic structure of the endemic red-necked snow finch, Pyrgilauda ruficollis
Kou Z, Lei FM#, Yu J, Fan ZJ, Yin ZH, Jia CX, Xiong KJ, Sun YH, Zhang XW, Wu XM, Gao XB and Li TX#. 2005. New genotype avian influenza H5N1 viruses were isolated from tree sparrows in China
Liu JH, Xiao HX, Lei F(co-first author), Zhu Q, Zhang XW, Zhang XL, Zhao D, Wang G, Feng Y, Ma J, Liu W, Wang J, Gao GF. 2005. Highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus infection in migratory birds