
《現代圖論》:Graphtheoryisayoungbutrapidlymaturingsubject.EvenduringthequarterofacenturythatIlecturedonitinCambridge,itchangedconsiderably,andIhavefoundthatthereisaclearneedforatextwhichintroducesthereadernotonlytothewell-establishedresults,buttomanyofthenewerdevelopmentsaswell.Itishopedthatthisvolumewillgosomewaytowardssatisfyingthatneed. 此書為英文版!
apologia Preface I Fundamentals I.1 Definitions I.2 Paths, Cycles, and Trees I.3 Hamilton Cycles and Euler Circuits I.4 Planar Graphs I.5 An Application of Euler Trails to Algebra I.6 Exercises II Electrical Networks II.1 Graphs and Electrical Networks II.2 Squaring the Square II.3 Vector Spaces and Matrices Associated with Graphs II.4 Exercises II.5 Notes III Flows, Connectivity and Matching III.1 Flows in Directed Graphs III.2 Connectivity and Menger‘s Theorem III.3 Matching III.4 Tutte‘s 1-Factor Theorem ……Ⅳ Extremal ProblemsⅤ ColouringⅥ Ramsey TheoryⅦ Random GraphsⅧ Graphs Groups and MatricesⅨ Random walks on GraphsⅩ The Tutte PolynomialSymbol InedxName IndexSubject Index