

段恩奎,博士,研究員,中國科學院動物研究所黨委書記、副所長,973項目“人類生育調節及其相關重要疾病的基礎研究”首席科學家,中國科學院“百人計畫”優秀學者,兼任中國動物學會副理事長、國家人口與計生委科技專家委員會委員、中國科學院研究生院學位委員會委員、《動物學報》副主編、“Endocrine”,“Integrative Zoology”以及《科學通報》編委。




段恩奎 段恩奎

1990年在西北農業大學獲博士學位,1995年-1996年和1998年,先後赴澳大利亞New England大學和美國Kansas大學醫學中心從事動物生殖免疫和胚胎植入分子機理的合作研究。曾多次赴美、澳、加、德、日、希臘、蒙古國開展學術交流,4次應邀在國際會議上做報告。作為學術委員會副主席和會議共同主席參與主辦了三次國際和雙邊學術會議。目前的主要研究方向為胚胎植入分子機理和幹細胞生物學。主編(譯)、參編專(譯)著6部、在國內外發表論文105篇,其中SCI收錄論文58篇,有2篇被Mol Hum Reprod和Hum Reprod作為封面文章,有1篇合作研究成果被Biol Reprod主編作為當期Highlight 加以介紹。獲省、部級科技成果獎3項、國際會議優秀Poster獎2次,並獲新世紀千百萬人才工程國家級人選、國務院政府特殊津貼和國家重點實驗室先進個人等榮譽稱號和獎勵。




1992年 “陝西科協新秀”榮譽稱號 陝西省科協

1993年 國務院政府特殊津貼 國務院

1995年 “優秀中青年留學人員” 國家教委

1998年 中科院“百人計畫” 中國科學院

2000年 遼寧省“科技進步二等獎”(主要完成人) 遼寧省人民政府

2001年 中科院“百人計畫”優秀入選者 中國科學院

2004年 “國家重點實驗室先進個人”、 科技部

2004年 “百千萬人才工程國家級人選” 中組部、人事部等六部委

2006年 “全國人口與計畫生育科技工作先進個人” 國家人口計生委

2007年 上海市科技進步二等獎(主要完成人) 上海市人民政府

2011年 中國科學院朱李月華優秀教師獎 中國科學院

2011年 全國人口和計畫生育優秀科技成果一等獎 國家人口計生委

2011年 第七屆中華人口獎 國家計畫生育委員會

2015年 全國婦幼健康科學技術一等獎 國家婦幼健康研究會 中國婦女發展基金會




Chen Q, Yan M, Cao Z, Li X, Zhang Y, Shi J, Feng G, Peng H, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Qian J, Duan E*, Zhai Q*, Zhou Q*. Sperm tsRNAs contribute to intergenerational inheritance of an acquired metabolic disorder

Shi J, Chen Q, Li X, Zheng X, Zhang Y, Qiao J, Tang F, Tao Y*, Zhou Q*, and Duan E*. Dynamic transcriptional symmetry-breaking in pre-implantation mammalian embryo development revealed by single-cell RNA-seq.Development

Zhao Q, Liu S, Zhang H, Li N, Wang X, Cao Y, Ning L, Duan E*, and Xia G*. Spatiotemporal Expression of p63 in Mouse Epidermal Commitment. Int J Mol Sci

Zhang H, Zhang S, Zhao H, Qiao J, Liu S, Deng Z, Lei X, Ning L, Cao Y, Zhao Y, and Duan E*. Ovine Hair Follicle Stem Cells Derived from Single Vibrissae Reconstitute Haired Skin

Zhang S, and Duan E*. Epigenetic regulations on skin wound healing: implications from current researches. Ann Transl Med

Ning L, Lei X, Cao Y, Zhang Y, Cao Z, Chen Q, and Duan E*. Effect of Short-Term Hypergravity Treatment on Mouse 2-Cell Embryo Development. Microgravity Sci

Liu S, Wang X, Zhao Q, Liu S, Zhang H, Shi J, Li N, Lei X, Zhao H, Deng Z, Cao Y, Ning L, Xia G, Duan E*. Senescence of human skin-derived precursors regulated by Akt-FOXO3-p27KIP1/p15 INK4b signaling

Deng Z, Lei X, Zhang X, Zhang H, Liu S, Chen Q, Hu H, Wang X, Ning L, Cao Y, Zhao T, Zhou J, Chen T, Duan E*. mTOR signaling promotes stem cell activation via counterbalancing BMP-mediated suppression during hair regeneration. J Mol Cell Biol

Zhao H, Qiao J, Zhang S, Zhang H, Lei X, Wang X, Deng Z, Ning L, Cao Y, Guo Y, Liu S, Duan E*. GPR39 marks specific cells within the sebaceous gland and contributes to skin wound healing

Zhang Y, Chen Q, Zhang H, Wang Q, Li R, Jin Y, Wang H, Ma T*, Qiao J*, Duan E*. Aquaporin-dependent excessive intrauterine fluid accumulation is a major contributor in hyper-estrogen induced aberrant embryo implantation. Cell Res

Zhang S, Kong S, Wang B, Cheng X, Chen Y, Wu W, Wang Q, Shi J, Zhang Y, Wang S, Lu J, Lydon JP, DeMayo F, Pear WS, Han H, Lin H, Li L, Wang H, Wang YL, Li B, Chen Q*, Duan E*, Wang H*. Uterine Rbpj is required for embryonic-uterine orientation and decidual remodeling via Notch pathway-independent and -dependent mechanisms.Cell Res

Lei X, Deng Z, Zhang H, Zhao H, Zhou J, Liu S, Chen Q, Ning L, Cao Y, Wang X, Zhang X, Duan E*. Rotary Suspension Culture Enhances Mesendoderm Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Through Modulation of Wnt/β-catenin Pathway. Stem Cell Rev

Wang X, Liu S, Zhao Q, Li N, Zhang H, Zhang X, Lei X, Zhao H, Deng Z, Qiao J, Cao Y, Ning L,Liu S*, Duan E*. Three-dimensional hydrogel scaffolds facilitate in vitro self-renewal of human skin-derived precursors

Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Shi J, Zhang H, Cao Z, Gao X, Ren W, Ning Y, Ning L, Cao Y, Chen Y, Ji W, Chen Z*, Chen Q*, Duan E*. Identification and characterization of an ancient class of small RNAs enriched in serum associating with active infection

Chen Q, Zhang Y, Elad D, Jaffa AJ, Cao Y, Ye X*, Duan E*. Navigating the site for embryo implantation: Biomechanical and molecular regulation of intrauterine embryo distribution

Liu S, Zhang H and Duan E* Epidermal Development in Mammals: Key Regulators, Signals from Beneath, and Stem Cells. Int J Mol Sci

Cao Q, Chen H, Deng Z, Yue J, Chen Q, Cao Y, Ning L, Lei X, Duan E* Genetic deletion of Cxcl14 in mice alters uterine NK Cells, Biochem Biophys Res Commun

Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhao H, Zhang Y, Chen Q, Peng H, Lei L, Qiao J, Shi J, Cao Z, Enkui Duan E*, Jin Y*Hormonal regulation of ovarian bursa fluid in mice and involvement of aquaporins

Duan EK*, Wang H*, Zernicka-Goetz M*. Introduction to the special issue "Molecular Players in Early Pregnancy"

Lu S, Peng H, Zhang H, Zhang L, Cao Q, Li R, Zhang Y*, Yang L*, Duan E, Qiao J. Excessive Intrauterine Fluid Cause Aberrant Implantation and Pregnancy Outcome in Mice

Wang Q, Lu J, Zhang S, Wang S, Wang W, Wang B, Wang F, Chen Q, Duan E, Leitges M, Kispert A, Wang H. 2013 Wnt6 Is Essential for Stromal Cell Proliferation During Decidualization in Mice

Zhang Q, Chen Q, Lu X, Zhou Z, Zhang H, Lin HY, Duan E, Zhu C, Tan Y, Wang H. CUL1 promotes trophoblast cell invasion at the maternal-fetal interface

Kong S, Zhang S, Chen Y, Wang W, Wang B, Chen Q, Duan E* & Wang H* Determinants of uterine aging: lessons from rodent models

Peng H, Shi J, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Liao S, Li W, Lei L, Han C, Ning L, Cao Y, Zhou Q, Chen Q*,Duan E*A novel class of tRNA-derived small RNAs extremely enriched in mature mouse sperm.Cell Res

Hu HM, Zhang SB, Lei XH, Deng ZL, Guo WX, Qiu ZF, Liu S, Wang XY, Zhang H, Duan EK* Estrogen Leads to Reversible Hair Cycle Retardation through Inducing Premature Catagen and Maintaining Telogen

Zhang S, Hu H, Zhang H, Liu S, Liu S, Zhang Y, Lei X, Ning L, Cao Y, Duan E*. Hair Follicle Stem Cells Derived from Single Rat Vibrissa via Organ Culture Reconstitute Hair Follicles in vivo. Cell Transplant

Liu S, Liu S, Wang X, Zhou J, Cao Y, Wang F, Duan E*. The PI3K-Akt pathway inhibits senescence and promotes self-renewal of human skin-derived precursors in vitro. Aging Cell

Lei XH, Ning LN, Cao YJ, Liu S, Zhang SB, Qiu ZF, Hu HM, Zhang HS, Liu S, Duan EK*. NASA-approved rotary bioreactor enhances proliferation of human epidermal stem cells and supports formation of 3D epidermis-like structure

Zhang Y, Zhao H, Peng H, Hu Z, Ning L, Cao Y, Tan Y, Duan E*. GPR39, a putative receptor of Zn2+, is region specifically localized in different lobes of the mouse prostate

Chen Q, Zhang Y, Peng H, Lei L, Kuang H, Zhang L, Ning L, Cao Y, Duan E*. Transient β2-Adrenoceptor activation confers pregnancy loss by disrupting embryo spacing at implantation. J Biol Chem

Chen Q, Duan EK*. Aquaporins in sperm osmoadaptation: an emerging role for volume regulation. Acta Pharmacol Sin

Chen Q, Peng H, Lei L, Zhang Y, Kuang H, Cao Y, Shi QX, Ma T, Duan E*. Aquaporin3 is a sperm water channel essential for postcopulatory sperm osmoadaptation and migration

Zhao P, Qiao J, Huang S, Zhang Y, Liu S, Yan LY, Hsueh AJ, Duan EK*.Gonadotrophin-induced paracrine regulation of human oocyte maturation by BDNF and GDNF secreted by granulosa cells

Peng H, Zhang Y, Lei L, Chen Q, Yue J, Tan Y*, Duan E*.2011 Aquaporin 7 expression in postimplantation mouse uteri: a potential role for glycerol transport in uterine decidualization. Fertil Steril

Li D, Zhou J, Wang L, Shin ME, Su P, Lei X, Kuang H, Guo W, Yang H, Cheng L, Tanaka TS, Leckband DE, Reynolds AB, Duan E, Wang F*. Integrated biochemical and mechanical signals regulate multifaceted human embryonic stem cell functions

Zhou J, Su P, Li D, Tsang S, Duan E, Wang F*. High-efficiency induction of neural conversion in human ESCs and human induced pluripotent stem cells with a single chemical inhibitor of transforming growth factor beta superfamily receptors. Stem Cells

Li J, Kawamura K, Cheng Y, Liu S, Klein C, Liu S, Duan EK, Hsueh AJ*. Activation of dormant ovarian follicles to generate mature eggs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A



