(Granger Causality)
因此,Granger於1967年提出了Granger因果關係的定義(均值和方差意義上的均值因果性) 並在1980年發展將其進行了擴展(分布意義上的全民因果性) ,他的定義是建立在完整信息集以及發生時間先後順序基礎上的。

最一般的情況是根據分布函式(條件分布)判斷。約定 是到n期為止宇宙中的所有信息, 為到n期為止所有的 (t=1…n), 為第n+1期X的取值, 為除Y之外的所有信息。Y的發生影響X的發生的表達式為:


再後來,大家又認為驗證分布函式是否相等實在是太複雜,於是再次退而求其次,只是驗證期望是否相等(這種叫做 均值因果性,上面用分布函式驗證的因果關係叫 全面因果性):

也有一種方法是驗證Y的出現是否能減小對 的預測誤差,即比較方差是否發生變化:

(Granger Causality Test)
Granger causality test is a technique for determining whether one time series is useful in forecasting another.Ordinarily, regressions reflect "mere" correlations, but Clive Granger, who won a Nobel Prize in Economics, argued that there is an interpretation of a set of tests as revealing something about causality.
A time series X is said to Granger-cause Y if it can be shown, usually through a series of F-tests on lagged values of X (and with lagged values of Y also known), that those X values provide statistically significant information about future values of Y.
The test works by first doing a regression of Δ Y on lagged values of Δ Y. Once the appropriate lag interval for Y is proved significant (t-stat or p-value), subsequent regressions for lagged levels of Δ X are performed and added to the regression provided that they 1) are significant in and of themselves and 2) add explanatory power to the model. This can be repeated for multiple Δ Xs (with each Δ X being tested independently of other Δ Xs, but in conjunction with the proven lag level of Δ Y). More than one lag level of a variable can be included in the final regression model, provided it is statistically significant and provides explanatory power.
The researcher is often looking for a clear story, such as X granger-causes Y but not the other way around. In practice, however results are often hard-to-interpret. For instance no variable granger-causes the other, or that each of the two variables granger-causes the second.
Despite its name, Granger causality does not imply true causality. If both X and Y are driven by a common third process with different lags, their measure of Granger causality could still be statistically significant. Yet, manipulation of one process would not change the other. Indeed, the Granger test is designed to handle pairs of variables, and may produce misleading results when the true relationship involves three or more variables. A similar test involving more variables can be applied with vector autoregression. A new method for Granger causality that is not sensitive to the normal distribution of the error term has been developed by Hacker and Hatemi-J (2006). This new method is especially useful in financial economics since many financial variables are non-normal.
This technique has been adapted to neural science..
Here is an example of the function grangertest() in the lmtest library of the R package:
Granger causality test
Model 1: fii ~ Lags(fii, 1:5) + Lags(rM, 1:5)
Model 2: fii ~ Lags(fii, 1:5)
Res.Df Df F Pr(>F)
1 629
2 634 5 2.5115 0.02896 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Granger causality test
Model 1: rM ~ Lags(rM, 1:5) + Lags(fii, 1:5)
Model 2: rM ~ Lags(rM, 1:5)
Res.Df Df F Pr(>F)
1 629
2 634 5 1.1804 0.3172
The first Model 1 tests whether it is okay to remove lagged rM from the regression explaining FII using lagged FII. It is not ( p = 0.02896). The second pair of Model 1 and Model 2 finds that it is possible to remove the lagged FII from the model explaining rM using lagged rM. From this, we conclude that rM granger-causes FII but not the other way around.