

李升波,清華大學汽車工程系長聘副教授/特別研究員,博士生導師,智慧型網聯汽車專家。 國家自然科學基金優秀青年,教育部青年長江學者 。




2007.3-2007.7 (美) Stanford University ,Dynamic Design Lab,Visit Researcher




2017- 清華大學,汽車系 長聘副教授,特別研究員

2014-2016 清華大學,汽車系 副教授

2015- 清華大學,汽車系 系黨委青年委員

2015-2015加州大學伯克利分校 青年骨幹教師訪問學者

2014-2015 清華大學,汽車系 系黨委研工組組長

2012-2014 清華大學,汽車系 講師

2009-2012 密西根大學 博士後







2017 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine副主編

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems副主編

IPC Member of IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, CA, June 2017

ISC Member of FAST-zero'17, Nara, Japan, 2017

2016 IEEE高級會員/IEEE Senior Member


European Research Council的特邀評審專家

2015 山東省科學技術獎勵委員會—評審專家


2014 第一屆汽車ADAS國際研討會組委會負責人


2013 清華大學/巴黎高科交換學生項目-汽車系聯繫人

IPC Member of IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Gold Coast City, Australia

2012 IPC Member of IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Madrid, Spain


2017 清華大學青年教師學術新人獎

2016 教育部青年長江學者



2015 第14屆亞太智慧型交通會議Best Paper Award


2014 IEEE國際智慧型交通系統會議Best Student Paper Award



2013 入選北京市人才資助計畫


2012 高等學校科學研究優秀成果技術發明類一等獎


2010 清華大學優秀博士學位論文




近年發表論文100餘篇,包括SCI論文60餘篇,EI論文80餘篇。累計引用超過2000次,5篇入選ESI高引用論文(前1%),1篇入選ESI熱點論文(前0.1%)。發表IEEE Transactions期刊長文23篇,SCI影響因子>5.0期刊論文12篇。國內外的特邀報告十餘次。擔任IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems副主編、IEEE ITS Magazine副主編、IEEE智慧型汽車國際研討會IPC委員、日本FAST-zero國際會議ISC委員等。主/參編英文專著3部(Springer),學術論文集1部。承擔/參與科研課題20餘項,含十三五國家重點研發計畫,國家自然科學基金,國家863課題以及多項企業合作項目。智慧型汽車的感知、決策和控制技術成果已用於國內外整車企業,駕駛輔助產品實現了汽車企業的前裝套用。


[1] Shengbo Li, Q Guo, S Xu, J Duan, S Li, C Li, K Su. Fuel-saving Predictive Control for Adaptive Cruise Control System Considering Road Elevation Information. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. pp, issue 99, pp. 1-12, 2017.

[2] C Liu, Shengbo Eben Li, D Yang, J Hedrick. Distributed Bayesian Filter using Measurement Dissemination for Multiple UGVs with Dynamically Changing Interaction Topologies. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, June 2017.

[3] F Gao, D Dang, Shengbo Li, M Zhou. Control of Large Model Mismatch Systems Using Multiple Models. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 15(4), 2017: pp.1494-1506.

[4] T Liu, X Hu, Shengbo Li, D Cao. Reinforcement Learning Optimized Look-Ahead Energy Management of a Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 22, issue 4, 2017, pp. 1497-1507.

[5] Y Zhang, H Chen, K Guo, X Zhang, Shengbo Li. Electrohydraulic Regenerative Damper for Energy Harvesting Suspension: Design, Modeling, and Prototyping Test. Applied Energy, vol. 199, 2017, pp. 1-12.

[6] Shengbo Li, G Li, J Yu, C Liu, B Cheng, J Wang, K Li. Kalman Filter-Based Tracking of Moving Objects Using Linear Ultrasonic Sensor Array for Road Vehicles. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 98, 2018, pp: 173–189.

[7] C Liu, Shengbo Li, J Hedrick. Measurement Dissemination based Distributed Bayesian Filter using LIFO Exchange Protocol for Networked Unmanned Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. pp, issue 99, 2017, pp: 1-12.

[8] Shengbo Li, R Li, J Wang, X Hu, B Cheng, K Li. Stabilizing Periodic Control of Automated Vehicle Platoon with Minimized Fuel Consumption. IEEE transactions on Transportation Electrification, 3(1), 2017: 259-271.

[9] Z Li, Shengbo Li, R Li, B Cheng, J Shi. Online Detection of Driver Fatigue Using Steering Wheel Angles for Real Driving Conditions. Sensors, 17(495), 2017: 1-12.

[10] F Gao, D Dang, S. Huang, Shengbo Li. Decoupled robust control of vehicular platoon with identical controller and rigid information flow. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 18(1), 2017:157?164.

[11] Shengbo Li, X Qin, K Li, J Wang, B Xie. Robustness Analysis and Controller Synthesis of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoons with Bounded Parameter Uncertainty. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22(2), 2017: 1014 - 1025.

[12] Shengbo Li, Q Guo, L Xin, B Cheng, K Li. Fuel-saving Servo-Loop Control for Adaptive Cruise Control System of Road Vehicles with Step-Gear Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66(3), 2017: 2033-2043.

[13] G Li, Shengbo Li, B Cheng, P Green. Estimation of driving style in naturalistic highway traffic using maneuver transition probabilities. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 74, 2017: 113-125.

[14] Shengbo Li, R Li, J Wang, X Hu, B Cheng, K Li. Stabilized Periodic Control of Automated Vehicle Platoon with Minimized Fuel Consumption. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 3(1), 2017: 259-271.

[15] B Wang, Z Liu, Shengbo Li, S Moura, H Peng. State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Nonlinear Fractional Order Model. IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 25(1), 2017: 3-11.

[16] S Xu, Shengbo Li, B Cheng, Q Lin, K Li. Instantaneous Feedback Control for Fuel-Prioritized Vehicle Cruising System on Highways with Varying Slope. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp(99), 2016: 1-11.

[17] Y Zheng, Shengbo Li, K Li, F Borrelli, K Hedrick. Distributed Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons under Unidirectional Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 25(3), 2017: 899-910

[18] C Yang, J Song, L Li, Shengbo Li, D Cao. Economical launching and accelerating control strategy for a single-shaft parallel hybrid electric bus. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 76-77, 2016: 649-664.

[19] Y Zhang, K Guo, Shengbo Li, X Zhang, M Zheng. Prototyping design and experimental validation of membranous dual-cavity based amplitude selective damper. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 76-77, 2016: 810-822.

[20] F Gao, Shengbo Li, Y Zheng, D Kum. Robust Control of Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoon with Uncertain Dynamics and Communication Delay. IET Intelligent Transport Systems,10(7) 2016: 503-513.

[21] X Hu, Shengbo Li, Y Yang. Advanced Machine Learning Approach for Lithium-Ion Battery State Estimation in Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2(2), 2016: 140 - 149.

[22] Shengbo Li, F Gao, D Cao, K Li. Multiple model switching control of vehicle longitudinal acceleration for platoon-level automation. IEEE Transactions of Vehicular Technology, 65(6), 2016: 4480 - 4492.

[23] X Zhang, Shengbo Li, H Peng, J Sun. Design of Multimode Power Split Hybrid Vehicles—A Case Study on the Voltec Powertrain System. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(6), 2016: 4790 - 4801.

[24] Y Liao, Shengbo Li, W Wang, Y Wang, G Li, B Cheng. Detection of Driver Cognitive Distraction: A Comparison Study of Stop-Controlled Intersection and Speed-Limited Highway. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,17(6), 2016: 1628-1637.

[25] Shengbo Li, S Xu, D Kum. Efficient and Accurate Computation of Model Predictive Control using Pseudospectral Discretization. NeuroComputing, 172, 2015: 363-372.

[26] J. Yoon, Shengbo LI, C Ahn. Estimation of vehicle sideslip angle and tire-road friction coefficient based on magnetometer with GPS. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 17(3), 2016: 427-435.

[27] Y Zou, Shengbo Li, B Shao, B Wang. State-space Model with Non-integer Order Derivatives for lithium-ion battery. Applied Energy, 161, 2016: 330–336.

[28] Y Zheng, Shengbo Li, J Wang, D Cao, K Li. Stability and Scalability of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoon: Study on the Influence of Information Flow Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(1), 2016: 14-26.

[29] S Xu, Shengbo Li, H Peng, B Cheng, X Zhang, Z Pan. Fuel-Saving Cruising Strategies for Parallel HEVs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(6), 2016: 4676 - 4686.

[30] Y Zheng, Shengbo Li, K Li, L Wang. Stability Margin Improvement of Vehicular Platoon Considering Undirected Topology and Asymmetric Control. IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 24(4), 2016: 1253 - 1265.

[31] Shengbo Li, S Xu, X Huang, B Cheng, H Peng. Eco-Departure of Connected Vehicles with V2X Communication at Signalized Intersections. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 64(12), 2015: 5439-5449.

[32] S Xu, Shengbo Li, X Zhang, B Cheng, H Peng. Fuel-optimal Cruising Strategy for Road Vehicles with Step-Gear Mechanical Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System,16(6), 2015: 3496-3507.

[33] J Wang, C Yu, Shengbo Li, L Wang. A Forward Collision Warning Algorithm with Adaptation to Driver Behaviors. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,17(4), 2016: 1157-1167.

[34] Shengbo Li, K Deng, Y Zheng, H Peng. Effect of Pulse-and-Glide Strategy on Traffic Flow for a Platoon of Mixed Automated and Manually Driven Vehicles. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30(11), 2015: 892-905.

[35] B Wang, Shengbo Li, H Peng, Z Liu. Fractional-Order Modeling and Parameter Identification for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 293, 2015: 151-161.

[36] P Kemper, Shengbo Li, D Kum. Simplification of Pseudo Two Dimensional Battery Model using Dynamic Profile of Lithium Concentration. Journal of Power Sources, 286, 2015: 510-525.

[37] X Zhang, Shengbo Li, H Peng, J Sun. Efficient Exhaustive Search of Power Split Hybrid Powertrains with Multiple Planetary Gears and Clutches. ASME-Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 137(12), 2015: 1-12.

[38] R Dang, J Wang, Shengbo Li, K Li. Coordinated Adaptive Cruise Control System with Lane-Change Assistance. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(5), 2015: 2373-2383.

[39] G Li, Shengbo Li, B Cheng. Field operational tests of advanced driver assistance systems in Chinese typical road conditions: The Influence of driver gender, age and aggression. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 16(5), 2015: 739-750.

[40] Shengbo Li, J Park, C Kim, C Ahn. Design and control of a passive magnetic levitation carrier system. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 16(4), 2015: 693-700.

[41] J Wang, Shengbo Li, Y Zheng, X Lu. Longitudinal Collision Mitigation via coordinated braking of multiple vehicles using Model Predictive Control. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 22, 2015: 171–185.

[42] F Gao, Shengbo Li, D Kum, H Zhang. Synthesis of multiple model switching controllers using H-infinity theory for systems with large uncertainties. NeuroComputing, 157, 2015: 118-124.

[43] Shengbo Li, Z Jia, K Li, B Cheng. Fast Online Computation of a Model Predictive Controller and Its Application to Fuel Economy–Oriented Adaptive Cruise Control. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, 16(3), 2015: 1199-1209.

[44] Z Yuan, X Hu, H Ma, Shengbo Li. Combined State of Charge and State of Health estimation over lithium-ion battery cell cycle lifespan for electric vehicles. Journal of Power Sources, 273, 2015: 793–803.

[45] Shengbo Li, K Deng, K Li, C Ahn. Terminal Sliding Mode Control of Automated Car-following System without Reliance on Acceleration Information. Mechatronics, 30, 2015: 327–337.

[46] S Xu, Shengbo Li, K Deng, S Li, and B Cheng. A unified pseudospectral computational framework for optimal control of road vehicles. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(4), 2015: 1499-1510.

[47] X Lu, J Wang, Shengbo Li, Y Zheng. Multiple-Vehicle Longitudinal Collision Mitigation by Coordinated Brake Control. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014: Article ID 192175.

[48] Shengbo Li, X Hu, K Li, C Ahn. Mechanism of Vehicular periodic operation for optimal fuel economy in free-driving scenario. IET Intelligent Transportation Systems, 9(3), 2015: 306-313.

[49] Shengbo Li, B Wang, H Peng, X Hu. An Electrochemistry Based Impedance Model for Lithium Ion Batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 258(15) 2014: 9~18.

[50] X Hu, Shengbo LI, Z Jia, B Egardt. Enhanced sample entropy-based health management of Li-ion battery for electrified vehicles. Energy, 24, 2014: 953–960.

[51] G Li, W Wang, Shengbo Li, B Cheng, P Green. Effectiveness of Flashing Brake and Hazard systems in Avoiding Rear-End Crashes. Advanced in Mechanical Engineering, 2014: 1-12.

[52] Shengbo Li, K Li, J Wang. Economy oriented vehicle adaptive cruise control with coordinating multiple objectives function. Vehicle System Dynamics, 51(1), 2013: 1-17.

[53] X Hu, F Sun, Shengbo Li, Y Yang. NARX modeling of a lithium iron phosphate battery used for electrified vehicle simulation. International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, 20(2), 2013: 181-189.

[54] X Hu, Shengbo Li, H Peng, F Sun. Charging time and loss optimization for LiNMC and LiFePO4 batteries based on equivalent circuit models. Journal of Power Sources, 239, 2013: 449–457.

[55] X Hu, Shengbo Li, H Peng, Fengchun Sun. Robustness Analysis of SOC Estimation Methods for Two Types of Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 217, 2012: 209-219.

[56] Shengbo Li, H Peng. Strategies to Minimize Fuel Consumption of Passenger Cars during Car-Following Scenarios. J. of Institution of Mech. Eng., Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 226(3), 2012: 419-429.

[57] Shengbo Li, H Peng, K Li, J Wang. Minimum Fuel Control Strategy in Automated Car-Following Scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Vehicle Technology, 61(3), 2012: 998-1007.

[58] X Hu, Shengbo Li, H Peng. A comparative study of equivalent circuit models for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources. 198, 2012: 359-367.

[59] Shengbo Li, K Li, R. Rajamani, J Wang. Model Predictive Multi-Objective Vehicular Adaptive Cruise Control. IEEE Trans. on Control System Technology, 19(3), 2011: 556-566.

[60] Shengbo Li, K Li, J Wang, X Lian, H Ukawa, D Bai. Modeling and verification of heavy-duty truck drivers’ car-following characteristics. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 11(1), 2010: 81-87.

[61] J Wang, Shengbo Li, X Huang, K Li. Driving simulation platform applied to develop driving assistance systems. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 4(2), 2010:121–127.



