目前主持國家自然科學基金2項、承擔1項。主要從事動物毒液生物活性肽的進化和基因組學研究。近五年來在Cell Mol Life Sci, FASEB J, J Biol Chem, J Mol Evol, Mol Pharmacol, Proteins, Trends Pharmacol Sci, Protein Expr Purif, FEBS Lett和Molecular Immunology等國際雜誌和國內刊物發表學術論文35篇,曾為國際雜誌Protein Sci, Genetica, Genomics, IUBMB-Life和Chin Sci Bull的審稿人,現為國核心心期刊《昆蟲知識》編輯。
植物-害蟲-寄生蜂相互作用的進化生態學機制 子項目:寄主-寄生蜂間免疫抑制互動作用的分子機制(國家自然科學基金創新研究群體)(2007年 1月1日-2015年12月31日)
胸腺與免疫細胞發育的分子調控 子項目:套用進化基因組學研究免疫系統發育的關鍵分子(國家重點基礎研究發展計畫973項目)(2010年1月1日-2014年8月31日)
基於一種新的蠍毒素支架的抗感染分子設計 (國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫)(2016年1月1日-2018年12月31日)
Zhang S, Gao B, Zhu S* (2015) Independent origins of scorpion toxins affecting potassium and sodium channels. Evolution of Venomous Animals and Their Toxins
Wang X, Umetsu Y, Gao B, Ohki S, Zhu S* (2015) Mesomartoxin, a new Kv1.2-selective scorpion toxin interacting with the channel selectivity filter
Zhu S*, Peigneur S, Gao B,Umetsu Y, Ohki S, Jan Tytgat (2014) Experimental conversion of a defensin into a neurotoxin: Implications for origin of toxic function
Zhu S*, Gao B (2014) Nematode-derived drosomycin-type antifungal peptides provide evidence for plant-to-ecdysozoan horizontal transfer of a disease resistance gene
Gao B,Zhu S* (2014) An insect defensin-derived β-hairpin peptide with enhanced antibacterial activity
Zhu S*, Gao B, Harvey P, Craik D (2012) Dermatophytic defensin with antiinfective potential
Zhu S*, Peigneur S, Gao B, Lu X, Cao C, Tytgat J (2012) Evolutionary diversification of Mesobuthus α-scorpion toxins affecting sodium channels
Zhu S*, Aumelas A, Gao B (2011) Convergent evolution-guided design of antimicrobial peptides derived from influenza A virus hemagglutinin
Zhu S*, Peigneur S, Gao B, Luo L, Jin D, Zhao Y, Tytgat J (2011) Molecular diversity and functional evolution of scorpion potassium channel toxins
Gao B, Sherman P, Luo L, Bowie J, Zhu S* (2009) Structural and functional characterization of two genetically related meucin peptides highlights evolutionary divergence and convergence in antimicrobial peptides
Zhu S*, Gao B (2009) A fossil antibacterial peptide gives clues to structural diversity of cathelicidin-derived host defense peptides
Zhu S* (2008) Did cathelicidins, a family of multifunctional host-defense peptides, arise from a cysteine protease inhibitor
Zhu S, Tytgat J (2004) Evolutionary epitopes of Hsp90 and p23: implications for their interaction
Zhu S, Darbon H, Dyason K, Verdonck F, Tytgat J (2003) Evolutionary origin of inhibitor cystine knot peptides
Xu C, Zhu S, Chi C, Tytgat J (2003) Turret and pore block of K+ channels: what is the difference