
宋立眾,教授,哈爾濱工業大學(威海)教授,博士生導師,信息工程研究所從事科研工作, 中國電子學會高級會員;IEEE會員。




1999.09~2001.07 哈爾濱工業大學電磁場與微波技術學科,碩士畢業並獲得工學碩士學位

2001.03~2005.07 哈爾濱工業大學通信與信息系統學科,博士畢業並獲得工學博士學位

2006.11~2009.09 哈爾濱工業大學電子科學與技術學科,從事博士後研究工作並已出站









1. 宋立眾,喬曉林,吳群. 一種極化分集制導雷達及低截獲機率信號設計. 系統工程與電子技術. 2009年第31卷第12期:2853-2858 (EI檢索)

2.宋立眾, 喬曉林, 吳群. 一種彈載相控陣雷達及其極化濾波方法. 電波科學學報.2009年第24卷第6期:1071-1077(EI檢索)

3.宋立眾,喬曉林,吳群. 一種基於極化DBF的制導雷達抗干擾方法. 電波科學學報. 2010年第25卷第1期:109-116(EI檢索)

4. 宋立眾,吳群.一種極化和頻率捷變主動雷達信號處理技術. 南京理工大學學報(自然科學版). 2010年第34卷第5期:668-674(EI檢索)

5. 宋立眾, 馬寧,吳群. 一種915MHz印刷偶極子標籤天線的分析與設計. 微波學報. 2008年第24卷第6期:51-55,64

6. SONG Lizhong, Li Chongshen, Ma Ning, Wu Qun. Simulation and Analysis of a Microstrip Circular Array Antenna at 15GHz. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking, and Mobile Computing. Dalian, China. October 12-17,2008. (EI檢索和ISTP檢索)

7. SONG Li-zhong, MU Yi-nan, Qiao Xiao-lin , WU Qun. Design and Implementation of an Antenna Measurement System for the Mono-Pulse Radar. 2008 9th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings. Beijing, CHINA. October 26-29, 2008, V3: 2868-2871. (EI檢索和ISTP檢索)

8. Lizhong Song, Qun Wu, Shifeng Fu. Simulation and Analysis of a Kind of Cylindrical Conformal Yagi-Uda Antenna. 2008 8th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory Proceedings. Kunming,China. November 2-5,2008: 82-85. (EI檢索和ISTP檢索)

9. SONG Lizhong, Wang Miao, Wu Qun. Analysis and Calculation of Cylindrical Conformal Microstrip Antennas at 35 GHz. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications. Chongqing, China. 26-28 April, 2008: 165-169(ISTP檢索)

10. Song Lizhong, Wu Qun, Mu Yinan.Target Detection Method of the LFM Radar signal with Multiple Polarization Agility. Proceedings of IEEE 2007 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications. Hangzhou, China. 14-17 August, 2007, Vol.Ⅱ:1186-1190. (EI檢索和ISTP檢索)

11. Song Lizhong, Wang Miao. Study on a Non-Linear Frequency Modulation Signal withPolarization-Coded Modulation. 2007 5th International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology Proceedings. April 19-21,2007: 816-819. (EI檢索和ISTP檢索)

12. SONG Li-zhong, QIAO Xiao-lin, FU Shi-feng, WU Qun. A Kind of Signal Processing Method for the Polariztaion Phased Array Radar. The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking, and Mobile Computing. Beijing, China. September 24-26,2009. (EI檢索和ISTP檢索)

13. Song Lizhong,FU Shifeng, Fang Qingyuan, Wu Qun. Simulation and Analysis of the Cylindrical conformal Microstrip Yagi Antennas. The Third IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications. Beijing, China. October 27-29, 2009, Vol.Ⅰ:596-599(EI檢索)

14. Song Lizhong. Performance Simulation of a Kind of Conformal Sinuous Antenna with Four Arms. Proceedings - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security, WCNIS 2010, Beijing, China, June 25, 2010 - June 27, 2010,Volume1:169-172(EI檢索)

15. Song Lizhong. Simulation and analysis of a spherical conformal Archimedean spiral antenna. Proceedings - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security, WCNIS 2010, Beijing, China, June 25, 2010 - June 27, 2010,Volume1:173-177(EI檢索)

16. Song Lizhong,Cong Guojin, Hong Huanfeng. Simulation and Analysis of A Hemispherical Conformal Sinuous Antenna with Four Arms.Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), september 20-23,2010, Nanjing, China. Volume 1:281-284(EI檢索)

17. Song Lizhong. Performance Simulation of A Conformal Equiangular Spiral Antenna On the Circular Truncated Cone. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Comuting, Chengdu, China, September, 2010:23-25. (EI檢索)

18. Song Lizhong. Simulation and Analysis of A kind of conical Conformal Archimedean Spiral Antenna. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Comuting, Chengdu, China, September, 2010:23-25. (EI檢索)

19.SONG Li-zhong, QIAO Xiao-lin, MENG Xian-de. Study on the Method of Polarization Suppression of Cheating Jamming in Pulse Doppler Radar. Chinese Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2005, 16(2):310-315(EI檢索)

20. SONG Li-zhong, QI Hai-ming, QIAO Xiao-lin, MENG Xian-de. Scheme of Adaptive Polarization Filtering Based on Kalman Model. Chinese Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2006,17(1): 13-18 (EI檢索)

21.宋立眾, 喬曉林, 孟憲德. 脈衝都卜勒雷達導引頭角欺騙干擾的極化抑制. 電波科學學報. 2005年6月,第20卷第3期:353-357. (EI檢索)

22. SONG Lizhong, QIAO Xiaolin, MENG Xiande. Study on the Angle Glint Suppression Technology for High resolution Dual Polarization Radar Seeker. 2004 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings. Beijing,CHINA. Aug. 31-Sept. 4, 2004, V3: 2057-2060(EI檢索和ISTP檢索)

23.SONG Li-zhong, MENG Xian-de, QI Xiao-hui, QIAO Xiao-lin. New Kind of Pulse Compression Technology Based on Polarization Coding and its Performance Analysis. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, Xi'an, China. August 18 -22, 2004, Vol 2: 604-610.(ISTP檢索)

24. SONG Li-zhong, QIAO Xiao-lin, QI Hai-ming, XIE Shi-xian, MENG Xian-de. Study on a New Kind of Mono-pulse Radar System Based on Virtual Polarization Filtering Technology. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, Xi'an, China. August 18 -22, 2004, Vol 3: 1038-1043. (ISTP檢索)

25. 宋立眾, 喬曉林, 孟憲德. 一種單脈衝雷達中的極化估值與濾波算法. 系統工程與電子技術.2005,27(5):764-766. (EI檢索)

26. 宋立眾, 喬曉林, 孟憲德. 圓極化捷變LFM脈衝壓縮信號分析. 現代雷達. 2005, 27(2): 43-46

27. 宋立眾, 喬曉林, 孟憲德. 單脈衝制導雷達中的虛擬極化濾波技術. 彈箭與制導學報. 2004,24(4):26-29

28. 宋立眾, 蔣明, 孟憲德, 喬曉林. 極化捷變LFM脈衝壓縮信號的相關檢測. 哈爾濱商業大學學報(自然科學版). 2004, 20(6): 671-674

29. SONG Lizhong, QIAO Xiaolin, MENG Xiande. Angle Glint Suppression for Millimeter-wave Radar Based on Polarization Filtering. 2004 4th International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology Proceedings. Beijing, CHINA. Aug. 18-22, 2004, 635-638. (EI檢索,ISTP檢索)

30. SONG Lizhong, QIAO Xiaolin, MENG Xiande, JING ming. Study on the Method of RF Filtering for the New Polarization Radar. Proceeding of The 6th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory. Beijing, CHINA. 2003:620-623. (ISTP檢索)

31. Song Lizhong, Fang Qingyuan. Design and Measurement of a Kind of Dual Polarized Vivaldi Antenna. 2011 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, July 2011, Harbin China, Vol.1,pp.494-497

32. 宋立眾,喬曉林,曹丙霞. 微帶巴倫饋電圓錐等角螺旋天線設計與實驗.微波學報,2012年第28卷第1期:29-32,37

33、SONG Li-zhong, FANG Qing-yuan. Implementation scheme of a wide band dual polarized antenna array. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), Vol.18, Sup.1, 2011:255-259. (EI檢索)



