1980年 – 1984年:陝西師範大學物理系,學士

1986年 – 1988年:日本靜岡大學,碩士
1988年 – 1991年:日本京都大學,博士

2008年~至今:榮獲 新加坡國立大學 終身教授
1998年創建Nano Spintronics集團並擔任集團經理至2003年。

UK-Singapore Partners in Science Collaboration Award, 2005Second Place Winner, Science as Art Competition 2005 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco
NUS Young Researcher Award 2003
Outstanding Poster Award, 2002 MRS Fall Meeting,Boston
Overseas Editor: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Scanning Probe Microscopy
1,Z. H. Ni, H. M. Wang, Y. Ma, J. Kasim, Y. H. Wu, Z. X. Shen, "Tunable stress and controlled thickness modification in graphene by annealing", to appear in ACS Nano.
2,G. Q. Teo, H. M. Wang, Y. H. Wu, Z. B. Guo, J. Zhang, Z. H. Ni and Z. X. Shen, "Visibility study of graphene multilayer structures", to appear in J. Appl. Phys.
3,H. M. Wang, Y. H. Wu, Z. H. Ni, and Z. X. Shen, “Electronic transport and layer engineering in multilayer graphene structures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 053504 (2008).
4,Y. Y. Wang, Z. H. Ni, Z. X. Shen, H. M. Wang, and Y. H. Wu, “Interference enhancement of Raman signal of graphene”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 043121 (2008).
5,Haomin Wang, Catherine Choonga, Jun Zhang, Kie Leong Teo and Yihong Wu, "Differential conductance fluctuation of curved nanographite sheets in the mesoscopic regime", Solid State Comm. 145, 341-345 (2008).
6,T. Dietl, T. Andrearczyk, A. Lipińska, M. Kiecana, Maureen Tay, and Yihong Wu, "Origin of ferromagnetism in Zn1−xCoxO from magnetization and spin-dependent magnetoresistance measurements ", Phys. Rev. B 76, 155312 (2007).
7,Z. H. Ni, H. M. Wang, J. Kasim, H. M. Fan, T. Yu, Y. H. Wu, Y. P. Feng and Z. X. Shen, "Graphene Thickness Determination Using Reflection and Contrast Spectroscopy", Nano Lett. 7, 2758-2763 (2007).
8,Kebin Li, Yihong Wu, Zaibing Guo, Yuankai Zheng, Guchang Han, Jinjun Qiu, Ping Luo, Lihua An, and Tiejun Zhou, "Exchange Coupling and Its Applications in Magnetic Data Storage", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 13–45 (2007) (Review).
9,Yuankai Zheng, Yihong Wu, Kebin Li, Jinjun Qiu, Guchang Han, Zaibing Guo, Ping Luo, Lihua An, Zhiyong Liu, Li Wang, Seng Ghee Tan, Baoyu Zong, and Bo Liu, "Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM)", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 117–137 (2007) (Review)
10,Hongliang Li, Yihong Wu, Zaibing Guo, Ping Luo, and Shijie Wang, "Magnetic and electrical transport properties of Ge1−xMnx thin films",J. Appl. Phys. 100, 103908 (2006).
11,M. Tay, Y. H. Wu, G. C. Han, T. C. Chong, Y. K. Zheng, S. J. Wang, Y. B. Chen and X. Q. Pan, "Ferromagnetism in inhomogeneous Zn1–xCoxO thin films", J. Appl. Phys. 100, 063910 (2006).
12,T. Liu, Y. H. Wu, Z. L. Zhao, Y. K. Zheng and A. O. Adeyeye, "Transport properties and micromagnetic modeling of magnetic nanowires with multiple constrictions", Thin Solid Films, 505 (1-2): 35-40 MAY 18 2006.
13,KB Li, Wu YH, Han GC, Qiu JJ, Zheng YK, Guo ZB, An LH, Luo P, "Electrical and magnetic properties of nano-oxide added spin valves", Thin Solid Films, 505 (1-2): 22-28 MAY 18 2006.
14,G.C. Han, Li KB, Zheng YK, Qiu JJ, Luo P, An LH, Guo ZB, Liu ZY, Wu YH, "Fabrication of sub-50 nm current-perpendicular-to-plane spin valve sensors", Thin Solid Films, 505 (1-2): 41-44 MAY 18 2006.
15,P. Esquinazi, D. Spemann, K. Schindler, R. Höhne, M. Ziese, A. Setzer, K.-H. Han, S. Petriconi, M. Diaconu, H. Schmidt, T. Butz and Y.H. Wu, “Proton irradiation effects and magnetic order in carbon structures”, Solid Films 505, 85-89 (2006).
16,Li HL, Wu YH, Guo ZB, Wang SJ, Teo KL, Veres T, “Effect of antiphase boundaries on electrical transport properties of Fe3O4 nanostructures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 252507 (2005).
17,Li KB, Qiu JJ, Han GC, Guo ZB, Zheng YK, Wu YH, Li JS, “Effect of capping layer on interlayer coupling in synthetic spin valves”, Phys. Rev. 71, 014436 (2005).
18,Wang L, Qiu JJ, McMahon WJ, Li KB and Wu YH, “Nano-oxide-layer insertion and specular effects in spin valves: Experiment and theory”, Phys. Rev. B 69, 214402 (2004).
19,Wang L, McMahon WJ, Liu B, Wu YH, Chong CT, “Interface or bulk scattering in the semiclassical theory for spin valves”, Phys. Rev. 69 (21): Art. No. 214403 JUN 2004.
20,Wu YH, Yang BJ, Zong BY, Sun H and Feng YP, “Carbon nanowalls and related materials”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 14, 469-477 (2004) (Feature article).
21,Han GC, Wu YH, Tay M, Li KB, and Chong TC, “Epitaxial growth of ferromagnetic Co:TiO2 thin films by co-sputtering”, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 268, 159-164 (2004).
22,Wu YH, “Nano Spintronics for Data Storage”, Encyclopedia for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.7, 493-544, American Scientific Publishers, 2003.
23,Wu YH, Shen YT, Liu ZY, Li KB, and Qiu JJ, “Point dipole response from a magnetic force microscopy tip with a synthetic antiferromagnetic coating”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 1748-1750 (2003).
24,Han GC, Zong BY, Luo P, and Wu YH, “Angular dependence of the coercivity and remanence of electrodeposited nano-wire”, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 9202-9207 (2003).
25,Zheng YK, Wu YH, Qiu JJ, Li KB, Guo ZB, Han, GC, An LH, Luo P, You D, Liu ZY, and Shen YT, “A low-switching-current flux-closed magneto-resistive random access memory”, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 7307-7309 (2003).
26,Guo ZB, Zheng YK, Li KB, Liu ZY, Shen YT, and Wu YH, “Observation of a flux closure state in NiFe/IrMn exchange biased rings”, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 7435-7437 (2003).
27,Wu YH, Qiao PW, Chong TC, and Shen ZX, “Carbon nanowalls grown by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, Adv. Mater. 14, 64-67 (2002).
28,Wu YH, Li KB, Qiu JJ, Guo ZB, and Han GC, “Antiferromagnetically coupled hard/Ru/soft layers and their applications in spin valves”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4413-4415 (2002).
29,Liu ZY, Dan Y, Qiu JJ, and Wu YH, “Magnetic force microscopy using focused ion beam sharpened tip with deposited antiferro-ferromagnetic multiple layers”, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 8843-8845 (2002).
30,Shen YT, Wu YH, Xie H, Li KB, Qiu JJ, and Guo ZB, “Exchange bias of patterned NiFe/IrMn film”, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 8001-8003 (2002).
31,Wu YH, Yang BJ, Han GC, Zong BY, Ni HQ, Luo P, Chong TC, Low TS, and Shen ZX, “Fabrication of a class of nanostructured materials using carbon nanowalls as the templates”, Adv. Funct. Mater.12, 489-494 (2002).
32,Wu YH, Qiao PW, Qiu JJ, Chong TC, and Low TS, “Magnetic nanostructures grown on vertically aligned carbon nanotube templates”, Nano Letters 2, 161-164 (2002).
33,Shen YT, Wu YH, Chong TC, Xie H, Guo ZB, Li KB, and Qiu JJ, “Asymmetry diffraction magneto-optical phenomenon of NiFe grating”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2034-2036 (2001).
34,Li KB, Wu YH, Qiu JJ, Han GC, Guo ZB, Xie H, and Chong TC , “Suppression of interlayer coupling and enhancement of magnetoresistance in spin valves with oxide layer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 3663-3665 (2001).
35,Zheng YK, Wang XY, You D, and Wu YH, “Switch-free read operation design and measurement of magnetic tunnel junction magnetic random access memory arrays”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2788-2790 (2001).
36,Wu YH, Arai K, and Yao T, “Temperature dependence of the photoluminescence of ZnSe/ZnS quantum-dot structures”, Phys. Rev. B 53, 10485-10488 (1996).
37,Wu YH, “Structure-dependent threshold current-density for CdZnSe-Based II-VI semiconductor-lasers”, IEEE J. Quan. Elect. 30, 1562-1573 (1994).
38,Wu YH, Khoo H, and Kogure T, “Read-only optical disk with superresolution”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 3225-3227 (1994).
39,Kawakami Y, Yamaguchi S, Wu YH, Ichino K, Fujita S, Fujita S, “Optically pumped blue-green laser operation above room-temperature in Zn0.80Cd0.20Se-ZnS0.08Se0.92 multiple quantum-well structures grown by metalorganic molecular-beam epitaxy”, Jpn. J. Appl. Part 2 - Lett.30 (4A): L605-L607 APR 1 1991.
40,Wu YH, Kawakami Y, Fujita S, Fujita S, “Growth and optical-properties of novel wide-band-gap strained-layer single quantum-wells - Zn1-yCdySe/ZnSxSe1-x”, Jpn. J. Appl. Part 2 - Lett.30 (4A): L555-L557 APR 1 1991.