Birds can be caught by a net at the door -- a deserted house.;can set up a bird trap at the house door -- complete absence of callers;You can catch sparrows on the doorstep -- Visitors are few and far between.;having few visitors;[6]
尤金髮現南國賓館幾乎門可羅雀。Eugene found dixieland almost deserted.從前,我家總是門庭若市,現在卻是門可羅雀了。My house used to be crowded visitors, but now visitors are few and far between.他或許宴會從不缺嘉賓,但是葬禮就門可羅雀。He may have no shortage of party guests, but he's sorely lacking in funeral attendees.但布希研究所是門庭若市還是門可羅雀,將由歷史怎樣看待布希先生而決定。But whether the bush institute buzzes with interest, or sits mournfully empty, will depend on how mr bush is seen by history.要是舉辦一個百萬富翁展銷會卻門可羅雀,那該怎么辦?What if they held a millionaire fair and no one came?這主意不錯,可我們家實在是門可羅雀,沒啥客人耶!Not a bad idea! The problem is that we don't really have people come around though!假如人們下決心追求自己的使命而不僅僅是找一個工作,有些職業(科學、飪、傳學)能會人滿為患,其它的可能門可羅雀。If people are determined to pursue their calling rather than simply taking a job, some professions ( surgery, cookery,genetics) may become overcrowded, others under subscribed.和國慶期間“鳥巢”“水立方”人頭涌動的景象形成鮮明的對比,許多北京售樓大廳此時卻是門可羅雀。National day and during the "bird's nest", "water cube" the head of the surging scene in sharp contrast, many hall of salesat this time beijing is menkeluoque.與2009年開業時的轟轟烈烈不同,坐落於北岸財富中心的奧特萊斯如今已經門可羅雀。And vigorous different when opened in 2009, is located in the north shore of fortune plaza outlet is now deserted.