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何德彪,男,1980年生,博士,武漢大學計算機學院教授,博士生導師,武漢大學“珞珈青年學者”。研究方向包括:套用密碼學、安全協定、雲計算安全等。2009畢業於武漢大學數學與統計學院套用專業,獲博士學位。2009年7月~2014年10月在武漢大學數學與統計學院工作。2014年11月至今在武漢大學計算機學院工作,2014年晉升副教授。最近五年,在《IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security》、《IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing》、《IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics》、《IEEE Systems Journal》、 《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》、《IEEE Communications Magazine》、《IET Information Security》等著名國際期刊上發表學術論文50餘篇。主持國家自然科學基金2項、教育部博士點基金1項、湖北省自然科學基金1項、信息安全國家重點實驗室開放課題2項、福建省網路安全與密碼技術重點實驗室開放課題1項、武漢大學自主科研項目1項及2項校企合作項目。


•1999.09-2003.06, 山東師範大學,數學系,理學學士;

•2003.09-2006.06, 武漢大學,數學與統計學院,理學碩士;

•2006.09-2009.06, 武漢大學,數學與統計學院,理學博士;


2009.07-2014.06, 武漢大學,數學與統計學院,講師;

2014.11-2017.06, 武漢大學,計算機學院,軟體工程國家重點實驗室,副教授;

2017.06至今, 武漢大學,計算機學院,軟體工程國家重點實驗室,教授;


•[1].Debiao He, Sherali Zeadally, Baowen Xu, Xinyi Huang, An efficient identity-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme for vehicular ad-hoc networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics& Security (SCI), DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2015.2473820,2015.

•[2].Debiao He, Sherali Zeadally, Libing Wu. Certificatelesspublic auditing scheme for cloud-assisted wireless body area networks, IEEE Systems Journal(SCI), DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2015.2428620, 2015.

•[3].Debiao He, Neeraj Kumar, Naveen Chilamkurti. A secure temporal-credential-based mutual authentication and key agreement scheme with pseudo identity for wireless sensor networks, Information Sciences (SCI) , 2015, 321: 263-277.

•[4].Debiao He, Sherali Zeadally. Authentication protocol for ambient assisted living system, IEEE Communications Magazine(SCI) , 2015, 35(1): 71-77.

•[5].Debiao He, Sherali Zeadally. An analysis of RFID authentication schemes for internet of things in healthcare environment using elliptic curve cryptography, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2015, 2(1): 72-83.

•[6].Debiao He, Neeraj Kumar, Jong-Hyouk Lee. Secure pseudonym-based near field communication protocol for the consumer internet of things, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics(SCI) , 2015, 61(1): 56-63.

•[7].Debiao He, Ding Wang. Robust biometrics-based authentication scheme for multi-server environment, IEEE Systems Journal(SCI) , 2015, 9(3): 816-823.

•[8].Debiao He, Neeraj Kumar, Jianhua Chen, et al. Robust anonymous authentication protocol for healthcare applications using wireless medical sensor networks, Multimedia Systems(SCI) , 2015, 21(1): 49-60.

•[9].Debiao He, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Neeraj Kumar. A new handover authentication protocol based on bilinear pairing functions for wireless networks, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing(SCI), 2015, 18(1-2): 67-74.

•[10].Debiao He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Chen. Robust biometric-based user authentication scheme for wireless sensor networks, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks(SCI), 2015,25(3-4): 309-321.

•[11].Debiao He, Miaomiao Tian, Jianhua Chen. Insecurity of an efficient certificateless aggregate signature with constant pairing computations, Information Sciences (SCI), 2014, 268(1): 458–462.

•[12].Debiao He, Neeraj Kumar, Jong-Hyouk Lee. Enhanced three-factor security protocol for USB consumer storage devices, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (SCI), 2014, 60(1): 30-37.

•[13].Debiao He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Chen. Cryptanalysis and improvement of an anonymous authentication protocol for wireless access networks, Wireless Personal Communications (SCI), 74(2): 229-243, 2014.

•[14].Debiao He, Neeraj Kumar, Naveen Chilamkurti, Jong-Hyouk Lee. Lightweight ECC based RFID authentication integrated with an ID verifier transfer protocol, Journal of Medical Systems (SCI), 38(10): 1-6, 2014.

•[15].Debiao He, Neeraj Kumar, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Jong-Hyouk Lee. Anonymous two-factor authentication for consumer roaming service in Global Mobility Networks, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (SCI), 2013, 59(4): 811-817.

•[16].Debiao He, Hao Hu. Cryptanalysis of a Dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme with access control for multi-server environment, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (SCI), 2013, E96-D (1): 138-140.

•[17].Debiao He, Yitao Chen, Jianhua Chen. An efficient secure certificateless proxy signature scheme without pairings, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (SCI), 2013, 57(9-10): 2510-2518.

•[18].Debiao He, Shuhua Wu. Security flaws in a smart card based authentication scheme for multi-server environment, Wireless Personal Communications (SCI), 2013, 70(1): 323-329.

•[19].Debiao He, Ding Wang, Shuhua Wu. Cryptanalysis and improvement of a password-based remote user authentication scheme without smart cards, Information Technology and Control (SCI), 2013, 42(2): 170-177.

•[20].Debiao He, Baojun Huang, Jianhua Chen. New certificateless short signature scheme, IET Information Security (SCI), 2013, 7(2): 113-117.

•[21].Debiao He, Shuhua Wu, Jianhua Chen. Note on Design of improved password authentication and updating scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (SCI), 2012, 55(3-4): 1661–1664.

•[22].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. A pairing-free certificateless authenticated key agreement protocol, International Journal of Communication Systems (SCI), 2012, 25(2): 221-230.

•[23].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. An ID-based client authentication with key agreement protocol for mobile client–server environment on ECC with provable security, Information Fusion (SCI), 2012, 13(3): 223–230.

•[24].Debiao He. An efficient remote user authentication and key exchange protocol for mobile client-server environment from pairings, Ad Hoc Networks (SCI), 2012, 10(6): 1009–1016.

•[25].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Rui Zhang. A more secure authentication scheme for telecare medicine information systems, Journal of Medical Systems (SCI), 2012, 36(3), 1989-1995.

•[26].Debiao He, Cryptanalysis of an authenticated key agreement protocol for wireless mobile communications, ETRI Journal (SCI), 2012, 34(3): 482–484.

•[27].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. Improvement on a smart card based password authentication scheme, Journal of Internet Technology (SCI), 2012, 13(3): 405–410.

•[28].Debiao He, Hao Hu. Cryptanalysis of a smartcard-based user authentication scheme for multi-server environments, IEICE Transactions on Communications (SCI), 2012, E95-B(9): 3052-3054.

•[29].Debiao He, Sahadeo Padhye, Jianhua Chen. An efficient certificateless two-party authenticated key agreement protocol, Computers & Mathematics with Applications (SCI), 2012, 64(6): 1914–1926.

•[30].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Rui Zhang. An efficient and provably-secure certificateless signature scheme without bilinear pairings, International Journal of Communication Systems (SCI), 2012, 25(11), 1432–1442.

•[31].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Yitao Chen. A secure mutual authentication scheme for session initiation protocol using elliptic curve cryptography, Security and Communication Networks (SCI), , 2012 5(12): 1423-1429.

•[32].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. An authentication key agreement protocol using isogenies between elliptic curves, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (SCI), 2011, 6(2): 251-258.

•[33].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Rui Zhang. An efficient identity-based blind signature scheme without bilinear pairings, Computers & Electrical Engineering (SCI, IF: 0.837), 2011, 37(4): 444–450.

•[34].Debiao He, Yitao Chen, Jianhua Chen, Rui Zhang. A new two-round certificateless authenticated key agreement protocol without bilinear pairings, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (SCI), 2011, 54(11-12): 3143–3152.

•[35].Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. An ID-based proxy signature schemes without bilinear pairings, Annals of Telecommunications (SCI), 2011, 66(11-12): 657–662.


•1). 國家自然科學基金—面上項目,雲輔助無線體域網中匿名認證與訪問控制關鍵技術研究,2016-2019, 主持。

•2). 國家自然科學基金—青年科學基金項目,雲存儲中無證書可證明數據持有方案關鍵技術研究,2016-2018, 主持。

•3). 湖北省自然科學基金—面上項目,無線醫療感測器網路中多因子認證關鍵技術研究,2016-2017,主持。

•4). 信息安全國家重點實驗室開放課題,適合多伺服器環境的認證機制研究, 2013-2014, 主持。

•5). 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金,適合移動設備的無雙線性對身份基認證機制研究,2012-2014, 主持。

•6). 信息安全國家重點實驗室開放課題,基於橢圓曲線同源的公鑰密碼機制研究, 2011-2012, 主持。


