英文名稱:Le Joli Mai

電影導演:克利斯馬克chris marker
英文名稱:Le Joli Mai
類 型: 記錄
時 長: 165分鐘
地 區: 法國
語 言: 法語
色 彩: 黑白
導 演:克利斯•馬克 Chris Marker
編 劇:克利斯•馬克 Chris Marker
imdb: 7.7/10 (26 votes) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057202/
第二十八屆威尼斯國際電影節(1963年)新人導演獎 Chris Marker 美好的五月 Le Joli Mai(法)

What is extraordinary about this documentary is that it is inspired by a belief that France in May 1962 had passed a watershed, and that that dating of the watershed has proved historically accurate. For the first time since 1914 (with the exception of a brief interval in the 20s), France in May 1962 was a country living at peace, no longer battling or preparing to battle Germany, no longer fighting to hold on to its colonial possessions in Africa, the Maghreb, or Indo-China. For the first time, then, the French people are free to really consider life beyond mere physical survival, to contemplate what "happiness" means. After May 1962 the French (like the Germans and Italians) would devote fewer and fewer resources to the military, and more and more to the civilian infrastructure (not just in terms of physical structures, but also in terms of health care, culture, education, social welfare programs to integrate the socially most disadvantaged, etc.). Looking at images of French society and French people in 1962, one is struck by how shabby things appear. That the French have one of the highest standards of living in the world today, higher by most qualitative and quantitative indices than the US, is in no small measure due to the fact that the French have lived at peace for the past 43 years. Something which cannot be said for the US (I'm writing this shortly after the New Orleans debacle), which begins to look more and more like the shabby country France was in 1962. Marker is, of course, interested in pressing home in his interviews the possibilities that now exist (now = 1962) for greater social solidarity and equality, for going beyond a definition of "happiness" solely in terms of the possession of consumer goods, for free time and "self-realization" (as we used to say in the '60s). That was not to happen on anything like the scale he would have liked, but it's uncanny that these interviews give us a premonition of the French spring of '68, and the sense that took hold of the Western world for a brief moment that it was possible to press beyond capitalism and create a world in which scarcity would be overcome, all would have enough, and our time would not be given over to dreary necessity but would be truly our time.

Chris Marker : Memoriser le passe pour ne pas revivre lillusion du XXe siecle
〝客觀性並不正確,激情及多樣性才是主要的〞,克里斯蒂安.布希-維爾夫,又名克里斯.馬克深信不疑地這樣宣稱道。他是上世紀伊始最神秘莫測的作家,電影藝術家及出版者。他最負盛名的影片《防波堤》(La jetee)及《沒有太陽》(Sans soleil)已製成影視光碟再版問世,使我們可以重溫這位八十二歲老人年輕時的心路歷程。人們不知道他的生平,不認識他的面孔,他以托馬斯.平瓊的方式消失了。托馬斯.平瓊每隔十年便冒出來一次,為我們清理一些事情。現在,我們只有透過他的作品來窺視他的一生或者說如夢般的往事。
據一些資料所載,克里斯.馬克於一九二一年七月二十一日出生於巴黎的貝爾維爾區。他最初的職業是寫作。在發表了一篇有關吉羅杜的評論之後,小說《潔凈的心》(Le cur net)便接著問世。風格介乎馬爾羅與聖.艾蘇伯里之間,《潔凈的心》可謂發生在飛行世界裡的一部史詩。後來,他在Seuil出版社創辦了《小行星》(Petite planete)叢書。這個舉措極大地滿足了他週游世界及作圖片報導的永不枯渴的熱情。他與阿倫.雷里合作拍攝的第一部紀錄片《雕像也會死亡》(Les statues meurent aussi)是對法國在黑非洲的殖民統治的鞭撻。他繼續他的旅程:俄國、中國、西伯利亞、古巴。並以敏銳的眼光捕捉了這些國家波譎雲詭的政治。當然他的眼光是戰鬥的,但決不上當受騙。他很少為某一制度辯護。例如在他一九五八年拍攝的《西伯利亞來函》(Lettre de Siberie) 這部紀錄片裡,對建造鐵路這同一場戲,他就提出了四種不同的解說詞:親共產主義的、反共產主義的、〝純信息〞的及讓觀眾自行裁奪。《西伯利亞來函》這部影片對米肖〝我從一個黑暗國度給你們寫信〞這句話作了改寫,重新詮釋。
一九六二年拍攝《漂亮的五月》(Joli mai)期間,為擺脫〝直接電影〞,他以他所謂的〝自動寫作〞的手法拍攝了他並不太瞭解的一個故事。經過如同拼圖遊戲的剪輯之後,《防波堤》這部影片誕生了。這部仿似不明飛行物體、只有畫外音的黑白片,從此迷倒了一代又一代的電影愛好者。影片描述在一場原子浩劫後的世界,一個人重新經歷了他的往昔歲月。在內容緊湊的二十九分鐘里,試圖解開最初的謎底。〝這是一個帶著童年印記的人的故事。那個暴力令他局促不安,許久之後他才明白其含義的情景是發生在第叄次世界大戰開始幾年的奧利大防波堤上〞。片中纏繞人的影像,有卡夫卡及一點K.迪克的影子。
面對這些問題,《沒有太陽》這部影片的製作者幾乎成了類精神分裂症患者。一切新科技如CD-Rom或電腦,都為他提供了延伸其研究的手段。《Immemory》(CD-Rom) 及超文本聯繫使人們不至太善忘。在他的近作一九九六年拍攝的《Level 5》一片裡,一個年輕寡婦圍繞著丈夫的電腦編織愛情。〝在尋找真理和歷史〞同時,她回到了二次世界大戰期間沖繩島的悲慘事件中。上個月,他罕有地透過網際網路接受了《解放報》(Liberation)記者的採訪。他談到了對時局、對科技的關心,也談到了他的厭惡。今天,他的興趣可說轉向了文學。四十多年過去了,《防波堤》已離我們遠去。克里斯.馬克的作品是上個世紀的間接歷史見證。看他的作品很少不為之感動。