1. organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical)
troupe n associated personn
Shang Xiaoyun
Step2: Shang Xiaoyun is a Chinese who has the deep influence of ...
Step2: "experience, Representation -
Basic Overview "Southland water thousands of miles, The cities o...
Basic Overview Physical Geography -
Wu Xiaolou
Drama's Achievements Wu is the Xiaolou and Zhang Guifeng, Xu Tia...
Drama's Achievements Social Positions -
Chen Cheng
Introduction Chen Cheng (1898 - January 4 - 5 March 1965), male,...
Introduction Upbringing That Time -
Han Zaifen
Introduction Han Zaifen, the incumbent of the Tenth NPC; vice - ...
Introduction The Repertory Awards Received -
Huan County
Basic Overview Shrinking of Huan County, Shaanxi, Gansu and Ning...
Basic Overview Development Status -
戲班 xìbān[theatrical troupe (lompany...
概述 詳細解釋 常用詞組 康熙字典 說文解字 -
歷史沿革 上海滑稽劇團藝術家 1960年春,上海人民藝術劇院為了探索話劇民族化、民眾化、促進滑稽戲藝術的繁榮發展,尤因戲劇大師黃...
歷史沿革 演出形式 藝術特色 表演特點 劇目介紹