- ironware

鐵器, 金屬器具
鐵器, 金屬器具
ironware n. 鐵器, 金屬器具 ...
[ironware]柄鐵摺疊環復——明·魏禧《大鐵椎傳》(5) 又如:鐵花...子 字意名詞同本義〖iron〗【鐵制的器物(ironware)】 鐵礦...
基本解釋 詳細解釋 字意 音韻集匯 古籍解釋Historical Evolution Pingnan honored as far afield as 3000 years...
Historical Evolution Natural ResourcesThe Name Of The Country Xiang Yu to "Bashu Hanzhong County XLI" ...
Introduction Territory Political OverviewHistory 5000 years ago in the Neolithic age, Luoyuan human habit...
History Geography Natural Resources TrafficAdministrative Divisions 2014, Dazu district under the jurisdict...
Historical Evolution The Resource ProfileGeographical Environment Position Jincheng city in Shanxi Provin...
Historical Evolution Named For〖ironware〗 柄鐵摺疊環復——明·魏禧《大鐵椎傳》 又如:鐵花...
同名電影 1994 法國【鐵鐐】:用鐵做的套在腳腕上使不能跑的刑具。tiě liào筆畫:10畫部首:釒 5畫寫法:tiě筆順:3111531134五筆...