flexsystem——佛氏電腦軟體:是一家香港上市公司,是以亞洲為基地的企業信息化方案提供商,一直致力於為全球各大商業機構研發及推廣最優質的企業軟體方案。成立至今,FlexSystem在企業軟體市場上一直處於領導的地位,經過不斷的努力已經成為大中華地區最大的企業信息化方案供應商之一。 FlexSystem是於1983年在香港成立的公司,目前所研的發軟體包括:財務管理系統,財務線上報表系統(FION),人力資源管理系統,固定資產管理系統,進銷存管理系統,生產製造管理系統,物業管理系統,零售管理系統,EI商業智慧型系統,工作流系統等。
FlexSystem is Listed Company in HK, which is an Asia based enterprise solutions provider, committed to develop and market the best of breed enterprise software and computing services to business entities around the world. Establised since 1983, FlexSystem is now a major player in enterprise solutions market, with thousands installation throughtout Asia Pacific. FlexSystem develop many suites of Enterprise Solutions, such as Financial Management System, Financial Information On-line, Human Resources Management System, Fixed Assets Management System, Trading System, MRP, Property Management, Sales Order, Enterprise Information Support System, FlexWorkflow Management System, etc.