Rob Bourdon個人信息
全名:Robert Gregory Bourdon生日: 1979年1月20日
籍貫: Calabasas, California
身高: 6' 4" (1.93 m)
喜歡的運動: 籃球, 棒球, 街舞。
喜歡的音樂: Hip-Hop, Rock, Jazz, Punk。
喜歡做的事: 耍酷, 搞笑, 玩棒球, 鍛鍊肌肉。
最喜歡的作品:“In The End”
![Rob Bourdon](/img/8/aea/nBnauM3X3gzNykTO4AjM2QDN2MTM4gzNzIDMwADMwAjMxAzLwIzL4IzLt92YucmbvRWdo5Cd0FmLwE2LvoDc0RHa.jpg)
經歷: 樂隊組建前為是普通服務生,並且在Santa Monica大學主修會計學。
Rob Bourdon個人生平
Rob Bourdon大約9歲開始學鋼琴。Rob生於加州的Calabasas,現在住在洛杉磯。他和Incubus的成員在同一城鎮長大,並且和Hoobastank的一些成員一起上的高中。當他還是加利福尼亞州吾德蘭山岡的一個十歲的小男孩時,Rob就已經經歷過各種形式的主顯節.那並非宗教和神秘主義的東西,而是有一個鼓手(Joey Kramer)參與的一場音樂會,那個鼓手是他母親的一個朋友,從那天起他就完全投入到打鼓中了,之後就開始了搖滾。Groove—Based Drum Beats是他仍然喜歡的風格。他說:“I got into drums because my mom is friends of Joey。”Rob也彈鋼琴。當他差不多13歲的時候,Rob和他的朋友一起玩樂隊。也就是那個時候,他碰到了Brad Delson,現在Linkin Park的吉他手,他們在一起組了一個樂隊大概一年左右,樂隊叫Relative Degree。還和他的好朋友們一起演奏過一些封面歌曲,例如《Nirvana的微笑》,《青少年的靈魂》。也是搖滾樂,說唱和鄉土爵士樂三者的相會,那時他們組合名為“相對溫度”。他們常常練習,曾經出演了一場演出,然後便銷聲匿跡了。
林肯公園製作的錄象都是有他們自己去看的,和Brad Delson一樣,Rob從來都不會有演奏的失誤,但如果有任何一處沒有跟上感覺,他都總是會指出來。
另外,Linkin Park的“Numb”里的女主角是Rob太太的妹妹,著名演員Briana Evigan。
Rob 接受LPN採訪
Q: Do you play any other instruments, and if yes, which ones? What made you choose the drums as your main instrument?A: I also play the piano. I chose the drums after seeing Aerosmith play when I was in the 4th grade.
Q: Chris Cornell was the opening act for your Australia show. How was that? Did you meet any other opening bands/artists on tour that you liked?
A: I think Chris Cornell is extremely talented and it was an honor to play on the same stage. I’ve been listening to his music since I was in high school.
Q: What video games have you been playing recently? Which game can you usually trump everyone else in?
A: Halo 1 was my game. I have retired for now, but might start on Halo 3 soon.
Q: How does it feel performing overseas compared to performing in the U.S.?
A: Most of the shows overseas are a lot larger than U.S. shows.
Q: What other passions do you have besides music? Is there anything recent that you've been interested in (a new band, hobby, food, sport or activity)?
A: Surfing.
Q: Your drum solo during "Bleed It Out" live is incredible! How did you come up with it?
A: I actually never have really tried doing drum solos until the other guys asked me to do them. I just play whatever comes to mind at the time with a general idea of what to do based on previous solos.
Q: Do you have time to go sightseeing in your spare time on tour? What are some sights or landmarks that you've enjoyed visiting recently?
A: I really enjoyed the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the National Palace Museum in Taipei.
問:你玩其他樂器嗎?如果有的話,哪一種?是什麼驅使你選擇鼓作為你的主要樂器呢?答:我還演奏鋼琴。我選擇鼓是因為我在四年級的時候看到 Aerosmith 演出之後。
問:Chris Cornell 為你們澳大利亞的演出作暖場,你覺得怎么樣?還有你喜歡的暖場嘉賓嗎?
答:我認為 Chris Cornell 是一個非常有才華的人,我非常榮幸能和他同台演出。我在高中的時候一直聽他的音樂。
問:你最近玩什麼遊戲? 哪個遊戲是你最擅長的?
答:“光暈 1”(Halo 1)。 現在開始玩“光暈 3”了。
問:你在"Bleed It Out"中的鼓獨奏真是精彩的令人難以置信!是怎么來的?
問:在巡演的時候你是否有時間去觀光? What are some sights or landmarks that you've enjoyed visiting recently? 最近你參觀過的哪些景點或標誌性建築是你比較欣賞的?
答:我非常喜歡俄羅斯聖彼得堡的“The Hermitage”博物館,還有台北的故宮博物院。
Rob Bourdon的鼓配置
鼓 (Gretsch):5x14 Snare Drum
16x22 Bass Drum
13x16 Floor Tom
16x18 Floor Tom
10x12 High-Tom
12x14 Mid-Tom
14" A-Custom Mastersound Hi-Hats
18" A-Custom Projection Crash
10" A-Custom Splash
19" A-Custom Projection Crash
21" A-Custom Projection Ride
14" ZXT Trashformer
20" China Trash
Freestanding Drum Pads (Pintech)
Triggers on snare(DDrum)
KD-7 Bass Drum Trigger Unit (Roland)
Cage/Drum supports (Gibraltar)
MultiDirector DI (Whirlwind)
Headphone Mixer MH4 (Rane)
Crossover SAC22 (Rane)
Bass Shaker (Aura)
DW 9000 kick pedals (DW)
S6000 Sampler (Akai)
MPC2000XL Sampler (Akai)
DM5 Drum Module (Akai)
M-1400I Power Amp (Mackie)
PL Plus Power Conditioner (Furman)
5B Wood Drumstick/Splashstick (Vater)