用作名詞 (n.)
He always follows his hunch. 他總是憑直覺行事。
I have a hunch that it will snow soon. 我有快要下雪的預感。
My hunch is that PR is merely a counterweight to the media's strong, commercially driven appetite for bad news. 我的感覺是,公關只是一個平衡塊,平衡媒體由商業利益驅動的對負面新聞的貪慾。
1.He always follows his hunch. 他總是憑直覺行事。
2.I have a hunch that it will snow soon. 我有快要下雪的預感。
3.My hunch is that PR is merely a counterweight to the media's strong, commercially driven appetite for bad news. 我的感覺是,公關只是一個平衡塊,平衡媒體由商業利益驅動的對負面新聞的貪慾。
用作動詞 (v.)
Stand straight, don't hunch your shoulders! 站直了, 別聳肩!
1.Stand straight, don't hunch your shoulders! 站直了, 別聳肩!