




2006.10-2009.6美國耶魯大學 (Yale University) 醫學院博士後。

2009.7-2009.12美國安德爾森癌症研究中心 (MD Anderson Cancer Center) 博士後。

浙江大學生命科學研究院教授 浙江大學生命科學研究院教授




維持基因組的穩定對於細胞存活並抑制腫瘤的發生起著重要作用。為此,細胞建立了精密的分子信號傳導通路如DNA損傷監測點(DNA Checkpoint)和DNA 修復通路(DNA Repair)並通過它們之間的相互協調來保持基因組的穩定。然而,DNA checkpoint)如何同DNA repair,特別是同源重組 (Homologous Recombination)修復之間進行協調還不清楚。



1.Liu T., Chen H., Kim H., Huen M.S., Chen J. #, and Huang J(2012). RAD18-BRCTx interaction is required for efficient repair of UV-induced DNA damage. DNA Repair11, 131-138.

2.Liu T., Wan L., Wu Y., Chen J. #, andHuang J(2011). hSWS1-SWSAP1 is an evolutionarily conserved complex required for efficient homologous recombination repair.J Biol Chem286, 41758-41766.

3.Su X., and Huang J(2011). The Fanconi anemia pathway and DNA interstrand cross-link repair. Protein Cell2,704-711.

4.Sy S.M., Jiang J., Dong S.S., Lok G.T., Wu J., Cai H., Yeung E.S., Huang J,Chen J., Deng Y., and Huen MS. (2011). Critical roles of ring finger protein RNF8 in replication stress responses. J Biol Chem286, 22355-22361.

5.Wang, W.,Huang J,and Chen, J. # (2011). Angiomotin-like Proteins Associate with and Negatively Regulate YAP1.J Biol Chem286, 4364-4370.

6.Liu, T., Huang J,and Chen, J. # (2010). RAD18 lives a double life: Its implication in DNA double-strand break repair. DNA Repair9, 1241-1248.

7.Liu, T., Ghosal, G., Yuan, J., Chen, J. #, and Huang J(2010), FAN1 acts with FANCI-FANCD2 to promote DNA interstrand cross-links repair. Science .329(6):693 - 696

8. Huen, M.S.,Huang, J., Leung, J.W., Sy, S.M., Leung, K.M., Ching, Y.P., Tsao, S.W., and Chen, J. (2010) , Regulation of chromatin architecture by a PWWP domain-containing DNA damage responsive factor EXPAND1.Mol Cell. 37(6):854-64

9.HuangJ., Gong, Z., Ghosal, G., and Chen, J. (2009). SOSS complexes participate in the maintenance of genomic stability.Mol Cell. 35(3):384-93.

10. Feng, L., Huang, J., and Chen, J. (2009). MERIT40 facilitates BRCA1 localization and DNA damage repair. Genes Dev. 23(6):719-28

11. Huang, J.,Huen, M.S., Kim, H., Leung, C.C., Glover, J.N., Yu, X., and Chen, J. (2009).RAD18 transmits DNA damage signaling to elicit homologous recombination repair. Nat Cell Biol. 2009 May;11(5):592-603

12.Zhang, B.*, Huang, J.*,Li, H.L.*, Liu, T., Wang, Y.Y., Waterman, P., Mao, A.P., Xu, L.G., Zhai, Z., Liu, D., Marrack, P., and Shu, H.B. (2008). GIDE is a mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase that induces apoptosis and slows growth. Cell Res18, 900-910. (*共同第一作者)

13. Huen, M.S.,Huang, J., Yuan, J., Yamamoto, M., Akira, S., Ashley, C., Xiao, W., and Chen, J. (2008). Noncanonical E2 Variant-Independent Function of UBC13 in Promoting Checkpoint Protein Assembly.Mol Cell Biol. 2008 19:6104-12

14. Fu, Z., Malureanu, L.,Huang, J., Wang, W., Li, H., van Deursen, J.M., Tindall, D.J., and Chen, J. (2008). Plk1-dependent phosphorylation of FoxM1 regulates a transcriptional programme required for mitotic progression.Nat Cell Biol. 2008, 9:1076-82

15.HuangJand Chen J, (2008). VprBP targets Merlin to the Roc1-Cul4A-DDB1 E3 ligase complex for degradation.Oncogene. 27:4056-64

16. Kim, H.*,Huang, J.*,and Chen, J. (2007). CCDC98 is a BRCA1-BRCT domain–binding protein involved in the DNA damage response.Nature Structural &Molecular Biology. 14: 710 -15(*co-first authors)

17. Huang, J., Xu, L.G., Liu, T., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B. (2006). The p53-inducible E3 ubiquitin ligase p53RFP induces p53-dependent apoptosis. FEBS Lett580, 940-947.

18.Huang, J.,Liu, T., Xu, L.G., Chen, D., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B. (2005). SIKE is an IKK-relative kinases-associated suppressor of TLR3- and virus-triggered IRF-3 activaton pathways.EMBO J. 24: 4018-28(*co-first authors)

19.Huang, J.,Teng, L., Li, L., Liu, T., Chen, D., Xu, L.G., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B. (2004).ZNF216 Is an A20-like and IkappB Kinase gamma-Interacting Inhibitor of NF-kappaB Activation.J. Bio. Chem. 2004, 279: 16847-53

20. Huang, J., Teng, L., Liu, T., Li, L., Chen, D., Li, F., Xu, L.G., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B. (2003). Identification of a novel serine/threonine kinase that inhibits TNF-induced NF-kappaB activation and p53-induced transcription. Biochem Biophys Res Commun309, 774-778.


2005教育部提名國家自然科學一等獎 (第六完成人)。



