

高國全,男,一九六五年出生,現任中山大學中山醫學院生物化學教研室主任,中國生物化學和分子生物學學會理事,廣東省生物化學和分子生物學學會常務理事、秘書長,海洋微生物功能分子廣東省高校重點實驗室主任,中山大學學報(醫科版) 常務編委,癌症雜誌責任編委,中華腫瘤防治雜誌編委,中華腫瘤防治雜誌 編委,世界華人消化雜誌編委。擁有眾多著述。



1997年6月 在中山醫科大學獲得醫學(生物化學專業)博士學位;1999年晉升副教授;2004年晉升教授、博士生導師並獲中山大學教師特別津貼。


1999.1-2002.5期間,在美國進行博士後研究工作並晉升為研究助理教授,研究糖尿病視網膜病的分子機制和治療,成果發表在國際著名雜誌上,如Diabetes,Journal of Biological Chemistry,FASEB Journal 等。




⒈ Xia Yang,Rui Cheng,Chaoyang Li,Weibin Cai,Jian-xing Ma,Qianping Liu,Zhonghan Yang,Zhihong Song,Zuguo Liu,and Guoquan Gao (corresponding author). Kringle 5 of human plasminogen suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma growth both in grafted and xenografted mice by anti-angiogenic activity. Cancer Biology & Therapy,5⑷:399-405,2006. (Impact factor 3.3)

⒉ Qingsong Wang,Xia Yang,Zhonghan Yang,Guoquan Gao (corresponding author). A novel method for expression and purification of human Pigment Epithelium-derived Factor with biological activities in Escherichia coli. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology,36⑵:127-138,2006. (Impact factor 1.0)

⒊ Weibin Cai,Jianfang Ma,Chaoyang Li,Zhonghan Yang,Xia Yang,Wei Liu,Zuguo Liu,Mintao Li,and Guoquan Gao (corresponding author). Enhanced anti-angiogenic effect of a deletion mutant of plasminogen kringle 5 on neovascularization. J Cell Biochem,96⑹:1254-1261,2005. (Impact factor 3.5)

⒋ Gao G,Shao C.,Zhang S.X.,Dudley A.,Fant J,and Ma J-x. Kallikrein-binding protein inhibits retinal neovascularization and decreases vascular leakage. Diabetologia,46,689-698,2003. (Impact factor 5.7)

⒌ Gao G,Li Y,Fant J,Becerra SP,Crosson C and Ma J-x. Difference in ischemic regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor and pigment epithelium--derived factor in brown norway and sprague dawley rats contributing to different susceptibilities to retinal neovascularization. Diabetes,51⑷,1218-1225,2002. (Impact factor 9.1)

⒍ Gao G,Li Y,Gee S,Dudley A,Fant J,Crosson C and Ma J-x. Down-regulation of endogenous VEGF and up-regulation of PEDF: a possible mechanism for the anti-angiogenic activity of plasminogen kringle 5. J Biol Chem,277⑾,9492-9497,2002. (Impact factor 7.7)

⒎ Gao G and Ma J-x. Tipping the balance for angiogenic disorders. Drug Discovery Today,7⑶,171-172,2002. (Impact factor 4.1)

⒏ Gao G,Li Y,Zhang D,Gee S,Crosson CE and Ma J-x. Unbalanced expression of VEGF and PEDF in ischemia-induced retinal neovascularization. FEBS Lett,489,270-276,2001. (Impact factor 3.7)

⒐ Yousufzai SYK,Gao G,and Abdel-Latif AA. Mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors suppress prostaglandin F2a-induced myosin-light chain phosphorylation and contraction in iris sphincter smooth muscle. Eur J Pharmacol,407,17-26,2000. (Impact factor 2.2)

⒑Zhang D,Kaufman PL,Gao G,Saunders RA,and Ma J-x. Intravitreal injection of plasminogen kringle 5,an endogenous angiogenic inhibitor,arrests retinal neovascularization in rats. Diabetologia,44,757-765,2001. (Impact factor 5.7)

⒒Jin J,Guan M,Sima J,Gao G,Zhang M,Liu Z,Fant J and Ma J-x. Decreased pigment epithelium-derived factor and increased Vascular endothelial growth factor in pterygia. Cornea,22⑸:473-477,2003. (Impact factor 1.4)

⒓Zhang S.X.,Sima J,Shao C.,Fant J,Chen Y,Rohrer B,Gao G,and Ma J-x. Plasminogen kringle 5 reduces vascular leakage in the retina in rat models of oxygen-induced retinopathy and diabetes. Diabetologia,47⑴,124-131,2004. (Impact factor 5.7)

⒔Xie Y.,Liu Y.,Ma C.,Yuan Z.,Wang W.,Zhu Z.,Gao G.,Liu X.,Yuan H.,Chen Y.,Huang S.,Wang X.,Zhu X.,Wang X.,Mao Z.,and Li M. Indirubin-3’-oxime inhibits c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase: anti-apoptotic effect in cerebellar granule neurons. Neuroscience Letters,367:355-359,2004. (Impact factor 2.1)

⒕Zhang Z.,Ma J-x.,Gao G.,Li C.,Luo L.,Zhang M.,Chen J. and Liu,Z. Plasminogen kringle 5 inhibits alkali burn-induced corneal neovascularization. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.,46:4062-4071,2005. (Impact factor 3.58)

⒖Zhang,S.X.,Wang,J.J.,Gao,G.,Shao,C. Mott,R.,Longeras,R. and Ma,J-x. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is an endogenous anti-inflammatory factor. FASEB J.,20⑵:32-35,2006. (Impact factor 6.82)

⒗Zhang,S.X.,Wang,J.J.,Gao,G.,Park,K. and Ma,J-x. Pigment epithelium-derived factor downregulates vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and inhibits VEGF-VEGF receptor 2 binding in diabetic retinopathy. J Mol Endocrinol.,37⑴:1-12,2006. (Impact factor 3.85)


⒈ 人纖溶酶原K5及其突變體治療血管增生性疾病的作用及分子機制。高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎自然科學二等獎(2009),第一完成人。

⒉ 人纖溶酶原K5及其突變體治療血管增生性疾病的作用及分子機制。廣東省科學技術自然科學二等獎(2009),第一完成人。




