

松陽洲,男,中山大學生命科學學院院長,教授,博士導師。 美國Baylor醫學院生化和分子生物學系終身教授,分子藥物研發主任,RNAi 中心主任,Huffington 衰老和細胞分子生物學中心,幹細胞和新生醫學中心及Dan L. Duncan腫瘤中心研究員。在過去的十多年,松陽教授在分子細胞學領域的研究中做出了獨創性的貢獻。他對人體細胞端粒調節機理和胚胎幹細胞的蛋白組學和功能性的研究處於國內外相關領域的前沿。



幹細胞生長與分化, 腫瘤生長和人體衰老機制; 細胞端粒的結構、端粒蛋白的功能與作用機理,信號傳導網路,DNA 損傷與修復,蛋白質間相互作用以及功能基因的高通量篩選和鑑定。


1990年獲廣州中山大學生物化學理學學士學位,1995年獲美國波士頓塔夫茲大學生命醫學學院分子和細胞生理學博士學位, 1995年到1998年先後在哈佛大學醫學院細胞生物學系和麻省理工學院(MIT)生物系做博士後工作。1998年在美國貝勒醫學院生化和分子生物學系任助理教授。2004年晉升為終身副教授,2008年晉升為生化和分子生物學系終身教授。同時擔任貝勒醫學院藥學系教授,高通量實驗中心主任,兼Huffington衰老和細胞分子生物學中心,幹細胞和新生醫學中心及D.L. Duncan腫瘤中心研究員。2009年就任中山大學生命科學學院院長。

已發表論文和論著達80篇,在 Nature, Science, Cell, PNAS, Nature Cell Biology, NSMB, Molecular Cell等影響因子大於10的期刊上發表論文逾20篇;總引用次數超過7500次。


曾榮獲Scientist報年度最佳論文獎和Cell雜誌30年最佳30篇文章獎,Irvington Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ellison New Scholar,American Cancer Society Scholar與Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar等榮譽。擔任 Science, Nature, Cell, PNAS和 JBC等國際刊物的審稿人。



1. Songyang, Z., Shoelson, SE, Chadhuri, M., Gish, G., Pawson, T., Haser, WG, King, F., Roberts, T., Ratnofsky, S., Lechleider, RJ, Neel, BG, Birge, RB, Fajardo JE, Chou, MM, Hanafusa, H., Schaffhausen, B. and Cantley, LC (1993) SH2 Domains Recognize Specific Phosphopeptide Sequences. Cell 72, 767-778. (Cell雜誌30年最佳30篇文章之一)

2. Ravichandran KS, Lee KK, Songyang Z., Cantley LC, Burn P, Burakoff SJ (1993) Interaction of Shc with the zeta chain of the T cell receptor upon T cell activation. Science . 262:902-5.

3. Songyang, Z., Shoelson, SE, McGlade, Olivier, JP, Pawson, T., Bustelo, XR, Barbacid, M., Sabe, H., Hanafusa, H., Yi, T., Ren, R., Baltimore, D., Ratnofsky, S., Feldman, RA, and Cantley, LC (1994) Specific Motifs Recognized by the SH2 Domains of Csk, 3BP2, fps/fes, GRB-2, SHPTP1, SHC, Syk and Vav. Mol. Cell. Biol.14, 2777-2785. (Scientist報年度最佳論文獎)

4. Marengere, LE, Songyang, Z., Gish, GD, Schaller, MD, Parsons, JT, Stern, MJ, Cantley, LC, and Pawson, T. (1994) SH2 domain specificity and activity modified by a single residue. Nature 369, 502-505.

5. Songyang, Z., Blechner, S., Hoagland, N., Hoekstra, M. F., Piwnica-Worms, H., Cantley, L. C. (1994) Use of an oriented peptide library technique for determining the optimal substrates of protein kinases. Curr. Biol. 4, 973-982.

6. Songyang, Z., Carraway, KL III, Eck, MJ, Harrison, SC, Feldman, RA, Mohammodi, M., Schlessinger, J., Hubbard, S., Smith, DP, Eng, C., Lorenzo, M. J., Ponder, BAJ., Mayer, BJ, and Cantley, LC (1995) Catalytic specificity of protein-tyrosine kinases is critical for selective signaling. Nature 373, 536-539.

7. Songyang, Z., Lu, KP, Kwon, YT, Tsai, LH, Filhol, O., Cochet, C., Brickey, D. A., Soderling, TR, Bartleson, C., Graves, DJ, DeMaggio, AJ, Hoekstra, M. F., Blenis, J., Hunter, T., and Cantley, LC (1996) A structural basis for substrate specificities of protein Ser/Thr kinases: Primary sequence preference of casein kinases I and II, NIMA, phosphorylase kinase, calmodulin-dependent kinase II, CDK5, and Erk1. Mol. Cell. Biol. 16, 6486-6493.

8. Songyang, Z., Fanning, AS, Fu, C., Xu, J., Marfatia, SM, Chishti, AH, Crompton, A., Chan, AC, Anderson, JM, and Cantley, LC (1997) Recognition of unique carboxyl-terminal motifs by distinct PDZ domains. Science 275, 73-77.

9. Songyang, Z., Baltimore, D., Cantley, L. C., Kaplan, D. R., and Franke, T. F. (1997) Interleukin 3-dependent survival by the Akt protein kinase. PNAS 94, 11345-11350.

10. Liu, D., Yang, X. H., and Songyang, Z. (2000) Identification of CISK, a new member of the SGK kinase family that promotes IL-3 dependent survival. Curr. Biol. 10, 1233-36.

11. Liu, D., Yang, X. H., Yang, D. L., and Songyang, Z. (2000) Genetic screens in mammalian cells using Enhanced Retroviral Mutagens. Oncogene, 19, 5964-72.

12. Songyang, Z., Yamanashi ,Y., Liu, D., and Baltimore, D. (2001) Domain-dependent function of p62Dok in cell signaling. J. Biol. Chem . 276, 2459-65.

13. Xu, J., Liu, D., Gill, G., and Songyang, Z. (2001) Regulation of cytokine-independent survival kinase (CISK) by the Phox homology domain and phosphoinositides. J. Cell. Biol . 154, 699-706

14. Xu, J., Liu, D., Songyang, Z. (2002) The role of asp-462 in regulating akt activity. J Biol Chem. 277:35561-6.

15. Rodriguez M, Yu X, Chen J, and Songyang Z. (2003) Phosphopeptide binding specificities of BRCT domains. J Biol Chem . 278: 52914-8.

16. Rodriguez M, Li, SC, Harper JW, and Songyang Z. (2004) An oriented peptide array library (OPAL) strategy to study protein-protein interactions. J Biol Chem. 279:8802-7.

17. Songyang Z. and Cantley LC (2004) ZIP codes for delivering SH2 domains. Cell . 116:S41-3.

18. OConnor MS, Safari A, Liu D, Qin J, and Songyang Z. (2004) The human Rap1 protein complex and modulation of telomere length. J Biol. Chem. 279(27):28585-91.

19. Liu D, Safari A, O'Connor MS, Chan DW, Laegeler A, Qin J, Songyang Z. (2004) PTOP interacts with POT1 and regulates POT1 telomeric localization. Nature Cell Biol. 6(7):673-80.

20. Liu D, O'Connor MS, Qin J, Songyang Z. (2004) Telosome, a mammalian telomere-associated complex formed by multiple telomeric proteins. J Biol. Chem . 279:51338-42.

21. O'Connor MS, Safari A, Xin H, Liu D, Songyang Z. (2006) A critical role for TPP1 and TIN2 interaction in high-order telomeric complex assembly. PNAS. 103:11874-9.

22. Xin H, Liu D, Safari A, Wan M., Sun W, Kim H, O’Connor MW, and Songyang Z. (2007) TPP1 is a homologue of ciliate TEBP-beta and interacts with POT1 to recruit telomerase. Nature45, 559-62.

23. Chen L., D. Liu, and Songyang Z. (2007) Telomere maintenance through spatial control of telomeric proteins. Mol. Cell Biol. 27: 5898-909.

24. Liang JC, Ma W., Zhang Y., Gu P., Xin H., Jung SY, Qin J., Wong J., Cooney A., Liu D., and Songyang Z. (2008) Nanog and Oct4 associate with unique transcriptional repression complexes in embryonic stem cells. Nature Cell Biol. 10 :731-9.

25. Dejosez M, Krumenacker JS, Zitur LJ, Passeri M, Chu LF, Songyang Z., Thomson JA, Zwaka TP. (2008) Ronin is essential for embryogenesis and the pluripotency of mouse embryonic stem cells. Cell 133:1162-74.

26. Kim H., LeeOH, XinH., ChenLY, QinJ., ChaeHK, LinSY, SafariA., LiuD., and Songyang Z. (2009) TRF2 functions as a protein hub and regulates telomere maintenance by recognizing specific peptide motifs. Nature Struc. Mol. Biol. 16: 372-379.



