1981年清華大學數學專業本科(提前)畢業。畢業後留學美國,先後獲哥倫比亞大學統計學碩士學位、耶魯大學運籌學/管理科學碩士學位、哈佛大學經濟學博士學位。之後任教於史丹福大學、馬里蘭大學、加州大學伯克利分校 。
2018年1月,入選清華大學首批文科資深教授 。
2018年4月起任西湖大學校董會主席 。

第十二屆全國政協委員、第十三屆全國政協經濟委員會委員 。

包括中國人民銀行貨幣政策委員會委員、國家教育考試指導委員會委員、國務院醫改專家諮詢委員會委員、中央企業外部董事專業資格認定委員會委員、中國銀行業實施巴塞爾新資本協定專家指導委員會委員、中國國際經濟交流中心副理事長、經濟學類專業教育指導委員會副主任委員、工商管理專業學位研究生教育指導委員會副主任委員、中國經濟50人論壇成員、中國金融四十人論壇學術委員會主席、中國教育三十人論壇成員、北京大學政府管理學院學術委員會委員、香港科技大學商學院顧問委員會委員、中歐國際工商學院學術委員會委員。 西湖大學創校校董會成員 。

多年來,教育問題一直是中國社會的焦點問題,很早就引起了錢穎一的關注和思考。豐富的求學經歷(清華大學、哥倫比亞大學、耶魯大學、哈佛大學)和執教經驗(史丹福大學、馬里蘭大學、伯克利加州大學、清華大學),讓這位經濟學家深入了解國內外教育的實際情況,中國教育的問題所在,並積極在一所學院探索教育改革的實踐。擔任院長8年多來,錢穎一沒有再帶過一個研究生和博士生,也沒有申請過一個研究課題,而是集中精力,在清華大學經濟管理學院推進教育改革,履行一個院長的職責。( 中華工商時報評)
錢穎一是經濟學家,但在他的筆下和演講中,卻常常高頻次地出現“法治”一詞。十多年來,每當論及經濟“轉軌”和市場經濟,他往往要強調“法治”的不可或缺作用。( 新民晚報評)
結構的調整不僅是三方面比例的調整,背後一定有深層次的原因,需要深層次的改革,那就是要調整政府與居民,與企業,與市場的關係。這個任務不完成的話,結構調整是非常困難的。( 證券時報網 快訊中心)
2012年,錢穎一在中國發展高層論壇上發言認為 ,中國加快經濟結構調整,不僅表現在要解決投資過高、消費過低和經濟成長過度依賴出口三方面的比例失衡問題,還需要推進深層次的改革。( 新華網)

學術榮譽包括計量經濟學會(The Econometric Society)會士(Fellow) 、2009年度孫冶方經濟科學獎獲得者。研究領域包括比較經濟學、制度經濟學、轉軌經濟學、中國經濟。在《美國經濟評論》( American Economic Review)、《政治經濟學期刊》( Journalof Political Econom y)、《經濟學季刊》( Quarterly Journalof Economics)、《經濟研究評論》( Review of Economic Studies)、《經濟研究》等國際國內學術期刊上發表論文多篇。
Articles in Journals
“The Return to Capital in China” (with Chong-En Bai and Chang-Tai Hsieh). Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,2:2006,forthcoming.
“Who Are China’s Entrepreneurs?” (with Simeon Djankov,Gérard Roland,and EkaterinaZhuravskaya). American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,May 2006, 96⑵,pp. 348-352.
“Entrepreneurship in China and Russia Compared” (with Simeon Djankov,Gérard Roland,and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya). Journal of European Economic Association,Papers and Proceedings,April-May 2006, 4(2-3),pp. 352-365.
“Coordination and Experimentation in M-form and U-form Organizations” (with Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu). Journal of Political Economy,April 2006, 114⑵,pp.336-402.

“Regional Decentralization and Fiscal Incentives: Federalism,Chinese Style” (with Hehui Jin and Barry R. Weingast). Journal of Public Economics,September 2005, 89(9-10),pp. 1719-1742.
“Who Are Russia’s Entrepreneurs?” (with Simeon Djankov,Edward Miguel,Gérard Roland,and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya). Journal of European Economic Association,Papers and Proceedings,April-May 2005, 3(2-3),pp. 587-597.
“Attribute Coordination in Organizations” (with Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu). Annals of Economics and Finance,November 2001, 2⑵,pp. 487-518.
"Financial Repression and Optimal Taxation" (with Chong-En Bai,David D. Li and Yijiang Wang). Economics Letters,February 2001,70⑵,pp. 245-251.
"Incentives,Information,and Organizational Form" (with Eric Maskin and Chenggang Xu). Review of Economic Studies,April 2000,67⑵,pp. 359-378..
"The Process of China's Market Transition (1978-1998): The Evolutionary,Historical,and Comparative Perspectives." Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,March 2000, 156⑴,pp. 151-171.
"Reform without Losers: An Interpretation of China's Dual-Track Approach to Transition" (with Lawrence Lau and Gérard Roland). Journal of Political Economy,February 2000, 108⑴,pp. 120-143.
"The Dynamics of Reform and Development in China: A Political Economy Perspective" (with Jean-Jacques Laffont). European Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,April 1999, 43,pp. 1105-1114.
"Why Is China Different from Eastern Europe? Perspectives from Organization Theory" (with Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu). European Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,April 1999, 43,pp. 1085-1094.
"From Federalism,Chinese Style,to Privatization,Chinese Style" (with Yuanzheng Cao and Barry Weingast). Economics of Transition,March 1999, 7⑴,pp. 103-131.
"Federalism and the Soft Budget Constraint" (with Gérard Roland). American Economic Review,December 1998, 88⑸,pp. 1143-1162.
"Public vs. Private Ownership of Firms: Evidence from Rural China" (with Hehui Jin). Quarterly Journal of Economics,August 1998, 113⑶,pp. 773-808.
"Insecure Property Rights and Government Ownership of Firms" (with Jiahua Che). Quarterly Journal of Economics,May 1998, 113⑵,pp. 467-496.

"Institutional Environment,Community Government,and Corporate Governance: Understanding China's Township-Village Enterprises" (with Jiahua Che). Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,April 1998, 14⑴,pp. 1-23.
"Balanced or Unbalanced Development: Special Economic Zones As Catalysts for Transition" (with John Litwack). Journal of Comparative Economics,March 1998, 26⑴,pp. 1-25.
"Innovation and Bureaucracy under Soft and Hard Budget Constraints" (with Chenggang Xu). Review of Economic Studies,January 1998, 65⑴,pp. 151-164.
"Federalism As a Commitment to Preserving Market Incentives" (with Barry Weingast). Journal of Economic Perspectives,Fall 1997, 11⑷,pp. 83-92.
"Pareto-Improving Economic Reforms Through Dual-Track Liberalization" (with Lawrence Lau and Gérard Roland). Economics Letters,1997, 55⑵,pp. 285-292.

"Enterprise Reform in China: Agency Problems and Political Control." Economics of Transition,October 1996, 4⑵,pp. 427-447.
"The Soft Budget Constraint in China" (with Gérard Roland). Japan and the World Economy,1996, 8,pp. 207-223.
"China's Transition to Markets: Market-Preserving Federalism,Chinese Style" (with Barry Weingast). Journal of Policy Reform,1996, 1,pp. 149-185.
"Vicarious Liability Under a Negligence Rule" (with Cyrus Chu). International Review of Law and Economics,October 1995, 15,pp. 305-322.
"Federalism,Chinese Style: The Political Basis for Economic Success in China" (with Gabriella Montinola and Barry Weingast). World Politics,October 1995, 48⑴,pp. 50-81.
"Incentives and Loss of Control in an Optimal Hierarchy." Review of Economic Studies,July 1994, 61⑶,pp. 527-544.
"A Theory of Shortage in Socialist Economies Based on the 'Soft Budget Constraint'." American Economic Review,March 1994, 84⑴,pp. 145-156.
"Why China's Economic Reforms Differ: The M-Form Hierarchy and Entry/Expansion of the Non-State Sector" (with Chenggang Xu). Economics of Transition,June 1993, 1⑵,pp. 135-170.
"M-Form Hierarchy and China's Economic Reform" (with Chenggang Xu). European Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,April 1993, 37,pp. 541-548.
"Equity,Efficiency,and Incentives in A Large Economy." Journal of Comparative Economics,March 1992, 16,pp. 27-46.
"Complementarities,Momentum,and the Evolution of Modern Manufacturing" (with Paul Milgrom and John Roberts). American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings,May 1991, 81⑵,pp. 84-88.
"Urban and Rural Household Saving in China." International Monetary Fund Staff Papers,December 1988, 35⑷,pp. 592-627.
Articles in Books
"How Reform Worked in China?" in Dani Rodrik,editor, In Search of Prosperity: Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth,Princeton University Press,2003,pp. 297-333.
"China's Transition to a Market Economy: How Far across the River?" (with Jinglian Wu),in Nicholas C. Hope,Dennis Tao Yang,and Mu Yang Li,editors,How Far Across the River: Chinese Policy Reform at the Millennium,Stanford University Press,2003,pp. 31-63.

"Government Control in Corporate Governance as a Transitional Institution: Lessons from China." inJoseph Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf,eds., Rethinking the East Asian Miracle.Oxford University Press and the World Bank,2001,pp. 295-321.
"Coordination in Organizations: A Comparative Analysis,” in Mathias Dewatripont,Francoise Thys-Clement and Luc Wilkin,eds., The Strategic Analysis of Universities: Microeconomic and Management Perspectives,Editions de l’Universite de Bruxelles,2001,pp. 9-29.
"The Institutional Foundations of China's Market Transition," in Boris Pleskovic and Joseph Stiglitz,eds., Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1999. The World Bank,2000,pp. 289-310.
"Coordinating Activities under Alternative Organizational Forms" (with Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu),in Eric Maskin and Andras Simonovits,eds., Planning,Shortage and Transformation: Essays in Honor of Jonas Kornai. Cambridge,MA: The MIT Press,2000,pp. 57-80.
"Institutions,State Activism,and Economic Development: A Comparison of State-Owned vs. Township-Village Enterprises in China" (with Barry Weingast),in Masahiko Aoki,Hyung-Ki Kim and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara,eds., The Role of Government in East Asian Economic Development: Comparative Institutional Analysis. Oxford University Press,1996,pp. 254-275.
"Institutional Innovations and the Role of Local Government in Transition Economies: The Case of Guangdong Province of China" (with Joseph Stiglitz),in John McMillan and Barry Naughton,eds., Reforming Asian Socialism: The Growth of Market Institutions. The University of Michigan Press,1996,pp. 175-193.
"Reforming Corporate Governance and Finance in China," in Masahiko Aoki and Hyung-Ki Kim,eds., Corporate Governance in Transition Economies: Insider Control and the Role of Banks. The World Bank,1995,pp. 215-252.
"Financial System Reform in China: Lessons from Japan's Main Bank System," in Masahiko Aoki and Hugh Patrick,eds., The Japanese Main-Bank System: Its Relevancy for Developing and Transforming Economies. Oxford University Press,1994,pp. 552-591.
"Commitment,Financial Constraints and Innovation: Market Socialism Reconsidered" (with Chenggang Xu),in Pranab Bardhan and John Roemer,eds., Market Socialism: The Current Debate. Oxford University Press,1993,pp. 175-189.
Reviews& Comments

The Market Mechanism and Economic Reforms in China(by William A. Byrd,M.E. Sharpe,Inc.), Journal of Comparative Economics,December 1992, 16,pp. 778-780.
"Credible Regulatory Policy: Options and Evaluations" (by Brian Levy),in Robert Picciotto and Eduardo Wiesner,eds., Evaluation and Development: The Institutional Dimension. The World Bank,1998,pp. 196-198.
《現代經濟學與中國經濟改革》(Modern Economics and China’s Reform),中國人民大學出版社,北京,2003年。
“理解現代經濟學”(“Understanding Modern Economics”),《經濟社會體制比較》,北京,2002年第2期。
“經濟學科在美國”(“Economics in the U.S.”),《經濟社會體制比較》,北京,2001年第6期。
“經濟學家市場在美國”(“Economists Job Markets in the U.S.”) ,《經濟學家茶座》,濟南,第九輯(2002年7月)。
“政府與法治”(“Government and the Rule of Law”),《比較》,北京,第五輯(2003年3月)。
“市場與法治”(“Market and the Rule of Law”),《經濟社會體制比較》,北京,2000年第3期。
“激勵與約束”(“Incentives and Constraints”),《經濟社會體制比較》,北京,1999年第5期。
“目標與過程” (“Goals and Processes” ,《經濟社會體制比較》,北京,1999年第2期。
“加入世貿組織後中國金融的穩定與發展”(與黃海洲合著)(“Financial Stability and Development in China After WTO Accession,” with Haizhou Huang),《經濟社會體制比較》,北京,2001年第5期。
“矽谷的故事”(“A Story of Silicon Valley”),《經濟社會體制比較》,北京,2000年第1期。
“第三種視角看企業政府所有制:一種過渡性制度安排” (“Government Ownership as a Transitional Institution”),《經濟導刊》,北京,2002年第5期。
“信息經濟學的奠基人”(“2001 Nobel Laureates in Economics”),《財經》,北京,2001年10月20日刊。
孫冶方經濟科學獎,是為紀念我國卓越的經濟學家孫冶方同志對經濟科學的重大貢獻,表彰和獎勵對經濟科學做出突出貢獻的集體和個人,推動中國經濟科學的繁榮和發展而設立的。孫冶方經濟科學獎於1985年開始設立和評選,每兩年評選、頒發一次,是迄今為止中國經濟學界的最高獎。 |