經濟學博士威斯康星大學-密爾沃基分校,美國 (GPA 4.0/4.0)
經濟學碩士威斯康星大學-密爾沃基分校,美國 (GPA 4.0/4.0)
教授 中國人民大學 漢青經濟與金融高級研究院 2012-
所長 反壟斷與競爭政策研究所
副教授 中國人民大學 漢青經濟與金融高級研究院 2010-12
副教授 中山大學 嶺南(大學)學院 2009-2010
副教授、博導 西南財經大學 經濟與管理研究院 2006-2009
研究生教育主任 西南財經大學 經濟與管理研究院 2006-2007
訪問學者 美國明尼蘇達大學-雙子城分校 2008春
Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Modelling, Economics of Transition, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economic Studies, Journal of Economics, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of Management Studies, Southern Economic Journal, World Economy, 《經濟研究》,《經濟學季刊》等雜誌評審。
“Leadership and Privatization in a Mixed Multi-product Oligopoly: An Endogenous Timing Model,” Australian Economic Papers , Forthcoming. (SSCI)
“Environmental Regulation in a Mixed Economy,” Environmental and Resource Economics, Forthcoming. (SSCI, with Jinhua Zhao)
“Privatization and Merger in a Mixed Oligopoly with Spatial Price Discrimination,” Annals of Regional Science, 2015, 54: 561-576. (SSCI, with W. Wu)
“Per Unit vs. Ad Valorem Royalties under Asymmetric Information,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2014, V.37: 38-46. (SSCI, with J. Heywood and J. Li)
“Mortgage Rate and Choice of Mortgage Length: A Quasi-experimental Evidence from Chinese Transaction-level Data,” Journal of Housing Economics, 2014, V.25: 96-103. (SSCI, with G. Deng and Z. Li. 世界華人不動產學會優秀論文一等獎)
“Managing Service Quality in Multiple Outsourcing,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2014, V.18:125-149. (SSCI, with X. Zhu and S. K. Mukhopadhyay).
“Superstition and "Lucky" Apartments: Evidence from Transaction-level Data,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 2014, V.42: 109-117. (SSCI, with M. Shum and W. Sun)
“Trade Liberalization, Product Complexity, and Productivity Improvement: Evidence from Chinese Firms,” The World Economy, 2013, V.36: 912-934. (SSCI, with M. Yu and B. Qu)
“Role of Demand-side Strategy in Quality Competition,” International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, V.145: 696-701. (SSCI, with S. K. Mukhopadhyay).
“Strategic Delegation in an Experimental Mixed Duopoly,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2013, V.87: 91-100. (SSCI, with N. Du and J.S. Heywood)
“Sequential Entry and Merger in Spatial Price Discrimination,” Annals of Regional Science, 2013, V.50: 841-859. (SSCI, with J. S. Heywood)
“Achieving Demand-side Synergy from Strategic Diversification: How Combining Mundane Assets Can Leverage Consumer Utilities,” Organization Science, 2012, V.23:207-224. (SSCI, with R. Priem and A. Alshwer. 2015 年Emerald 卓越引文獎(Emerald Citations of Excellence Award, 2015), awarded to top articles out of 15,000 based on impact in 3-year period after publication, chosen from top 300 management journals worldwide.)
“Patent Licensing in a Mixed Oligopoly with a Foreign Firm,” Economics Bulletin, 2012, V. 32: 1191-1197.
“Piece Rates for Professors,” Economics Letters, 2011, V.113: 285-287. (SSCI, with J. S. Heywood and X. Wei)
“Patent Licensing in a Model of Spatial Price Discrimination,” Papers in Regional Science, 2011, V.90: 589-602. (SSCI, with J. S. Heywood)
“Optimal privatization in a mixed duopoly with consistent conjectures,” Journal of Economics, 2010, V. 101: 231-46. (SSCI, with J. S. Heywood)
“Mixed Oligopoly and Spatial Price Discrimination with a Foreign Firm,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2009, V.39: 592–601. (SSCI, with J. S. Heywood)
“Mixed Oligopoly, Sequential Entry and Spatial Price Discrimination,” Economic Inquiry, 2009, V.47: 589–97. (SSCI, with J. S. Heywood)
“Partial Privatization in a Mixed Oligopoly with R&D Rivalry,” Bulletin of Economic Research, 2009, V.61: 165-178. (SSCI, with J. S. Heywood).
“Delegation in a Mixed Oligopoly: The Case of Multiple Private Firms,” Managerial and Decision Economics, 2009, V.30: 71-82. (with J. S. Heywood)
“Privatization and Timing in a Mixed Oligopoly with both Foreign and Domestic firms,” Australian Economic Papers, 2009, V.48: 320-32 . (SSCI, with J. S. Heywood)
“市場領導者與行業質量水平:內生質量和時序選擇模型,”《中國管理科學》, 2014, V. 22(8): 141-148. (與王欣合作)
“個人住房貸款行為與房貸調控的有效性分析,”《經濟研究》,2011, (S1):105-115.(與鄧國營、黎志剛合作)
“最優關稅和部分私有化戰略——產品差異的混合寡頭模型,” 《經濟學季刊》, 2010, V.9: 597-608.(與鄧國營合作)
教育部人文社科基金青年項目, 2011.
教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫, 2010.
明德青年學者計畫, 2011.
教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金 2007
世界華人不動產學會, Global Chinese Real Estate Congress,北京,“中央金融調控是否有效影響地方房地產市場?---基於個人貸款決策的微觀證據,”2009.8.(GCREC 優秀論文一等獎)
亞太經濟學會2008年會分會組織者,Asia-Pacific Economic Association Conference, 北京, 寡頭壟斷與公有企業分會, 2008.12.
西部大開發九年評估與展望會發言,西部開發研究聯合體,陝西西安,“Bank Financing and Housing Demand in China: Evidence from Transaction-level Data,” 2008.7.
第72屆美國中西部經濟學年會發言,Midwest Economics Association Conference, 美國芝加哥, “Partial Privatization in a Mixed Oligopoly with R&D Rivalry,” 2008.3.
第七屆中國經濟學年會發言,China Economics Annual Conference, 深圳-香港, “Endogenous Quality Choice and Double Marginalization,” 2007.12.
中國制度經濟學2007年年會 分會主席, 博弈論與制度經濟學分會, 2007.10.
中國留美經濟學會2007中國年會發言,Chinese Economists Society, 湖南長沙, “Leadership and Privatization in a Mixed Multi-product Oligopoly: An Endogenous Timing Model,” 2007.7.
第82屆國際西部經濟學年會發言,Western Economic Association International , 美國西雅圖, “Leadership and Privatization in a Mixed Multi-product Oligopoly: An Endogenous Timing Model,” 2007.6.
國際西部經濟學協會第七屆環太平洋會議發言,Pacific Rim Conference, Western Economic Association International, 北京, “Multi-product Oligopoly and Mixed Oligopoly,” 2007.1.
第六屆中國經濟學年會發言,China Economics Annual Conference, 湖北武漢, “Endogenous Timing in a Mixed Oligopoly with both a Domestic and a Foreign Private Firm”, 2006.12.
社會變遷研討會@美國史丹福大學,Social Change Workshop at the Stanford University, Institute for Humane Study, 2006年夏.
第70屆美國中西部經濟學年會發言,Midwest Economics Association Conference, 美國芝加哥, “Mixed Oligopoly and Spatial Price Discrimination”, 2006.3.
第33屆美國經濟金融學會發言,Academy of Economics and Finance Conference, 美國休斯頓, “Mixed Oligopoly and Spatial Price Discrimination”, 2006.2.
2005年威斯康星大學經濟學研討會發言,Department of Economics Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “Mixed Oligopoly and Spatial Price Discrimination”, 2005 .10.
第69屆美國中西部經濟學年會發言Midwest Economics Association Conference, 美國密爾沃基, “Should Public Firms Maximize Social Welfare?”, 2005 .3.
“萬人計畫”青年拔尖人才計畫 2015
Emerald卓越引文獎 2015
霍英東教育基金獎 2014
明德青年學者 2011
教育部新世紀優秀人才 2010
中山大學“百人計畫”引進人才 中山大學 2009
世界華人不動產學會優秀論文一等獎 2009
校十佳優秀教師 2008
Elliott Award for Excellence in Macroeconomics UW-Milwaukee 2005