
12 Readin 21


出版社: 湖北長江出版集團,湖北教育出版社; 第1版 (2010年4月1日)
平裝: 153頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787535160911, 7535160913
條形碼: 9787535160911
尺寸: 20.6 x 14.4 x 1.2 cm
重量: 159 g


作者:(美國)白安竹(Andrew Bennett)




Unit 1 What great luck!運氣真好!
Unit 2 One more dance?再來一曲?
Unit 3 Office talk辦公室里的閒話
Unit 4 Heavy rain大雨
Unit 5 Waiting for a call等電話
Reading 1 cousin Bob堂兄鮑勃
Unit 6 It's cold in here!這裡好冷!
Unit 7 Almost an accident差點兒出事
Unit 8 You call that fashion?你把那稱為時尚?
Unit 9 Too much pressure壓力過大
Unit 10 After the test考試以後
Reading 2 Basketball with the boss與老闆打籃球
Unit 11 Hurry up!趕快!
Unit 12 On the plane在飛機上
Unit 13 On the beach在海灘
Unit 14 After a great meal美餐一頓以後
Unit 15 Back home回家
Reading 3 Starting a new chapter開始新生活
Unit 16 That's a lot of DVDs!好多碟片啊!
Unit 17 I need a new car.我需要一輛新車。
Unit 18 Tastes in music音樂的品味
Unit 19 Feeling confused感到困惑
Unit 20 Ken or Steve?該選誰呢,肯還是斯蒂夫?
Reading 4 Distractions 煩心事
Unit 21 Let's get started.咱們開始吧。
Unit 22 Neat and messy一個愛整潔,一個很邋遢
Unit 23 Getting help at school在學校得到幫助
Unit 24 What was that noise?那聲音是怎么回事?
Unit 25 The missing essay失蹤的論文
Reading 5 Road trip公路旅行
Unit 26 So much to learn有那么多東西要學
Unit 27 DVDs for rent光碟出租
Unit 28 Big news特大新聞
Unit 29 A picture can say a lot.照片足以說明。
Unit 30 Dreaming of space太空夢
Reading 6 Summer works暑期工作
Reference Answers參考答案
List of Idioms索引


