
clean other season


菜系及功效:家常菜譜 私家菜 私家菜 私家菜 艿芋燜鴨
艿芋燜鴨的製作材料:主料:鴨小半隻斬塊,艿芋蒸熟去皮(生芋削皮時容易引發手癢現象),香菇泡軟,捲心菜(高麗菜) 調料:清水/泡香菇水各一碗,麻油一大匙,米酒兩大匙,辣豆辯醬一大匙,老抽/生抽各一大匙,糖/鹽/味素各少許,薑片,辣椒。 做法 : 麻油燒熱,放進薑片/辣椒片/鴨塊翻炒爆香,注入清水/泡香菇水/米酒燒開後上蓋,轉小火燒煮約60分鐘。加入艿芋/捲心菜/香菇和其它調味料,轉中火繼續燜煮10分鐘。掀蓋轉旺火拌炒至湯汁稠濃即可。


Cuisine and efficacy: Homemade recipe dishes private private private cooking dishes Extensively taro stew duck production materials: Ingredients: Duck cut only less than half block, very typical steamed taro peeled (raw taro itchy peeling phenomenon caused when the easily), soaked mushrooms, cabbage (cabbage) Seasoning: clean water / water, the bowl of mushroom foam, sesame oil 1 tablespoon rice wine, two spoons, hot bean sauce 1 tablespoon debate, dark soya sauce / soy sauce 1 tablespoon each sugar / salt / MSG, the little, ginger, pepper. Practice: Heat sesame oil, put the ginger / chilli / duck pieces fry until fragrant, fresh, cold water / foam mushroom water / rice wine and boil cover and turn a small fire to cook for about 60 minutes. Line joined NAI / cabbage / mushrooms and other seasonings, transfer to continue to simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. Lifting the lid, stir-fry until sauce is thick transfer can be concentrated.

