
Taking Fe, Co, Ni pure metals and Ag - Cu, Ti - Al, Au - Cu systems as examples, the systematic science of alloys has been presented in the monograph , which includes six levels: separated theory of potential energies and volumes for characteristic atoms, valence bond theory of characteristic crystals, separated theory of thermodynamic properties for characteristic crystals, characteristic atom arrangementcrystallographyof alloy phases, thermodynamics of mixed characteristic crystals for alloy phases and comprehensive theory of mixed characteristic crystals for phase transformation, phase equilibrium and phase diagrams. It may be available for reference to graduates, teachers and researchers.
Systematic Science of Alloys and Its Innovation
Chapter I Ideology and Methodology of Systematic Science of Alloys
Theoretical Framework of Systematic Science of Alloys
Development Course of Metallic Materials Science and Evolution of
Human Thinking Mode
Chapter II Systematic Science of Pure Metals--Valence Bond Theory of Characteristic Crystals
Background and Outline of One-atom Valence Bond Theory of Pure
A New Potential Function with Many-atom Interactions in Solid
Electronic Structure and Properties of Pure Iron
Electronic Structure and Properties of Pure Cobalt
Electronic Structure and Properties Ni Metal
Chapter III Systematic Science of Ag - Cu System
Atomic Energies andGibbsEnergy Functions of Ag- Cu Alloys