現為山東大學特聘教授,任中國自動化學會理事(第八,第九屆)中國自動化學會控制理論專業委員會主任,IEEE控制系統學會(CSS)北京分會主席,國際期刊Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 項目主編;現任國際自動化聯合會(IFAC)政策委員會委員,IEEE 控制系統學會(CSS)執委會成員。
任國內系統控制雜誌《控制理論與套用》(英文版)主編、Journal Control of Theory Applications及《控制與決策》副主編、《系統科學與數學》及Systems Science and Complexity雜誌執行編委。曾是國際雜誌Automatica、Asian Journal of Control、International Journalof Mathematical Systems、 Estimation and Control、Control Theorem and Complex、Systems Sciences and Mathematics等多個國際、國內重要學術期刊的Associate Editor。
2005年因其在非線控制理論、控制的數字實現及套用方面的傑出貢獻被當選為美國電氣與電子工程師協會會士(IEEE Fellow),2008年又當選國際自動化聯合會會士(IFAC Fellow)。同時他擔任2009年世界控制與決策會議協主席。

出版專著7部,在IEEE TAC、Automatica、SIAM J Contr. Opt、中國科學等期刊發表學術論文209篇,其中SCI收錄109篇,國內外重要學術會發表論文113篇;
1、*Hongsheng Qi; *Daizhan Cheng; *Hairong Dong,On Networked Evolutionary Games Part 1: Formulation, 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2014), 2014/8/24-2014/8/29, pp 275-280, 開普敦, 2014/8/24, 口頭報告.
2、*Daizhan Cheng; *Fenghua He; *Tingitng Xu,On Networked Evolutionary Games Part 2: Dynamics and Control, 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2014), 2014/8/24-2014/8/29, pp 281-286, 開普敦, 2014/8/24, 口頭報告.
3、*Daizhan Cheng; *Hongsheng Qi; *Yuanhua Wang; *Ting Liu,On Convergence of Evolutionary Games, 第33屆中國控制會議 (CCC2014), 2014/7/28-2014/7/30, pp 5539-5545, 南京, 2014/7/28, 口頭報告.
4、*Daizhan Cheng,On finite potential games, Automatica, 50(7), pp 1793-1801, 2014/7/1.
5、*Daizhan Cheng; Tingting Xu; Hongsheng Qi,Evolutionarily Stable Strategy of Networked Evolutionary Games, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 25(7), pp 1335-1345, 2014/7/1.
6、*Yuanhua Wang; *Ting Liu; *Daizhan Cheng,Convergence of Potential Networked Evolutionary Games, 第26屆中國控制與決策會議(2014 CCDC), 2014/5/31-2014/6/2, pp 3749-3754, 長沙, 2014/5/31, 口頭報告.
7、*Daizhan Cheng; Hongsheng Qi; Fenghua He; Tingitng Xu; Hairong Dong,Semi-tensor product approach to networked evolutionary games, Control Theory and Technology, 12(2), pp 198-214, 2014/5/1.
8、D.Cheng; T.Xu; F.He; H.Qi,On dynamics and nash equilibriums of networked games, Journal on Automatica Sinica, 1(1), pp 32-40, 2014.
9、Y. Zhao, D. Cheng,On Controllability and stabilizability of probabilistic Boolean control networks, Sci. China, Inf. Sci., 57(14), pp 1-14, 2014.
10、D.Cheng; X.Xu,Bi-decomposition of multi-valued logical functions and its applications., Automatica, 49(7), pp 1979-1985, 2013.
11、J.Feng; H.Lv; D.Cheng,MUltiple fuzzy relation and its application to coupled fuzzy control, Asian Journal of Control, 15(5), pp 1313-1324, 2013.
12、D.Cheng; T.Xu,Application of STP to cooperative games, IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, 2013-2013, pp 1680-1685, 浙江, 2013.
13、D.Cheng; F.He; T.Xu,On networked non-cooperate games-A semi-tensor product approach, 2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 2013-2013, Istanbul, 2013.
14、T.Xu; D.Cheng,Receding horizon-based feedback optimization for mix-valued logical networks:the imperfect information case, .32th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2013-2013, pp 2147-2152, 西安, 2013.
15、D. Cheng, X. Xu,Bi-decomposition of multi-valued logical functions and its applications, Automatica, 49(7), pp 1979-1985, 2013.
16、J. Feng, H. Lv, D. Cheng,Multiple fuzzy relation and its application to coupled fuzzy control, Asian J. Contr., 15(5), pp 1313-1324, 2013.
17、D.Cheng, T. Xu,Application of STP to cooperative games, Proc. 10th IEEE ICCA, 2013-2013, 2013.
18、D.Cheng, F. He, T. Xu,On networked non-cooperative games – A semi-tensor product approach, 9th ASCC, 2013-2013, 2013.
19、T. Xu, D. Cheng,Receding Horizon-Based Feedback Optimization for Mix-valued Logical Networks: the Imperfect Information Case, The 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 2013-2013, 2013.
20、Cheng Daizhan; Qi Hongsheng; Zhao Yin,An Intoduction to Semi-Tensor Product of Matrices and its Applications, World Scientific, 2012.
2011年11 月15 日:繼饒毅之後,程代展宣布永不參選中科院院士
本來是一個無名之輩,不幸被城門的火烤著了,賤名也上了新語絲。 一些朋友關心,問我怎么回事。只有一件事可以回答: “本人是託了李世明先生之福,才讀到那封舉報信的。” 其餘一概無可奉告。
程代展, 2011 年 11 月 15 日