

秘密報告(The Secret Speech)是一本文學與虛構類英文小說。蘇聯,1956:史達林死了。隨著他的過世,暴力政權開始斷裂-留下一個社會裡警察正在罪犯,又釘了兩個犯人是無辜的。催化劑時一個秘密的宣言由史達林的繼任者赫魯雪夫分發至整個國家......



英文名:The Secret Speech

出版時間/Publication Date:

頁 數/Pages:453

紙 張/Paper:膠版紙

所屬分類/Category:圖書 > 英文原版書 > Literature & Fiction(文學與虛構類)

圖書 > 英文原版書 > Mystery & Thrillers(神秘與驚悚)

定 價:¥74.50


它的意思:史達林是一個暴君和殺人犯。它的承諾:蘇聯轉型。但是有力量在起作用,無法原諒或忘記那么容易史達林暴政下,需求最為可怕的復仇自然。與此同時,前MGB官員正面臨著自己的Demidov獅子座混亂。這兩位年輕的女孩,他和他的妻子賴莎採用還沒有原諒他對他參與謀殺他們的父母。他們並不孤單。現在,真相大白,利奧,賴莎和他們的家庭都處於嚴重危險之中一個懷恨獅子座。有人轉化成認不出來的完美典範復仇的道路上。從莫斯科的街道上,在政治動盪的痛苦,gulags寒冷的西伯利亞和布達佩斯,在那裡一個革命將會破壞許多無辜的生命作為政權是試圖結束的秘訣,是另一個驚人的演講《孩子》的作者Booker-longlisted 44。


Soviet Union, 1956: Stalin is dead. With his passing, a violent regime is beginning to fracture - leaving behind a society where the police are the criminals, and the criminals are innocent. The catalyst comes when a secret manifesto composed by Stalin's successor Khrushchev is distributed to the entire nation. Its message: Stalin was a tyrant and a murderer. Its promise: The Soviet Union will transform. But there are forces at work that are unable to forgive or forget Stalin's tyranny so easily, that demand revenge of the most appalling nature. Meanwhile, former MGB officer Leo Demidov is facing his own turmoil. The two young girls he and his wife Raisa adopted have yet to forgive him for his involvement in the murder of their parents. They are not alone. Now that the truth is out, Leo, Raisa and their family are in grave danger from someone with a grudge against Leo. Someone transformed beyond recognition into the perfect model of vengeance. From the streets of Moscow in the throes of political upheaval, to the wintry Siberian gulags and to Budapest, where a revolution will destroy as many innocent lives as the regime it is attempting to end, The Secret Speech is another stunning thriller from the author of the Booker-longlisted Child 44.


湯姆搶史密斯出生於一個瑞典母親人次和英語的父親和生活在倫敦,他仍然活著。他畢業於劍橋大學,2001年花了一年時間在義大利創意寫作獎學金。湯姆已經擔任編劇在過去的五年中,包括一個六個月的表現storylining高棉金邊首次在肥皂。他的第一部小說,兒童44歲,是2008人longlisted布克獎,入圍的第一部小說獎和科斯塔德斯蒙德·艾略特成立獎,並獲得了“犯罪作家協會的伊恩·弗萊明鋼匕首獎最佳冒險驚悚小說/ 2008,獲得最佳的美國版初次國際驚險小說獎和最佳初次學部雜誌獎。


Tom Rob Smith was born in l979 to a Swedish mother and an English father and was brought up in London where he still lives. He graduated from Cambridge in 2001 and spent a year in Italy on a creative writing scholarship. Tom has worked as a screenwriter for the past five years, including a six-month stint in Phnom Penh storylining Cambodia's first ever soap. His first novel, CHILD 44, was longlisted for the 2008 Man Booker Prize, shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award and the inaugural Desmond Elliott Prize, and won the Crime Writers' Association's Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award for best adventure/thriller novel of 2008, and the American edition won Best Debut at the International Thriller Awards and Best Debut at the Strand Magazine awards.



