

獨立主格,首先它是一個“格”,而不是一個“句子”,在英語中任何一個句子都要有主謂結構,而在這個結構中,沒有真正的主語和謂語動詞,但又在邏輯上構成主謂或主表關係。 獨立主格結構不是主謂完整的簡單句,而只是一個短語。 其公式為:名詞/名詞短語/代詞+不定式/ing分詞/ed分詞/形容詞/副詞/介詞短語。名詞前也可以加with。








“獨立主格結構”在句中的功能就相當於一個帶有自己主語的狀語從句。眾所周知非限制性從句通常以主句的某一成分作為自己的邏輯主語,從而依附於主句。而有些非限制性從句和無動詞從句帶有自己的主語,在結構上與主句不發生關係,因此成為獨立主格結構。其實,雖然叫做獨立主格結構,並不是真正的獨立,它還是一種從屬分句,在句中有多種作用。如:表原因、表條件、表方式、表伴隨、表時間等,在句中通常起狀語作用。有時還可以做定語 。


1) 表示時間

The meeting being over, all of us went home. 開完會後我們都回家了。the meeting being over相當於when the meeting was over

Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea. 她幹完了活,坐下來喝茶。her work done相當於when her work was done

2) 表示條件

The condition being favorable, he may succeed. 若條件有利,他或許能成功。the condition being favorable相當於If the condition is favorable

3) 表示原因

There being no taxis, we had to walk. 沒有計程車,我們只好步行。There being no taxis相當於Since there was no taxis,

He wrapped her up with great care, the night being dark and frosty. 夜又黑又冷,所以他把她裹得嚴嚴實實的。the night being dark and frosty相當於as the night was dark and frosty

4) 表示伴隨情況

Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all. 幾乎所有的金屬都是良導體,而銀則是最好的導體。(=Almost all metals are good conductors, and silver is the best of all.)

5) 表示補充說明

We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. 我們加倍努力,一個人乾兩個人的活。







獨立主格類型 1 名詞(代詞) + 現在分詞

We shall play the match tomorrow, weather permitting. 明天假設天氣好,我們就進行比賽。

The monitor being ill, we’d better put the meeting off. 班長病了,我們最好還是延期開會吧。

獨立主格類型 2 名詞(代詞) + 過去分詞

The job finished, we went home. 工作結束後我們就回家了。

The last bus gone, we had to walk home. 最後一班公車已經走了,我們必須走路回家。

More time given, we should have done the job much better. 如果給我們更多的時間,我們會把工作做得更好。

獨立主格類型 3 名詞(代詞) +不定式

Nobody to come tomorrow, we will have to put off the meeting till next week. 如果明天沒有人來,我們將把會議推遲到下周。

So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed. 有如此多的人來幫助他,他一定會成功的。

獨立主格類型 4 名詞(代詞) + 介詞短語

The soldiers dashed in, rifle in hand. 士兵們端著槍沖了進來。

A girl came in, book in hand. 一個少女進來了,手裡拿著書。

He was waiting, his eyes on her back. 他在等著,眼睛望著她的背影。

獨立主格類型 5 名詞(代詞) +形容詞或副詞

He sat in the front row, his mouth half open. 他坐在前排,嘴半開著。

She sat at the table, collar off, head down, and pen in position, ready to begin the long letter. 她坐在桌前,衣領已解掉,頭低了下來,拿好鋼筆,準備開始寫一封長信。

獨立主格類型 6 There being +名詞(代詞)

There being nothing else to do, we went home. 沒有別的事可做,我們就回家了。

There being no further business, I declare the meeting closed. 沒有再要討論的事了,我宣布散會。

獨立主格類型 7 It being + 名詞(代詞)

It being Christmas, the government offices were closed. 由於聖誕節的緣故,政府機關都休息。

It being a holiday, all the shops were shut. 由於今天是假日,所有商店都關門了。



It stood silent in the noon sunlight, its door open. 它的門敞開著,立在正午的陽光下。


The men moved slowly forward, neck deep in the water, with their officers guiding them. 在長官的帶領下,這些男人在齊脖深的水裡慢慢地前進著。

Winter coming, it gets colder and colder. 冬天來了,天氣越來越冷了。

The rain having stopped, he went out for a walk. 雨停了,他出去散步。

The question having been settled, we wound up the meeting. 問題解決之後,我們結束了會議。


“Marquis,” said the boy, turning to the man, his eyes opened wide, and his right hand raised. “侯爵,”男孩睜大了眼睛,舉起右手,對那個男人說道。

Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month. 這是前兩卷,第三卷將於下月問世。

We divided the work, he to clean the windows and I to sweep the floor. 我們進行了分工,他擦窗戶,我掃地。

The two boys said good-bye to each other, one to go home, the other to go to his friend’s. 兩個男孩彼此道了別,一個回了家,另一個去了他朋友家。


I followed him here, climbed in, sword in hand. 我手裡拿著劍跟著他爬了進去。

The huntsman entered the forest, gun in hand. 那位獵人手裡提著槍走進了樹林。

He sat at the table, coat off, head down, and pen in hand. 他坐在桌旁,外套脫了,頭低著,鋼筆拿在手中。


Nobody in, the thief took a lot of things away. 沒人在家,賊偷走了很多東西。

Lunch over, he left the house. But he was thinking. 吃過午飯後,他離開了家。但他在沉思默想。


He fought the wolf, a stick his only weapon. 他和狼搏鬥著,唯一的武器是一根棍棒。


He was asleep with his head on his arms. 他枕著自己的胳膊入眠。

With John away, we have got more room. 約翰走了,我們得到了更大空間。


1.獨立主格與狀語從句的轉換:當狀語從句的主語與主句的主語不是指同一個對象時,可用獨立主格結構取代狀語從句,但不再保留連詞。如:After class was over (=Class being over / Class over), the students soon left the classroom.下課後,學生很快離開了課室。

2.不能省略being (having been)的情形:在下列三種情況下,獨立主格結構中的being(或having been)不能省略。

(1)獨立主格的邏輯主語是代詞時。如:It being Sunday, we went to church. 因為是星期天,我們去了做禮拜。

(2)在There being+名詞的結構中。如:There being no bus, we had to go home on foot. 因為沒有公共汽車,所以我們不得不步行回家。

(3)當獨立主格結構中 being done 表示“正在被做時”,being不可省略。

3.通常不用物主代詞或冠詞:在“名詞(或代詞)+介詞短語”構成的獨立主格結構中,一般不用形容詞性物主代詞和冠詞。如: Miss Smith entered the classroom, book in hand.史密斯小姐走進了課室,手裡拿著一本書。比較with的複合結構。如:Miss Smith entered the classroom, with a book in her hand.

4.獨立主格結構沒有所有格形式The chief-editor arriving, we began the meeting. 主編來了,我們開始開會。(比較動名詞複合結構)。



